Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1352 Eight Versus Eight

Although Champion Lu Wan didn't know Jiang Lan's inner thoughts, he still understood the other person's eyes and felt depressed.

As a champion born as a commoner, Champion Lu Wan is the idol in the hearts of most civilian trainers. They all think that like Champion Lu Wan, they can rise up and become the second civilian champion.

But what they don't know is that there are too many things along Champion Lu Wan's journey that cannot be copied.

He would not say that when he first debuted, he saw two quasi-Elites fighting each other over a Pokémon egg in a secret realm, and both died in the end.

Instead, he became the final winner. This Pokémon egg has cyan qualifications and looks like an Elite.

Holding the Elite Pokémon egg in his hand, Champion Lu Wan made a different decision than most people. He did not choose to keep the Pokémon egg, but instead sold it.

Because he knew very well that he couldn't keep the Pokémon egg at all, and it would definitely bring death to him in the end.

Relying on the Pokémon eggs sold, Champion Lu Wan gained a lot of wealth, and the accumulation of Primal funds was initially completed.

He will not tell you that during the rise, he was valued by Jiang Gangjiang and Jiang Oreburgh's father, and 690 made an investment.

Coupled with the opportunities he encountered, he became a champion and the idol in the hearts of countless civilian Trainers.

But only he knows that there are too many things in his journey that cannot be copied.

It is basically impossible for a civilian to become a champion a second time.

As a civilian champion, he has a small family, so in order to expand his family, Champion Lu Wan and his wife are crazy about making babies.

With the increase in population, the family has indeed prospered. Unfortunately, the strongest among the sons is currently at the Elite peak, and none of the grandchildren impress him.

I have dozens of sons and grandsons, so why can't I compare to the Jiang family's single seedling?

There are very few people who know that he has ever been supported by the Jiang family.

Even Jiang Qing himself didn't know.

But Jiang Qing's trip to Xiangjiang several years ago ended up in a fight with Groudon. In order to allow Jiang Qing to escape unscathed, Jiang Gangjiang, as the great elder, asked Champion Lu Wan to go to the Altar of Heaven to summon Rayquaza.

You must know that except for Jiang Qing, if other champions summon a level one god, they are basically dead.

Moreover, Champion Lu Wan’s (aied) family has just been established for a few decades. Apart from him, the strongest member of the family is Elite. There is no way he can defend this family. If he dies

Although not all of the family he built will collapse, most of it will collapse.

But when faced with Jiang Gangjiang's order, Champion Lu Wan agreed without even thinking.

In addition to the great righteousness of being a champion, there are also natural reasons why he should not change his family ties.

In the East African Region, watching Jiang Qing summon a total of seven first-level gods, even the master who had great confidence in the demon god Hoopa was a little confused and uncertain at this moment.

She couldn't help but look at the demon god Hoopa, but she happened to see him laughing.

"Very good. Do you think you can defeat me if you have more helpers?"

"As far as help is concerned, I am no less helpful than you."

"Today I will let you see my Hoopa's strength and let you know what despair is."

As he spoke, the golden circles on Hoopa's six arms flew directly into the air. As the golden circles suddenly enlarged, waves of powerful energy also appeared from the golden circles.

People in various countries thought Hoopa was going to launch an attack, but when they saw a giant red beast stepping out of the first golden circle, their expressions changed.


The God of Earth, Groudon, stepped out of the golden circle and let out a thunderous roar at Kyogre in front of him.

As for Rayquaza, well, can't see me, can't see me.

Then in the second golden circle, Dialga.

The third golden circle, Palkia

The Fourth Golden Circle, Giratina

The fifth golden circle, Phoenix

The Sixth Golden Circle, Zygarde

A total of six first-level gods appeared in front of Hoopa.

Even the famous Three Dragons of Time and Space appeared.

Except for Groudon, whose strength is in the mid-to-late stage of the first-level god, the Three Dragons of Time and Space and Zygarde are in the late-stage of the first-level god, while Phoenix's strength is at the peak of the first-level god.

At this moment, the world lost its voice again.

Because Jiang Qing summoned seven first-level gods, I thought that this battle called the end of the world should be stable, but before I was happy for a few minutes, Hoopa also summoned six first-level gods.

Counting Hoopa himself, that's seven comparisons.


But it wasn't over yet. With a cry, Yveltal, the God of Death, appeared, looking at Jiang Qing below with cold eyes.

Hoopa had previously released his breath to destroy all life within a radius of 20 million kilometers, and the souls of these lives were all absorbed by Yveltal.

Therefore, the injuries caused by Jiang Qing in the past not only healed, but its strength even improved by one level.

Now it's eight versus seven, and one Jiang Qing is missing in terms of quantity.

"Your Rival is me"

Xerneas appeared from nowhere and stared at Yveltal Soaring in the sky.

Eight versus eight, tie.

【No, my heart can't stand the work anymore.

[Hoopa’s golden circle can actually summon a level one god. Is this its ability?]

[The situation that was good just now has completely disappeared now]

[Many first-level gods have not appeared in the past hundreds of years, but now they all appear

[There are exactly sixteen first-level gods here, all discovered by humans or not discovered]

[Ah ah ah, why are these first-level gods standing in front of Hoopa? I wonder if it is a bad guy]

[It should be caused by Hoopa's ability. Look at Groudon dare to stand opposite Rayquaza. This is obviously not working properly.

Although the words are ridiculing, the fact is true.

Hoopa, who possesses mid-level world-destroying strength, can summon all first-level gods whose strength is inferior to it with its golden circle, and these first-level gods will have to fight for it during this period.

This ability is extremely heaven-defying.

"Hahaha, how about Jiang Qing"

Hoopa looked at the seven first-level gods in front of him. Six of them were summoned by it. Yveltal took the initiative to stand on his side because of his grudge against Jiang Qing.


Jiang Qing nodded with an unchanged expression. After all, he had known about Hoopa's ability for a long time, so he was not surprised at all that it summoned a first-level god.

Phoenix, Three Dragons of Time and Space, Zygarde, Jiang Qing looked at the four first-level gods in front of her with gleaming eyes. The first four had been discovered by humans long ago, but this was the first time to see Jiang Qing with her own eyes.

As for Zygarde, he had not been discovered. He had probably been sleeping in some secret realm or ruins. Now he was directly summoned by Hoopa, his expression was somewhat confused.

Among them, the figure of the phoenix is ​​the most beautiful.

This time it did not carry a camera, but personally participated in this unprecedented battle. .

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