Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1351 Jiang Qing’S Harem Group

"Jiang Qing, today you will know how powerful the Demon God is."

The master below was arrogant and proud, and the presence of the demon god Hoopa gave her great confidence.


Jiang Qing didn't know whether it was true or not. The Poké Ball on his waist automatically opened in the next second.

"Bang bang, bang bang"

Four voices sounded.

Then I saw the black dragon Zekrom, the white dragon Reshiram, the ice dragon Kyurem, and the three dragons Fly in front of Jiang Qing.

Below is the giant body of Regigigas standing quietly.

Regigigas Jiang Qing has not been conquered. The reason why it came out of the Poké Ball is just because it is easy to carry.

The three dragons of the Tao are all at the peak of the first-level gods at this moment. Originally, Kyurem was only a late-stage god of the first-level. Later, Jiang Qing completed a hidden task and rewarded four magical hurricanes that can be used by the tenth-level gods.

Jiang Qing naturally gave all four Rare Candy to Kyurem, pushing its level from the late stage of a first-level god to the peak of a first-level god.

It's a pity that this Rare Candy cannot be used to break through the bottleneck of the first-level god, otherwise the black and white Opelucid would have become the world-destroying level.

The Three Dragons of the Way are at the peak of the first-level gods, while Regigigas is at the late stage of the first-level gods.

Jiang Qing also had Deoxys, a mid-level level 1 god, but in this situation, Deoxys was really useless, so Jiang Qing did not send it out.

"Regigigas, you delivered it to your door yourself, hahaha, I'll go find you instead",

Although Demon God Hoopa was surprised by the strength of the first-level god of the Three Dragons of the Way, he focused more on Regigigas.

The other party was one of Imprison's own four first-level gods.

After breaking through Imprison and having a huge improvement in strength, Demon God Hoopa wanted to get back to where he was before.

Before it even started to take action, Regigigas took the initiative to deliver it to the door.


The indicator light on Regigigas kept flashing, recalling the scene where he and Xerneas, Lugia and Mew joined forces to imprison the demon god Hoopa.

"Jiang Qing, I'm here"

Along with waves, Kyogre was seen riding the waves and came behind Jiang Qing.


The golden light like the sun appeared, and even Demon God Pa subconsciously narrowed his eyes due to the dazzling light.

When the light dissipated, the lion-like Solgaleo was already beside Jiang Qing.


There was another burst of sound, and the dragon's roar resounded throughout the world. Among the clouds, the green Rayquaza was looming. As the clouds dispersed, Soaring in the sky's Totem, Rayquaza officially appeared.

The Three Dragons of the Way are at the peak of the first level god, Rayquaza is at the late stage of the first level god, and Solgaleo, Kyogre and Regigigas are at the late stage of the first level god.

At this moment, a total of seven first-level gods have descended into the world, and their existence supports Jiang Qing's normal figure that is like a god, a demon and a fairy.

At this moment, the whole world was collectively speechless.

The three dragons of the Tao may be domineering, elegant, or cold.

Rayquaza's violence, Regigigas's calmness, Solgaleo's handsomeness, why is this guy Kyogre a little scared.

Kyogre: This damn instinct, even though I'm teammates with the big Catterpie, I still can't help but be scared when I see it.

Go ahead, go ahead, what is it looking at me for? It doesn’t want to come over and beat me up.

Kyogre's body moved back slightly, right behind Jiang Qing, as if this could give it a sense of security.

Rayquaza: Damn useless.

Withdrawing his gaze, Rayquaza looked at the demon god Hoopa in front of him, feeling his aura as deep as the abyss, and his expression became extremely solemn.

At this moment, everyone watching the live broadcast looked at the seven first-level gods beside Jiang Qing, and the shock was beyond mention.

[Am I dazzled? In less than a minute, there were seven first-level workers around the champion.

【This picture is so exciting】

[Screenshot, take a screenshot quickly]

[Seven first-level gods, no matter how powerful Shen Bai is, they can't stop him...

[Jiang Guanjun plans to fight Hoopa in a group. Although I don’t talk about martial arts, I like it]

[Brothers, I’m fine now]

[Sisters, I’m fine too]

【No driving】

People from all over the world originally felt despair because of the strength shown by the demon god Hoopa, but now when they looked at the seven first-level gods around Jiang Qing, the feeling of despair disappeared instantly.

Even those people who started shopping for zero yuan in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom showed a tangled look on their faces when they saw this scene. They were like this. They seemed to have no reason to buy for zero yuan.

This is true for Jiang Qing, so he couldn't have taken out these seven first-level gods later.

[This is Champion Jiang’s harem, it is simply extremely powerful]

[There are still two missing. The two first-level gods that appeared in Baga Kingdom have not arrived yet. I wonder if something has delayed the work.

[With this harem group, the whole world can go sideways]

【One is enough for you to travel all over the world】

[I’m so envious, so jealous, this person is not my worker

[Sisters, do you want to form a team? Let’s win the Jiang Champion together. I’ll just be a little kid]

[Jiang Guanjun has seven first-level gods, so is there any problem with him marrying seven wives?]

[If you include Deoxys and Jirachi, Jiang Guanjun has nine first-level gods, so he should be able to marry nine wives.

[Then I don’t have a first-level god but I have a wife. Doesn’t that mean I’m more powerful than Champion Jiang?]

[In some aspects, any man who has a girlfriend and wife is indeed more powerful than Champion Jiang]

Jiang Qing's seven first-level gods have given people all over the world great encouragement and confidence, and many people have already made a joke about it.

Of course, the people of Xia Kingdom made the most jokes.

All joking aside, the deep sense of pride cannot be concealed.

Who said Jiang Qing is from the Xia Kingdom? You are not, but I am from the Xia Kingdom. I would like to ask if you envy my status.

Not to mention ordinary people, when Xia Guo's senior officials saw this scene, their faces (the good king's) were all flushed, and they patted the table excitedly, and some of them had already taken quick-acting Jiuxin Pills.

As the great elder, Jiang Gangji silently picked up the water glass and took a sip. Although his expression was calm, the hand holding the water glass was trembling.

As a result, the water spilled out.

"`"Did you see, did you see, this is my grandson, the grandson of my ginger Oreburgh, I'm just asking you old guys if you have such an awesome grandson, hahahaha"

Ginger Oreburgh's face was full of smiles and he couldn't help but smile.

"This is my son. If your son is one ten thousandth as good as my son, he will still be smiling even if he dies."

"It's a pity that your son is not good enough. He's a little worse."

Jiang Lan grinned and looked at the champions around him, especially Champion Lu Wan.

This guy is famous for being able to have children. He has eight sons and three to four thousand grandchildren.

What's the use of producing so many, the quality is not good, no matter how much the quantity is, it's useless. .

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