Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

252 Jiang Qing: Xia Guo's famous double standard

Just when the captain was about to be buried by Rock Throw, Lucario suddenly came to his side, jumped up, and punched upwards continuously.

Every punch has a speed comparable to the speed of sound.

In the blink of an eye, the mid-air Rock Throw was knocked out by Lucario.

Lucario landed dashingly.

The captain swallowed hard, looked at Lucario in shock, and kept whispering: "So strong!"

Lucario's performance also stunned the Gravelers and their leader, Golem.

In Golem's Growl, dozens of Gravelers suddenly returned to its side.

Without Graveler, the pressure on the ten guards was greatly reduced, and even Geodude had already retreated.

"what happened?"

"Did the captain beat that Golem already?"

"There's a Lucario over there, when did the captain capture such a rare Pokémon?"

"Stupid, I didn't see that there was another person beside the captain, that Lucario must be his Pokémon"

The team members talked a lot, and most of their faces were filled with confusion and joy for the rest of their lives.


The captain said to Jiang Qing who had already walked to his side.

Looking at Jiang Qing's extremely young face, the captain felt a little dazed. He seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

Jiang Qing nodded.

Looking at Golem and dozens of Gravelers not far away, it's no wonder the guards on the train didn't solve the trouble.

The strength of this Golem is already at the peak of the quasi-Elite, plus dozens of elite-level Gravelers, this lineup is really not something this person can deal with.

"Extrreme Speed" Jiang Qing said lightly.


Lucario let out a low moan, his body turned into a streamer, and the speed was so fast that the naked eye couldn't catch it.

The Gravelers noticed that Lucario had suddenly disappeared, and looked around in a panic.


In the next second, a Graveler was knocked into the air.


"bang bang bang"

The sound of being knocked into the air came, and the members of the guard team and the captain opened their eyes wide, watching the Gravelers being knocked out.

But not even Lucario's shadow could be seen.

In less than thirty seconds, dozens of Gravelers were eliminated by Lucario.

Lucario's body reappeared before everyone's eyes.

One of the Fighting trainers in the guard team looked at Lucario with bright eyes.

"Sure enough, I said that the Fighting department is the strongest. Have you seen it? This is the proof."

"Who is that young man, his Lucario is terrible, I feel like he can kill Captain's Ampharos in one second"

"Qingdi, you don't even recognize it. You fake fan, you said you were a fan of Qingdi before."

The team member's face suddenly turned red, and he stiffened his neck and said: "Isn't this not seeing the face, whoever looks at the back can recognize it"

"Real fans can recognize them even by looking at their toes"

Jiang Qing: This year's fans are so amazing.

Dozens of little brothers were solved by the guy in front of him, Golem stepped forward and roared.

Golem: Can I leave now?

Jiang Qing:(-_-)º

Lucario: (ㄥ)?

Nima, really said the most cowardly words in a tough tone.

Golem said that he couldn't beat Lucario at all, wouldn't it be silly to be beaten in vain.

Lucario: How could the experience points you get let you go.

Golem saw that Lucario didn't want you to go, and he had no idea of ​​running away. With the speed that the other party just showed, he couldn't run away at all.


Golem roared loudly, and in addition to the fallen Graveler, the remaining hundreds of Geodude rushed towards Lucario.

And its roar was also heard by Geodude near the train.

Originally these Geodudes could not move due to Aggron's breath, but the leader's orders forced them to move forward.

"Why are they moving again?"

Looking at the Geodudes coming towards them, the five Tao Ran, who had relaxed their vigilance, were suddenly shocked.

But in the next second, Aggron, who was standing at the front, moved, and his huge body took a step forward. As the Ground vibrated slightly, some of the Geodude who rushed in front of that hideous face suddenly hesitated.

It was a pity that it was too late, and an aquamarine Dragon Pulse charged towards Geodude like a flood of incomparable violent energy.

In an instant, most of the dense Geodude was cleaned up, and the remaining Geodude was also injured by the aftermath of Dragon Pulse.

With one skill, nearly 200 Geodudes fell to the ground.

Although the opponent's level is indeed relatively low, Aggron's power is beyond doubt.

"good - great"

After this scene, Tao Ran and the others were dumbfounded.

"Aggron is so powerful, I don't know how strong Qingdi's Metagross will be," said a boy full of admiration.

"How did Aggron move forward"

After the battle, Aggron did not stop, but walked in the direction where Jiang Qing left just now.

"Definitely looking for Emperor Qing, let's go too," Tao Ran said.

Except for the boy who was not friendly to Jiang Qing because of Chai Qianqian, the other three nodded.

Geodude has been solved, and the hidden dangers around the train will naturally disappear.

They wanted to see what Jiang Qing was fighting.

So the five followed behind Aggron and walked in the direction of Jiang Qing.

On the train side, many passengers saw the scene of Aggron killing nearly 200 Geodudes with one blow through the windows, and 717 was very excited.

Many people have captured this scene with their cell phones.

The fast action has been sent to the vibrato.

There are a few well-known Internet celebrities, but once they were released, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Such a big Aggron must be very edible"

"That's why I don't take Aggron"

"Please, why does this Aggron grow so big?"

“Totem Pokémon upstairs to find out”

"My dad is a shareholder of Penguin Group, and 3 billion bought this Aggron"

"Jiang Qing: Would you like to buy Metagross?"

A certain second-generation was taken aback for a moment, and only after reading the comments did he realize that this Aggron belonged to Jiang Qing, and immediately deleted his comment.

Looking at the more than 100 Geodudes rushing over, Lucario folded his hands, and then a silver-white light beam burst out from the fold.

The beam went from left to right, just like cutting wheat, and the Geodudes all fell down.

After a few breaths, the Geodudes all fainted.

However, there is no death situation. For wild Pokémon, Jiang Qing will not kill them on the premise that they do not harm humans and themselves.

Although Graveler nearly killed Raichu just now.

But Raichu isn't his own Pokémon, he'll die if he dies.

Jiang Qing: Xia Guo is famous for double standards.

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