Seeing Kyogre's relieved look, Jiang Qing couldn't help but laugh inwardly. He was the God of the Ocean after all, so why was he afraid that Rayquaza would look like his grandson.

Jiang Qing also came into contact with Rayquaza for the first time today, although it was because of the summoning card that made Rayquaza trust him.

But later, as the summoning card time expired, Rayquaza was still quite friendly to him. Of course, there must be the passive effect of God's Protection.

Rayquaza also gave him such good props. Jiang Qing felt that Rayquaza was the second most generous level 10 god among all the level 1 gods he had ever seen, second only to Mew.

"It doesn't even look at me. It looks down on me."

Deoxys beside him said quietly, still looking at the direction Rayquaza was leaving.

How could it be said that when it first came to this planet a few years ago, it relied on its shape changes to fight Rayquaza for several rounds.

As a result, when I saw Rayquaza again, this guy didn't even look at him. Unless he was blind, he simply looked down on himself.

Deoxys was obviously a little angry at the thought of this possibility.

"What are you so proud of? Give me a few years and I'll beat you." Yi Yi was dissatisfied.

Jiang Qing couldn't help but glance at it. Should I give you a few years or give me a few years? But a few years shouldn't work, at least it would take decades.

Those who become level one gods like Deoxys are Pokémon with great perseverance, great wisdom, and great opportunity.

But in terms of foundation, even with Jiang Qing's vigorous training, Deoxys is still not as good as Rayquaza.

Not to mention Rayquaza, not even Kyogre can compare to it.

After all, they are all first-level gods bred by heaven and earth. In fantasy novels, they are innate gods and demons.

Unless you have an extraordinary opportunity, it will be difficult for you to catch up with these innate gods and demons.

The targets that Jiang Qing has been training vigorously in recent years are Black and White Opelucid and Metagross. Otherwise, Black and White Opelucid would not have been promoted from the late level of a first-level god to the peak of a first-level god in just a few years.

Kyurem is willing to follow Jiang Qing, and the big reason is that it knows that the growth of Black and White Opelucid's strength has a lot to do with Jiang Qing.

Thinking about it, I used to be at the same level as them, but they hadn't seen each other for a few hundred years, and yet they were so much better than me.

It must feel bad in its heart. After all, it used to be slightly stronger than both of them, but now it doesn't even need to compete. They can knock it down with just a few moves.

Not to mention Kyurem's complicated thoughts, Jiang Qing has already jumped on Kyogre's head.

It is indeed a fat-headed fish, except for the body, the rest is its head.

Jiang Qing couldn't help but think of a well-known dish in Xia country, pickled pepper fish head.

"suck slip"

He took a rude breath.

"Jiang Qing, you and Daha-when did you and Rayquaza have such a good relationship?"

Kyogre asked with great confusion. It was still very familiar with Jiang Qing and had fought side by side, but it had only been a few years since they had seen each other, and Jiang Qing had actually begun to command his boss.

Moreover, his boss is willing to be commanded by him.

My boss is a first-level god of the dragon system. Regardless of whether he is an ordinary dragon system, a quasi-god of the dragon system, or a first-level god of the dragon system, he is an extremely arrogant master.

Especially the first-level dragon god, who is so arrogant that he wants to turn his nostrils to you and talk to you.

As for his boss, he is the kind of person who likes to talk to you with his nostrils, but he is willing to be commanded by Jiang Qing. Kyogre even thinks that his boss has lost his mind.

"I have always had a good relationship with Rayquaza, you just don't know it."

Of course Jiang Qing would not tell Kyogre the specific reason and just made an excuse.

Kyogre didn't have too much doubt, after all, it couldn't think of any other good reason.

"Then you are so powerful, you can command Rayquaza like Arcanine"

When Kyogre said this, he also made sure that Rayquaza had really left, otherwise it would not dare to say this.

Kyogre was the first level god Jiang Qing came into contact with, and he hadn’t seen it for many years, so he sat on its head and started chatting with it.

Most of the time, Jiang Qing was listening to Kyogre scolding Rayquaza and Groudon. He scolded Rayquaza more than he scolded old Rival Groudon.

This surprised Jiang Qing a little.

It seems that Kyogre was bullied a lot by Rayquaza, and I guess Groudon was the same.

Among the three first-level gods of sea, land and air, Rayquaza does have an overwhelming advantage over them.

After continuing to chat with Kyogre for a while, Jiang Qing jumped on Kyurem's back.

Kyurem's body froze slightly, and he almost couldn't help but freeze Jiang Qing into ice cubes. Fortunately, it remembered in time that it was now a first-level god with a Trainer.

He is no longer a wild first-level god.

There is still an inexplicable sense of pride in my heart.

"Let's go home"

Jiang Qing patted Kyurem's neck.

"Kyogre, I'm leaving first. Come and play with me when you have time."

After bidding farewell to Kyogre, Kyurem drove Jiang Qing away, with black and white Opelucid following Kyurem.


"Complete the hidden mission, the Three Dragons of the Way"

"Mission reward, Rare Candy

The voice in her head made Jiang Qing laugh out loud.

This reward is simply too rich. I didn’t expect that the Three Dragons of the Way would still be hiding in 017 mission. The first-level gods such as sea, air, land, time and space, sword and shield, sun and moon, etc., will also be hidden if they are conquered. Task.

Drawing inferences from one example, Quan Qing felt that he was really smart.

Just when Jiang Qing was having wild thoughts, the top leaders of various countries turned into lemon essence.

Even if he watched Jiang Qing command Rayquaza with his own eyes, he even subdued the new first-level god Kyurem.

Although Kyurem was suppressed and beaten by Rayquaza throughout the whole process, according to the detected energy, Kyurem's strength was in the late stage of the first level god.

Being beaten by Rayquaza is not because it is too weak, but because Rayquaza is too strong.

And no matter how weak it is, no matter how weak it is, it is still a first-level god, and no matter how weak it is, it will still hang their championship.

I really can’t understand why all these first-level gods are going to Jiang Qing. What kind of magic power does he have? As a first-level god, he doesn’t even have a face. [I didn’t see that there are already several first-level supplements around Jiang Qing. .

When Rayquaza left, he also gave Jiang Qing a piece of Outrage, which contains Rayquaza's genes. If it is researched, it may be possible to artificially create very powerful Pokémon.

Jealousy, envy, jealousy and other emotions were constantly rolling in the minds of the top leaders of various countries, and finally turned into a helpless sigh.

There is no way, now they don't even have the courage to speak loudly to Xia Guo, let alone target Jiang Qing. .

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