Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

271 Dragonite VS Garchomp

Early the next morning, Jiang Qing and Dragonite continued to climb the Dragon Mountain, and they were very close to the next Dragon-type Pokémon.

Looking at the ten red dots on the Dowsing Machine, after arriving at Denglong Mountain, the Dowsing Machine always displayed ten red dots. No matter how Jiang Qing moved, it was full of ten red dots.

And each red dot is not small.

That is to say, there are treasures everywhere on the Longshan Mountain. If it wasn't for the fact that the biggest treasure was on the top of the mountain, Jiang Qing would have started his treasure hunt long ago.

"Wait for me, I'll take you all with me soon"

Jiang Qing looked at the red dot on the Dowsing Machine and muttered softly.

Longchi is the top priority, anyway, treasures will not be lost here.

Perhaps with the idea of ​​​​hunting for treasures, Jiang Qing's climbing speed became a lot faster, and the mountain wind also increased with the height he climbed.

Five thousand six "seven two seven" 100 meters Jiang Qing and Dragonite stopped, he already felt a powerful wave of power coming from the forest not far away.

Bang bang bang.

Accompanied by the fall of the large trees with the thickness of the waist, a Garchomp was slowly walking towards them, and the trees in front of it were smashed by it one by one.

This guy doesn't seem to know how to go around, Jiang Qing feels that there is something wrong with Garchomp's mind, and his expression is a little weird.

Garchomp: This human and Dragonite must have been frightened by the way they appeared. I can think of this way of appearing, and I am definitely the smartest dragon on the Dragon Mountain.

Seeing Jiang Qing and Dragonite's inexplicable expressions, Garchomp felt very proud in his heart.

Dragonite: I'm afraid it's not a serious illness.

Garchomp looked at the challengers Jiang Qing and Dragonite, of course, more attention was placed on Dragonite. When he found that Dragonite had not even reached the Elite level, his fierce face showed a puzzled expression.

However, it suddenly found that Dragonite smiled at him, as if to say hello.

Garchomp was about to nod his head, but found that Dragonite had disappeared and was coming towards it, the wind and waves caused by the flapping of its wings, the trees behind it were uprooted.

When I was young, I didn't talk about martial arts and watched fights.

Garchomp released a strong Dragon Pulse, which transformed into an emerald green dragon, with its teeth and claws, its body more than ten meters met Dragonite.

Dragonite, who wanted to take the first shot, didn't expect the opponent's reaction speed to be so fast. It was obviously the first mover, but now it was caught in a passive state.

Dragon Pulse.

Intense Dragon Pulse spews out of Dragonite's mouth.

Feeling the strong dragon origin in the other party's Dragon Pulse, Garchomp's eyes showed a little surprise.

Dragonite, which is not even an Elite, has a dragon origin that is a bit stronger than that of the late Elite. This Nima has eaten a lot of good things.

The source is increased with the increase of Pokémon's strength, but it can also be increased through various treasures.

This source is strong, then the power of the move that uses its own Attribute will also become stronger.

Dragon Pulse vs Dragon Pulse.

Two emerald green dragons Tackle in the air, and the strong dragon-type energy was released instantly like a bomb, and there was a roar in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the air waves formed white circles, and everything around them continued to rupture, collapse, and destroy under the circles.

Jiang Qing had been hiding far away.

With no Pokémon around to protect him, the aftermath of this battle could easily kill him.

He didn't want to bet on the strength of the Mega Pallet Town physique in this situation.

The aftermath is not over yet, Dragonite and Garchomp have collided again, this time it is not a collision of moves, but a violent Tackle between the limbs.

Garchomp's lean body contained immense strength, and the two front wings on his arms were more like sharp axe blades.

The sound of air being ripped apart every time it passed by, a harsh sound, even Jiang Qing, who was far away, showed an uncomfortable expression when he heard it.

Despite its fat body, Dragonite has the reputation of being fat, but it is recognized by the outside world as a flexible and fat man. The small wings behind him are not proportional to the body, but it gives it the ultimate speed and the ability to change direction within a small range.

One Million Punch, One Million Punch, Freezing Punch, Thunder Punch, Brick Break, Dragon Claw

The two Pokémons are constantly using various melee moves, and the steadfast rocky surface is constantly shattering in their battle.

The entire Denglong Mountain is the sound of their fighting at this moment, and its roar resounds through the sky.

But this is just the beginning. With Dragonite, a Dragon Tail slashed Garchomp's body, and it was also bitten on the shoulder by Lu Sa with Crunch.

In an instant, several blood holes appeared on the shoulders, and blood flowed out.

Although Garchomp didn't bleed, it wasn't better than Dragonite, and Dragon Tail's power was more like a heavy hammer hitting it.

If Dragonite is traumatic, it is internal.

Garchomp, who was knocked out by the Dragon Tail, did not know how many trees were broken along the way, and did not stop until the fifth boulder was broken.

The pain in the body is constantly stimulating its nerves along with its breathing, and it is also constantly stimulating its inner ferocity.

Among all the dragon quasi-gods, the three with the worst temper are the three tyrannosaurs, Salamence and Garchomp, but if they are ranked first, they must be the three tyrannosaurs.

After all, because of the relationship between the three heads, this guy is often insane, and he might kill his own trainer.

Garchomp: Today I just want to kill you, or be killed by you.

Between the words, he kicked his feet, and as the Ground shattered, the powerful explosive force gave Garchomp the ultimate speed.

Mingming had just flown out for nearly a thousand meters, but in the blink of an eye, he came to Dragonite, his forewings like a giant axe were raised high, and a strong chill came.

This Garchomp can occupy the middle and second half of Denglong Mountain, and its strength is definitely not to be said, and it definitely has the blood of a lot of dragon-type Pokémon on its hands.

With the extension of the fighting time, its 5.5 fierceness is constantly being stimulated.

The murderous aura on his body is also getting heavier and heavier. If he is replaced by a Normal Pokémon, he will not fight back against the current Garchomp, even standing is difficult.

Between the surging killing intent, the surrounding temperature seems to have dropped by more than ten degrees.

In the whistling wind, Dragonite's calm gaze hides one of the madness, and he is also the quasi-god of the dragon system. My motherfucker will be worse than your Garchomp?

The superpower activated, the arm meridians swelled, and the entire arm instantly thickened. The thick hands pinched Garchomp's arm, and with the bang of the ground below it shattered, and a large amount of gravel splashed out towards the surroundings.

Jiang Qing looked at the tree beside him that had been punched through a hole by the gravel, and cold sweat couldn't help shedding.

In the past few days, Nima has been going back and forth at the gate of hell several times.

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