Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1345 Jiang Qing: Don’T Worry

Jiang Qing, who is playing Pokémon Glory with two kids, doesn't know that the Ampharos player opposite is the anchor, and his Ampharos is still the No. 1 Ampharos in the national server.

Jiang Qing only thinks that the other guy is very good at playing.

"Can you do it? I was killed three times by the opponent in five minutes."

Zeraora was sitting next to Jiang Qing. Seeing the other party's awkward actions, she really wanted to take his mobile phone and make a call herself.

Question: Why is Zeraora not online?

Answer: Because Jiang Qing has set anti-addiction settings on it, this guy can only play for three hours a day.

Question: Why did Jiang Qing set anti-addiction settings for Zeraora?

Answer: Because Zeraora, that bitch, told Ai Guansi about Jiang Qing secretly ordering takeout at night.

So now Zeraora can only watch Jiang Qing playing games with the two little ones.

I also hate the programmer who set up the anti-addiction program. It is a Pokémon, and it is a championship-level Pokémon. It is not a minor human, so why should I set up an anti-addiction system for myself?

"The opposite Ampharos is a bit strong" 04

Jiang Qing's thumb kept rubbing the phone screen.

What, why not tempered film?

Jiang Qing: I don’t even lick the bottle cap when I eat yogurt. Why is there a tempered film on my phone?

Jiang Qing just finished speaking, and he used Aggron to clear the line of troops in front of him, and then retreated under the tower, but the Ampharos on the opposite side actually rushed directly into the tower.

After Ampharos broke in, the opposite jungler, mage, and support also came out of the bushes.

Two seconds later, Jiang Qing sent out his fourth head again.

The current score between the two sides is 0:6.

"The mage is missing, Celebi, why didn't you tell me?"

"Jungle, are you blind? Didn't you see the jungler from the opposite side coming to catch me?"

"Assistant, the shooter is rubbish, what are you doing with it?"

Before his teammates even greeted Jiang Qing, Min Qingqing made a preemptive strike.

"Let me help you fight, and I will kill you directly," Zeraora said impatiently.

In terms of game talent alone, Zeraora is second only to Dude.

"It's a nice idea, but in the worst case, you'll lose and tell the truth," Jiang Qing snorted coldly.

"Yes, snitch dog" Celebi said contemptuously.

"Snitch Dog"

Jirachi quickly followed suit.

Otherwise, it will obviously not fit in with the crowd.

Jiang Qing secretly ate takeout at night without the two of them. Although it was Jiang Qing who was the main punisher, they were also scolded by the steward.

"Obviously you said you would call me for takeout tonight, but you didn't call me after ordering." Zeraora looked at Jiang Zhi angrily.

There is a reason why he whistled.

"I ordered hot and sour noodles, but you can't eat them," Jiang Qing said.

It was indeed his fault in this regard. He originally wanted to order takeout that Zeraora could eat, but later he wanted to eat hot and sour noodles, so he ordered this.

"It'll be fine if you eat a little bit of your human food," Zeraora said.

As long as Pokémon eats human food not often, the impact will not be great.

"No, I'm afraid you'll fall in love." Jiang Qing shook her head.

Following the example of Celebi and Jirachi, Jiang Qing will not let his Pokémon eat human food.

Once they like human food and have no self-control, they pester Jiang Qing for human food. Since Jiang Qing is extremely doting on his Pokémon, there is a high probability that he will agree.

The Ampharos player looked at the rich man's reward on the screen and smiled crookedly.

At this time, Tuhao suddenly posted a comment.

[Ask Champion Jiang what happened to the Haze that suddenly disappeared in the East African Region. After asking, I will give you a reward of 500,000 yuan]

"Okay big brother"

The player nodded hurriedly, and then sent a fully visible text in the game.

Ampharos: Champion Jiang, what’s going on with Haze in East Africa Region? Can you tell me about it?

When Jiang Qing saw this text, he knew that he had been recognized. This was normal. He often played Pokémon Glory, so it was not surprising for him to be recognized.

Of course he knows about the East African Region.

And also know that the super demon Hoopa has broken through Imprison.

However, the other party didn't cause trouble as soon as he came out, so Jiang Qing didn't want to go to the other party immediately. Maybe this guy has been imprisoned for so long, his personality has changed, and he doesn't want to cause trouble.

If he takes the initiative to knock on the door, and the other party doesn't want to cause trouble, he will have to fight with him. In this way, the hostile relationship will be directly determined.

"I will take action at the critical moment, don't worry"

Jiang Qing also knew that the outside world was a little worried, and the official side did not give an accurate answer. The main reason was because Jiang Qing had not made any move, so the official side was not sure.

As Jiang Qing sent this text, this sentence spread on the Internet at the speed of light.

I will take action at the critical moment, don't worry.

Just ten words, but like a sacred mountain of ten thousand meters falling, suppressing all the lies.

Jiang Qing's words are worth thousands of words from countless experts.

The uneasy hearts of the people of Xia Kingdom quickly calmed down with these words.

They trust Jiang Qing, not only because Jiang Qing has the black and white Opelucid, but also because Jiang Qing has responded to their trust with each battle.

Jiang Gangji, who originally wanted to call Jiang Qing, put down the phone in his hand after learning the news and said to the secretary next to him.

"It is announced to the outside world that Xia Country is the safest country in the world because it has the world's Mightiest Trainers"


The secretary nodded excitedly and walked out immediately.

"This brat is already thirty years old, how come he still likes playing games so much? He stays at home all day, so he can't go out to flirt with women or bully men and women."

Jiang Gangjin muttered, his expression still somewhat dissatisfied.

Fortunately, the secretary has already left, otherwise he would have a very strange expression when he heard this.

At home, Jiang Qing's game has ended.

Naturally, this game was lost. After all, if Jiang Qing knew that he was recognized, he would definitely be targeted if he did not stay still.

Sure enough, after the opponent's Ampharos named his identity, he was targeted by the five opponents.

He secretly wrote down the opponent's account number, and when Dudu came back, he would definitely let him lead him back to the field, and beat the shit out of the opponent.

"No more playing"

Jiang Qing put down his phone, not because he was targeted, but because he had been playing for more than four hours, and he looked here several times.

If I continue to play, the caretaker will definitely come over and ask me if I still want my eyes, and then forcefully apply hot compresses to my eyes for ten minutes.

"Then play with me"

Zeraora looked at Jiang Qing eagerly.


Jiang Qing relented in the end. After all, it was his Pokémon. If he didn't care for it, who would? So he handed the phone to Zeraora.

He took Zeraora's phone and started vibrato.

As for unlocking Zeraora's anti-addiction, it will take a few days. .

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