Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

136 Two-School Exchange Competition

"Little Qing'er, the reward has been handed out. I told the trainer association about your request, and they agreed."

"Really little girl, when can you come and get it?"

"After a while, that Pokémon's mother, its Trainer is not a Normal"

"Okay, I'll be busy first, and I'll send it to you when Pokémon arrives"


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Qing said to Slowking, who was looking at him curiously, "Damn, there will be new partners in a while."

"Yeah dong"

Slowking nodded.

The Xia Kingdom Trainer Association stipulates that anyone who finds an unrecorded Pokémon or a new evolution of Pokémon.

It can be rewarded with three access to a high-level Rift, or a Pokémon with a cyan aptitude.

Jiang Qing discovered Slowpoke's new evolutionary form, Slowking, "Six Four Seven", so he would naturally be rewarded by the Trainer Association. Jiang Qing chose a Pokémon with cyan qualifications at that time.

The reason why he didn't choose three advanced Rifts is very simple, because he currently only has one Pokémon with a quasi-Elite level, and it is still Steelix who has not been conquered for a long time.

Other Pokémon, whether it is Metagross or Dragonite, are elite peaks, although they have a fighting power that exceeds the normal quasi-Elite.

But in the advanced secret realm, there are Elite Pokémon, and there are many dangers, so Jiang Qing wants to wait for Metagross to become a quasi-Elite before entering the advanced secret realm.

And originally, he had two places to enter the advanced secret realm, one was the reward when he won the silver provincial high school league individual championship, and the other advanced secret realm was given by Imperial College for Jiang Qing to join their school. One of the benefits.

Therefore, he has not used the two opportunities to enter the advanced secret realm, so there is no need to continue to choose the advanced secret realm.

Instead, it is more appropriate to choose a Pokémon with cyan qualifications.

Normal discovered a new evolutionary form of Pokémon. If the discoverer chooses a Pokémon with a cyan qualification, the Trainer Association will give him three cyan qualification Pokémon with Species Strength not less than 500, and the other party can only choose one of them.

Jiang Qing's grandfather is a top Elite, and his sister-in-law is a well-known scholar. With a little operation, it is still possible to designate a Pokémon with cyan qualifications.

After breakfast, Jiang Qing took Metagross, Steelix, Dragonite and Lucario four Pokémon, while the other Pokémon stayed in the villa.

Growlithe wagged his tail and insisted that he wanted to go to school with Jiang Qing, but was sternly rejected by Jiang Qing.

After appeasing Growlithe, Jiang Qing left the villa, but instead of going to the special recruit class, he walked toward the east side of the battlefield.

By the time Jiang Qing walked to the opposite battlefield, the people from the special recruit class had almost arrived.

"Where's Teacher Fang?"

Jiang Qing did not see the head teacher Fang Xian.

"Teacher Fang has gone to pick up Shuimu's students," Shen Yu said.

At this time, Lin Xiu came over and said eagerly: "Brother Jiang, don't take action at that time, let me deal with it, but Teacher Fang said that there are 300 credits for winning a game."

Shuimu University and Imperial Capital University were the top universities in the Xia Kingdom, and because they were both in the Imperial Capital, the relationship between the two universities was extremely poor.

For the students that your Imperial Capital University is interested in, I must snatch it from Shuimu University, and what your Imperial Capital University cannot do, I will definitely do it in Shuimu University.

The reverse is also true.

From the beginning, the two schools poached and robbed each other, and now they have upgraded to bring new students over every year for "communication".

Last year, Tedo University brought freshmen to Shuimu University for "exchange" and this year, Shuimu University brought freshmen to Tedu University for "exchange"

The annual freshman exchange competition between the two schools is also talked about by the outside world, and the students of the two schools are naturally more interested in this matter.

There were already students of all grades standing around the battle arena, and it was not limited to Imperial University. There were more or less students from the dozen or so universities in the entire Imperial Capital. Of course, the most students from other schools must be Shuimu next door. the University.

"The environment of Imperial College is like this. Fortunately, I didn't come here at that time."

"Brother listen to you, do you also belong to Shuimu University?"

"Bah, you Shuimu are also suitable, I am from Imperial College of Technology"

"Why do the engineering class come here?"

"Look at the girls, I heard that a lot of girls from the art academy have come here to watch the battle."

Jiang Qing did not expect that this exchange competition would attract so many people, and the entire battlefield was full of people.

No wonder I chose a battleground with auditoriums, so many people came here..

"Brother Jiang, look, look, there are a lot of beautiful girls from the art academy who are cheering us on"

Lin Xiu suddenly pulled Jiang Qing and pointed to the north of the auditorium. There were almost a hundred girls dressed in cool clothes, holding up "Shui Mu, only my emperor", "The emperor will not fall, Shuimu will always be the prince" and "Emperor University". YYDS” and other seven or eight banners.

The girls from the Academy of Arts basically contracted the cheerleading teams for all the events of the Imperial University.

On the other hand, the cheering team of Mizuki University also came, but the number was not as large as that of Teidu University.

"How many people came to the Shuimu University Exchange Competition?" Jiang Qing asked.

"Brother Jiang, can't you, you don't even know about it"

"Um-ten people"

Being stared at by Jiang Qing, Lin Xiu didn't dare to be on the skin, and replied immediately.

The students in the freshman exchange competition of the two schools are all from the special recruitment class.

Soon Fang Xian came over with ten people from the special class of Shuimu University, along with the head teacher of the special class of Shuimu University, who was also an Elite Trainer.

Jiang Qing and the others looked at the ten people, and the latter was also looking at them.

"Jiang Qing seems to be Ouyang Chongshan"

Shen Yu suddenly saw a more familiar face among the ten people.

"Shen Yu, you and Jiang Ge know him, are they your former classmates?" Lin Xiu asked.

"No, it was Rival in the high school league, who was defeated by Jiang Qing one-on-one," Shen Yu said.


Hearing this, Lin Xiu suddenly looked at Ouyang Chongshan with the expression that you are a weak chicken.

Being 1v3 by Jiang Ge is really rubbish. I was defeated by Jiang Ge 1v1.

Ouyang Chongshan's attention was originally on Jiang Qing, but this time he came with the belief of Retaliate, but was attracted by Lin Xiu's awkward expression.

Ouyang Chongshan: What are you looking at?

Lin Xiu: look at you

Under eye contact, an invisible electric current Tackle in mid-air.


"main mission"

"Skilled the audience and defeated everyone in the Shuimu Exchange Competition"

"Reward: Mewtwo Fragment X3, Golden Legendary Fragment X2, Points 5000"

This reward!!

Come on, I'm going to burn.

Jiang Qing, whose face was calm, suddenly showed a fierce fighting spirit.

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