Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1344 Champion Jiang Is Still Playing Games

The Haze that has enveloped the East African Region has mysteriously appeared more than half a year ago, and now it has mysteriously disappeared.

The scene of Haze disappearing was naturally captured by satellites from various countries.

Since the emergence of Haze, satellites from various countries have been aimed at the East African Region. In addition to observing the Haze at all times, it also means to prevent danger.

Now that Haze has disappeared, the top leaders of various countries are not only not relieved, but have become even more nervous.

The disappearance of this thing is definitely not a real disappearance. It is 80% that there are new changes.

And the appearance of Haze is related to the Y-god organization and the demon god Hoopa.

In the past, various countries only learned about the existence of the super demon Hoopa from the battle between Jiang Qing and the master three years ago, and did not have a clear understanding of its strength.

But I think it must be very strong.

Until a year and a half ago, an ancient ruin appeared in Canada, and a large number of stone slabs were found in the ruins. Dozens of them recorded things about Hoopa and the four first-level gods.

Roughly speaking, these four first-level gods worked together to imprison the demon god Hoopa who wanted to seek the wealth of the entire world.

These four first-level gods are Xerneas, Regigigas, Lugia, and Mew. The four of them united to Imprison Hoopa.

Among these four first-level gods, only Lugia has not been discovered by humans so far. The other three first-level gods are more or less related to Jiang Qing.

Among other things, Reggie Chilus slept in the back yard of Jiang Qing's house. Mew was almost bald by Jiang Qing's sex in the past.

In other words, the relationship between Xerneas and Jiang Qing is not that close.

Among these four first-level gods, none of them have shown their strength, but Regigigas dragged the original secret realm out of the deep sea, and his strength can be seen as Normal.

According to the energy detection at that time, Regigigas's strength was in the late stage of the first-level god, so the other first-level god of Song Dynasty was probably about the same as Regigigas.

In other words, the four first-level gods only imprisoned Demon God Hoopa at a later stage, so Demon God Hoopa's strength was at least the peak of first-level gods.

What is the concept of the peak of the first-level gods? Among the first-level gods that humans have discovered so far, the strongest ones are Rayquaza, Dialga and a few others who are in the late stage of the first-level gods.

The peak level of a first-level god has never been discovered by humans so far.

If the demon god Hoopa is the pinnacle of the first-level gods, then its power will definitely surpass the first-level gods that humans have discovered so far.

There are now stone tablets about Hoopa among the ruins in Canada. Although not many records are recorded, at least it has given the top officials of various countries a certain understanding of the demon god Hoopa.

Especially the perception of strength directly refreshes the strength of the first-level gods currently known to mankind.

He has reached the peak of the first level god, and is still at the bottom of the first level god level.

When Haze appeared in the East African Region before, senior officials from various countries guessed that it was related to the demon god Hoopa. The Haze, which lasted for more than half a year, first shrank and finally disappeared.

Needless to say, it must also be related to the demon god Hoopa.

Demon God Hoopa has already broken through Imprison, right?

An idea flooded into the minds of senior officials from various countries.

However, the energy detection did not detect strong energy fluctuations in the East African Region, which made countries temporarily relieved.

Maybe I was overthinking it.

The most nervous ones are definitely the countries on the Nordic continent that are close to the East African Region. These countries are now frantically calling the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Xia State.

Countries that had good relations with Xia Guo directly called the elders of Xia Guo.

The purpose is self-evident, they all want to get help from Xia Guo, and at least reduce domestic casualties.

People from all over the world quickly learned about the disappearance of the East African Region Haze, and there are basically comments about this on the Internet.

【It’s chaos, chaos, chaos. Many cities have started to be in chaos.

[What is going on with this Haze? It appears and disappears suddenly. Why doesn’t the country give an answer?]

[When Haze was there before, I wanted it to disappear, but now that it has disappeared, I hope it continues to exist]

[Don’t worry too much. Some experts say this is a natural phenomenon.

[Who is this expert? Let me greet him]

[Jiang Guanjun should take a look at the geeks, many people are leaving messages asking him]

[Don’t panic, I just played Pokémon Glory and was ranked as Champion. He is still in the mood to play games now, which proves that the problem is not serious.

[You are so lucky upstairs, you were ranked as Champion Jiang, you must have been taken away by Dudu]

[Staying still, Jiang Guanjun, Celebi and Jirachi gave away more than 40 heads in total, and finally said that we two passers-by couldn't do it]

Jiang Qing should have broadcasted his own game level live, and from time to time, passersby would rank Jiang Qing, so everyone has a basic understanding of Jiang Qing's game level..

That is, when Dudu is there, the game is basically stable, and Jiang Qing can also achieve excellent results.

But if Dudu was not there, Jiang Qing's gaming level would be the kind that people would scold and say, "I can play better than you with my feet." That's the level.

[Jiang Champion is now ranked No. 1 in the national server, Ampharos. The other party is live broadcasting. You can go and see [Jiang Champion’s operations]

This was not originally a discussion about Haze, the East African Region. Because of the appearance of this comment, the content of the discussion invisibly changed to Jiang Qing.

And no one found it strange.

The live broadcast room of Ampharos, the number one in the national server, originally had hundreds of thousands of people watching the live broadcast. Now the number of people watching the live broadcast has exceeded one million, and it is still increasing rapidly.

"Everyone is here to see Champion Jiang. I know this, but Champion Jiang and I are not teammates, we are Rival."

A young man glanced at the number of viewers on the screen, with a thick smile on his face. It was finally his turn to be rich and wealthy.

[If you dare to kill Champion Jiang once, I will reward you with tens of millions of dollars.

There is never a shortage of hosts in the live broadcast room who enjoy watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

As this comment appeared, many people applauded it.

The person who said the reward was also someone who was not short of money. He directly rewarded 50,000 yuan in the other party's live broadcast room. 0.6 means that he is rich. If you really want to kill Jiang Qing alone, I will never lie to you.

"Please be careful with this brother, I'm just a machine with no emotions." He agreed directly.

After all, it is well known that Jiang Qing likes to play Pokémon Glory, and Jiang Qing was ranked as a anchor and then targeted by the anchor. This kind of thing has happened many times.

Some anchors have made a fortune by meeting Jiang Qing.

Jiang is also very Hideki in this regard. As long as he is killed by strength, he will never have any objection. Even if four or five people arrest him, he will not Revenge afterwards.

So every time a Pokémon Glory game anchor encounters Jiang Qing, as long as it's Rival, they will basically hold on to Jiang Qing.

If you are a teammate, then try your best to help Jiang Qing get the kill, and the people in the live broadcast room will reward you generously. .

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