Jiang Qing's super-strong force value, one person overwhelms the entire Fighting class, and soon spread in the Imperial University.

And it also attracted a lot of sophomores and juniors to challenge Jiang Qing, without exception, they were all defeated by Jiang Qing.

In the end, even the president of the Fighting Club came to challenge Jiang Qing. The opponent's ability was really good. It took Jiang Qing five rounds to win him.

As far as Jiang Qing's physique is concerned, even if he doesn't learn Bajiquan, he can easily overwhelm most martial artists with the powerful strength, speed, reaction ability, physical strength, etc.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Qing was regarded as the leader of Imperial University's military force, and everyone was amazed that Jiang Qing was not only powerful in Pokémon, but even his own military force was outrageous.

The arduous military training has finally come to an end, and the freshmen have finally entered the normal class period.

The teaching of the special class is different from the teaching of the ordinary class.

Ordinary classes are assigned according to their respective attributes. For example, if you are a Fire Type Trainer, you will enter the Fire Type class, and the Water Type will be the Water Type class.

Therefore, the students in each class of the ordinary class have the same Attribute, which greatly reduces the difficulty of teaching, and the communication between students with the Attribute is also more convenient.

Although there are only 30 people in the special recruit class, there are trainers of 18 kinds of Attributes, which makes the teaching difficult.

There is no way to let a teacher specializing in Water Type come to the stage to teach, and the students below except Water Type - don't need to listen.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the students of the special admission class have the full strength to attend any class in the whole school.

Any class, any grade.

Even if you think you can understand what the freshman teacher said, you can choose to listen to the sophomore teacher's class.

From Monday to Friday, the students of the special admission class choose the courses they want to listen to.

On Saturday, the head teacher Fang Xian gave them a one-on-one individual match. Rival was Fang Xian. There was an Elite Trainer among Rivals, and this treatment was only available in the special recruit class.

High school was on two days off, even the third year of high school was on two days off. In college, it became a single off day. At that time, Jiang Qing complained fiercely in his heart.

The special admissions class does not require you to attend the class, so even if you do not attend the class for a week, there is no penalty, as long as the final exam result is passed.

Except for the classes of the special admission class on Saturday, which must be attended, other courses are up to you, and the degree of freedom is quite high.

For example, Jiang Qing, who went to a class today in the past five days.

And it's not a steel course, but a fire course, and this class is naturally for Growlithe to listen to.

In the freshman fire class, Jiang Qing sat in the last row, and many students in the fire class frequently looked back, looking curiously at the freshman chief, the werewolf of the Fighting class.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but in this fire class, Jiang Qing felt that the temperature was much higher than outside.

The fire, water, grass and three types are the most among all trainers. Among the ten trainers, at least five are water, fire and grass three types.

There are 50 students in a normal class, which is only 20 more than the recruited class.

Although it is an ordinary class, this ordinary class is an ordinary class of Imperial Capital University. Every student here is ranked in the top 50 of their respective provinces in the college entrance examination.

With such a high admission score of Imperial Capital University, everyone who passed the college entrance examination was a scholar-level figure.

The lecturer is a professor in his 60s. His Trainer rank is only elite, but he has a lot of knowledge about fire elements. He is a well-known fire element researcher.

Because he was born in a steel family, Jiang Qing knows the steel very well, followed by the dragon, and other attributes are somewhat lacking.

Growlithe has eaten the fire spar, a fire-type treasure, and his future achievements are limitless, so he is very attentive to his training Jiang Qing.

"Apart from using props regularly to increase the power of fire-type moves, do you know what other methods are there?" the old professor asked on the stage.

"Use Sunny Skills"

"Hmmm one"

"Blessing the Fire Type on the battlefield"


"Do you only know these two?" the old professor asked.

The students of the Fire Element class looked thoughtful and wanted to come up with a third one, but it seemed that there were only three known ways to increase the power of Fire Element moves.

"Whether it's a sunny day skill or a Fire Type on the battlefield, the increase in the power of fire-type moves is temporary."

"And props add fire-type moves. You can use props, and Rival can also have props. In this way, neither side has any advantage."

The old professor's tone was slow, and he didn't even open the book, and then he continued to ask: "Do you know which of the fire-type Pokémon known so far, which fire-type Pokémon Spit Up has the highest flame temperature?"

...for flowers ·


A student said excitedly.


The old professor looked at each other blankly.

Another hot-blooded idiot.

"It's Magmortar, Magcargo, Camerupt and Torkoal after eating coal, these four Pokémon Spit Up have the hottest flames"

"Do you know why?"

"I know, Torkoal eats coal to get the flame temperature high"

The same Trainer who just said Charizard stood up again.

"Well, you are very smart," the old professor said lightly.

The smartest person in this class is probably him.

After being "praised" by the old professor, he sat down happily.

"Why are the other three Pokémon flames so hot, do you know?"

No one answered, and many students were flipping through the book, trying to find the answer from the book.

"Jiang Qing, do you know?" the old professor asked.

"Magmortar and Magcargo are both Pokémon that live in the mouth of Volcano, where Magmortar can live in magma"

"The Volcano on the back of Camerupt is said to erupt once every ten years, and the temperature exceeds 10,000 degrees. Its flame temperature is high, which should be because of the Volcano on the back"

Jiang Qing said after thinking for a moment.

The old professor nodded with satisfaction: "It's very accurate. Magmortar and Magcargo live in the mouth of Volcano, so their flame temperature is very high."

"Camerupt is Volcano on his back"

"The former two are due to long-term living in a place rich in fire elements, while the latter is due to body structure, one is an external factor, the other is an internal factor"

"Teacher, did that make me Charizard stay at the mouth of Volcano, and its flame temperature will become higher?" It was the smart one who spoke.

The old professor said: "It takes time, at least ten years or more, otherwise it will only stay for a while, and it will not be able to improve the origin of the fire element in the fire element Pokémon."

"Ten years, it's been so long, teachers can't do it for ten days."

Old professor: (;)?

The old professor: "What's your name, this classmate?"

"Teacher my name is A.J"

"A.J you get out of here" dies.

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