Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1336 Mu Is Willing To Be A Foster Father

In a room in the East African Region, Jiang Qing's old friend Master was looking at the screen on his mobile phone. The screen showed Jiang Qing summoning Rayquaza to fight Kyurem, and finally successfully conquered Kyurem.

"Jiang Qing, we will meet soon, and it won't take long for the Demon God to break Imprison."

The master muttered to himself, and as she finished speaking, the black energy on her hand flashed slightly, and the mobile phone turned into a sieve. Behind it was an extremely tall and ferocious Dragonite.

It looks like it should be the one that disappeared after fighting Metagross a few years ago.

"My lord, a new batch of sacrifices has been prepared."

At this time, a man in white clothes walked in and said with great respect.

"How are you preparing the sacrifices later?" the master asked softly.

The man's body froze slightly, and after hesitating for a moment he said: "Because we have captured so many Pokémon over the years, the number of Pokémon in many secret areas in the East African Region has dropped significantly."

"I'm afraid that if I continue to arrest people, it will attract the attention of other countries."

Due to years of war and constant changes in political power in the East African Region, foreign powers cannot truly control them.

But there are a lot of spies from various countries here.

Especially after it was determined that the Y God Organization's home base was in the East African Region, the countries headed by Xia State intensified their searches here.

There are originally a lot of spies here. Before the Demon Lord has fully awakened, the Y God Organization can only continue to hide. Therefore, if too many Pokémon in the secret realm are captured, not to mention attracting spies from various countries, the country in charge of the secret realm will also Problems will be noticed.

In the past few years, many countries in the East African Region have been secretly controlled by the Y-god organization. This does not mean that all high-level officials in this country listen to the Y-god organization.

In every country, there will always be a few heroes who serve the country and the people. Although these heroes play a small role, they are annoying enough.

"Don't worry so much, the Demon God is about to come out, and now he will carry out destructive arrests in these secret realms," the master said coldly.

When the man in white heard this, he said enthusiastically: "Yes, everything is for the devil."

"Everything is for the Demon God"

The master nodded.

After the man in white left, he went straight to another place and found his subordinates.

"grown ups"

His subordinates said respectfully.

"The master has issued an order to carry out destructive arrests in these secret areas. There is no need to worry about being discovered."

The subordinate hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "But -"

"I know what you are worried about. I can only tell you that you don't have to worry about it. Just execute the order."

If this subordinate is not his confidant, he will definitely punish him severely for the behavior he just suspected.


The subordinate nodded and left quickly.

The man in white also turned and left. He still had many things to deal with.

After the subordinate left, he took out a communication device and sent a series of codes.

Lancang City, Oreburgh Guard Headquarters, the second leader Metang suddenly received a code. After seeing the code, he immediately got up and left.

Jiang Qing had already returned home on Kyurem.

"This will be your home from now on"

Jumped off its back and patted its body. Not to mention, it was a bit cold. My crotch felt chilly after just riding all the way.

I'd better ride the black and white Opelucid from now on, this guy is not very friendly to his little brother.

Jiang Qing muttered secretly.


Kyurem has never had the concept of home since he was born, and he doesn't know what it means, but he thinks it's not bad.

Seeing that Zekrom and Reshiram had each found a place to lie down, it also lay down not far from them.


When the love steward heard the commotion in the yard, he immediately came out and saw Jiang Qing coming back with a smile on his face.

"Why are you back so soon?"

Jiang Qing told it before that he was leaving, and even went to the black side Opelucid. He thought it was something big, but he didn't expect to come back so soon.

And he also brought a new partner with him.

Its eyes were on Kyurem.

Kyurem was also looking at Ai Gutan with a somewhat disdainful look.

This guy is so weak.

"Well, once the matter is resolved, I'll come back."

"What will Guan Shi eat for dinner?" Jiang Qing asked curiously.


Ai Guanwai: "Curry beef brisket, stir-fried pork liver, braised pork trotters, mushrooms Teala-"

"What do you want to eat, kid?"

The stewardess asked after naming the dishes.

“As long as I care about what’s being cooked, I’ll eat it.”

Jiang Qing calmly flattered him.


The stewardess narrowed his eyes happily when he heard this, then turned and left.

Kyurem was a little confused as to why he just saw a flattering expression on this human being, oh no, his own Trainer.

Why do you need to flatter a trash Pokémon? Is this trash Pokémon a hidden boss?

"々, you will understand later"

Reshiram said calmly, but when he saw Kyurem's still confused expression, he thought it would be better to educate him about the most unacceptable being in this family.

Don't offend the other party when the time comes, or it will be implicated in the end.

After all, Zekrom made Daidai angry one time, and in the end it was also deducted from Daidai's exclusive energy cube for three days.

In order to avoid such a thing from happening again, Lai Xiram gave Kyurem some knowledge about the status of Dadai and Ai Guan in this family.

I specifically emphasize that provoking Jiang Qing is okay, provoking them is a serious matter.

But the effect shouldn't be very big. Seeing Kyurem's disapproving expression, Reshiram didn't say anything more.

I wonder if I should cut off the relationship with it now so that I don’t get hurt when the time comes.

I wanted to discuss it with Zekrom, but found that he was no longer here.

Reshiram: I'm afraid this guy has already cleared up the relationship. If not, I have to leave.

Thinking about it, as long as you don't sleep too close to Kyurem, it should be considered (Li Qianhao is a kind of relationship).

Jiang Qing didn't know what Reshiram and Zekrom were thinking. He had already arrived in front of Kyurem, chatting with it and building a relationship with it.

At this time, the passive effect of God's protection comes into play.

Previously, because Kyurem was hostile to Jiang Qing, this passive effect had no effect, but now Kyurem has become his Pokémon [the hostility is of course gone.

Under this premise, God's protective effect is directly maximized.

Now Kyurem looks at Jiang Qing much more kindly, and it also feels it is amazing. Although they have only known each other for less than half a day, they feel as if they have been together for decades or even hundreds of years.

My affection for Jiang Qing comes from the bottom of my heart.

Especially after Jiang Qing gave it a candy that could increase its strength if eaten, Kyurem said excitedly: "I have been living half my life, and I only regret that I have never met my master. If I don't give up, I would like to be my adoptive father."

Jiang Qing: One~one.

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