Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

253 Breaking the rules

Geodude, Graveler, Golem's younger brothers were all defeated by Lucario's hands, and Golem, the leader, had no idea of ​​escaping.

Looking at Lucario with a fierce look on his face, his body turned into a stone ball, and along with the stone ball's rollout, a deep trace was drawn on the hard ground.

Rollout is the longer the time, the stronger the power, if it rolls for five or six minutes, it won't hurt Lucario.

Golem: You go away.

Lucario is currently level 64, in the middle of the quasi-Elite, and his strength is naturally far beyond the scope of the level.

Facing Golem's Rollout, Lucario stepped forward, his body flashed, and the next second he appeared in front of Golem's Rollout.

He stretched out his palm and placed it on Rollout's Golem.

Faced with such a bold move by Lucario, the captain's heart was almost in his throat, he secretly looked at Jiang Qing, but saw that the other party's expression did not change at all.

There was an embarrassment that the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuch was in a hurry.

Facing Golem's Rollout, which was enough to knock down a building, Lucario's palm stuck to it, and Rollout stopped eerily in an instant.

As a burst of white light erupted from the center of Lucario's palm, Golem's body flew out in the next second, and the direction happened to be the mountain on the left side of the Tunnel.

If it hits, the tunnel will probably collapse.

Before Jiang Qing could speak, Lucario used Extreme Speed ​​to disappear in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Golem flying backwards.

When Golem was about to touch it, his body jumped slightly, and then his toes lightly tapped on Golem's body, and the latter's body slammed into the ground below.

Lucario, who had fallen, stood on top of Golem, the opponent's eyes glowing with circles, apparently incapacitated.

The green-qualified Golem, Jiang Qing will not accept it.

"Have you informed the professionals already?" Jiang Qing asked the captain next to him.

The Golem group must be dealt with, otherwise they will be put here, and this kind of thing will happen next time.

So the group either migrated to a certain place as a whole, or conquered them all.

"Notify" "To"

The captain nodded hastily.

Looking at Jiang Qing's too young face, about the same age as his own son, he felt a sense of loss in his heart at the same time as the other party's evildoer.

Then I thought of my son who was idle all day and didn't even get into a university.

Captain: Mother's go back and don't cut off the eight wolves, I have his mother's surname.

Jiang Qing didn't know that because of him, there will be people all over the body today.

"dong dong dong"

There was a sound of heavy footsteps.

The players turned pale when they looked at the huge Aggron, and the Vileplume even fainted from fright.

The captain also looked at Aggron nervously. Could this guy be the final BOOS?

"Didn't I let you watch the train?"

Jiang Qing frowned slightly.

Aggron roared slightly aggrieved, roughly meaning that the train was fine, so I came here.

Such a big man, showing an aggrieved expression, is really difficult for Aggron.

"Don't worry, it's my Pokémon"

Seeing the nervous expressions of the people around, Jiang Qing immediately explained that they had misunderstood.

"Jiang Qing"


At this time, Chai Qianqian, Tao Ran, and three other men also came over, and they were following Aggron.


Lucario returned to Jiang Qing.

“Long time no see Lucario”

Chai Qianqian said happily.

Lucario nodded to him, and he still remembered Jiang Qing's classmates in high school.

"Lucario is so handsome, he is the love of my dreams"

Tao Ran looked at the handsome dog madly.

In terms of appearance alone, Gouzi can indeed rank in the forefront, and is very popular with many Yangou.

"That Golem is their leader."

At this time, Tao Ran saw Golem not far away, showing half of his body.

"Well, thanks to Jiang Qing, this Golem is a quasi-Elite Pokémon, if it weren't for Jiang Qing, we would all be in danger"

The captain looked at Jiang Qing gratefully while still having lingering fears.

"Quite the pinnacle of Elite, Qingdi, won't you accept it?" Tao Ran was surprised.

The surprise is not that Jiang Qing can defeat the quasi-Elite peak, she knows that even Elite Jiang Qing has been defeated, but the surprise is that Jiang Qing did not conquer Golem.

You must know that Golem, the quasi-Elite pinnacle, represents a symbol of wealth and power.

Quasi-Elite is also the only destination that most trainers can reach in this life, not to mention that Golem is still a Pokémon at the peak of quasi-Elite.

“Jiang Qing is of steel”

Chai Qianqian explained on the side.

The other party misunderstood, but Jiang Qing did not explain too much.

When the frontier knew that Golem was the quasi-Elite peak, a strong Covet burst out in his eyes, and he himself was a Rock trainer.

The strongest Pokémon at the moment is also in the early stages of the elite.

If you capture this fainted Golem

Looking at Chai Qianqian, who was very close to Jiang Qing, the jealousy in Bian Jun's eyes became stronger, and his gaze towards Golem became more and more naked.

Lucario noticed the bad guidance of Jiang Qing by the frontier army, and couldn't help but glance at him, and then the latter's eyes were all on Golem, ignoring Lucario at all.

To subdue it, Jiang Qing did not subdue it anyway, to subdue it, I am a quasi-Elite Peak Trainer, at that time the students in the whole school were not my Rivals.

Chai Qianqian will definitely look down on me.

Driven by desire and ambition, the frontier threw a Poké Ball at the fainted Golem.

His actions caught everyone's attention.

66 "Bianjun You"

Tao Ran looked at the border army angrily.

At this time, in the eyes of the frontier, there is only the Poké Ball who has drawn an arc.

Approaching, when Poké Ball was about to touch Golem, a figure appeared on the left side of Poké Ball.

with a snap.

Poké Ball was blown away by this figure.


Naturally, it was Lucario who stopped him.

Seeing this scene, Bian Jun's eyes were instantly congested because of Rage, and he was almost able to subdue that Golem.

However, before he could get angry, Tao Ran gave his body a heavy shove.

"Bian Jun, what are you doing, don't you know this is the Pokémon defeated by Emperor Qing?" Tao Ran said angrily.

"Boy, you broke the rules, do you understand?" the captain said coldly.

Golem was defeated by Jiang Qing, so it should be handled by Jiang Qing. Even if Jiang Qing does not choose to subdue it, but chooses to give it away or release it, then Jiang Qing has the final say.

But without Jiang Qing's consent, the frontier threw the Poké Ball to capture Golem.

The theft is no different.

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