Seeing that Jiang Qing actually agreed to his conditions, Kyurem was a little unsure about him. After all, in its view, it was completely making things difficult for Jiang Qing.

As a result, the other party did not refuse.

Could it be that this human being has a stronger first-level god than Zekrom and Reshiram?

Such doubts couldn't help but arise in my heart.

"Why, as a first-level god, Kyurem is going to regret it, no, no, no"

Jiang Qing couldn't tell that Kyurem was hesitating. Speaking of which, this guy was really thoughtful.

Jiang Qing has seen many first-level gods, but this is the first time he has encountered such a first-level god with so many evil intentions.

No, seeing that he agreed so readily, this guy started to feel unsure.

Seeing the exaggerated movements and language of this human being, Kyurem was even more certain that this guy must have a conspiracy.

"By the way, there is something called a satellite above our heads. Ever since you appeared, this thing has been filming us above our heads."

"A lot of people around the world are looking at us now"

"If you go back on your word, then everyone in the world will know that you Kyurem are a first-level god who has gone back on your word, and a first-level god without any credibility."

Even Jiang Qing could feel a sense of surveillance, and of course Kyurem, as a first-level god, could also feel it [Song Shi's sense of surveillance did not make him feel any threat.

So it didn't care.

But now it knows where this sense of surveillance came from. It turns out to be a so-called satellite.


When Kyurem heard this, his face became slightly stiff.

"You can also pretend to be fake. After all, it's entirely up to you whether you want to bet or not. If you don't want to, I can still force you to do it." Jiang Qing shrugged, as if you were Solaceon.

Zekrom next to him suddenly said: "You are still the same as before, you are shameless and shameless, and you have disgraced us as a first-level god. If you don't want to bet, please give me a happy word."

The tone was somewhat sarcastic.

In the past, it would fight with Reshiram whenever they met, without talking nonsense.

But if he meets Kyurem, this guy will always say bad things about Reshiram in front of him. I used to think that this guy hates Reshiram as much as I do.

Now it seems that in front of Reshiram, it must also speak ill of itself.

"Come~" fight"

Being so squeezed by Zekrom, Kyurem really couldn't say anything else, and it also wanted to save face.

If the scene of his repentance is really released, how will he be able to hang out in the circle of first-level gods in the future? If nothing else, Zekrom and Reshiram will definitely be the first to laugh at him.

Looking at Kyurem in a fighting posture, Jiang Qing nodded.

"Where's my Rival?"

Seeing that Jiang Qing had not sent out any Pokémon to fight him, Kyurem asked with some confusion.

"Don't worry, we are already on the way here. Look, isn't this already here?"

Jiang Qing said this and pointed to the top of his head.

As the clouds broke, a slender green figure slowly descended from the clouds, and then stopped quietly in front of Jiang Qing.

When the top leaders of various countries saw this Pokémon, their expressions changed.


The fifth elder in the conference room couldn't help but stood up from his chair, and said with a surprised look: "When did Champion Jiang summon Rayquaza? He is not at the Altar of Heaven."

Several elders and several champions also didn't know why.

Rayquaza is the only first-level god that can be summoned in the Xia Kingdom. Of course, the person summoned must be a champion. When summoned through the Altar of Heaven, the price is the champion's life.

The Stars and Stripes Kingdom and the White Bear Kingdom also have the same means to summon first-level gods.

These three countries have all summoned each other when the country was in greatest danger, so there are relevant summoning records.

As for whether other countries have such ability, this is unknown.

Jiang Qing came out of the land of extreme ice and went all the way to the Eastern Ocean Sky. Satellites were filming the whole process, but they didn't find out how Jiang Qing summoned Rayquaza.

And the most important thing is, when did Jiang Qing get involved with Rayquaza.

The elders and champions all looked at Jiang Oreburgh, and the connecting steel bar also looked at his younger brother.

"It all depends on me. How do I know what's going on? My good grandson has so many abilities, why haven't you gotten used to it yet?"

Ginger Oreburgh sat on the chair with an unsurprised expression.

Listening to what he said, it didn't seem to make much sense.

Since Jiang Oreburgh didn't know, they didn't ask anything.

Thinking about it, even if the other party knew, they wouldn't tell them.

Pokémon: Rayquaza (Dragon Flying)




Props: none

Gender: None

Moves: Scary Face, Twister, Ancient Power, Air Cutter, Dragon Ascent, Crunch, Dragon Dance, Extrreme Speed, Dragon Pulse, Hyper Voice, Rest-

Skill CD: None

Genetic Skills: None

Note: The Pokémon that has been flying in the ozone layer is said to come to the Ground when Kyogre and Groudon fight each other.

Note: Summoned through the Rayquaza summoning card, the time is ten minutes, and the remaining time is 0:9:59


Rayquaza was summoned by Jiang Qing using the Rayquaza summoning card, which lasted only ten minutes. This summoning card was one of the rewards for completing a certain stage of the main mission in the past.

This summoning card Jiang Qing has never been used. At first he was reluctant to use it, but later he had no chance to use it. Now this card is a dispensable Contest Condition for him.

This can be used to deal with Kyurem, otherwise in a few years, the summoning card will probably be of no use to him.

Now the level of black and white Opelucid is higher than that of Rayquaza, reaching the peak of the first level god.

So with the black and white Opelucid, the Rayquaza summoning card is really not very useful to him.

Rayquaza's aura suddenly appeared, and Groudon, who was sleeping in a certain Volcano, suddenly opened his eyes and looked to the east in confusion. He didn't understand how that large Catterpie (with good money) managed to come down from the ozone layer without going to beat it. It's just a fat-headed fish.

However, it was too far away from him and he couldn't fly, so Groudon gave up the idea of ​​going over to take a look.

But Kyogre, who happened to be in Rest in a certain trench in the Eastern Ocean, felt that he could go and have a look. It was not very far away from him, and the key was that he could fly.

Groudon: What do you mean?

With curiosity, Kyogre swam towards where Rayquaza was. It wanted to see who had offended the large Catterpie.

At this time, Rayquaza was a little confused as to why he came here suddenly. Seeing that this human being felt unusually friendly, he wanted to protect him, and at the same time he also had the idea of ​​becoming his Pokémon.

“|| Rayquaza, I’m sorry to bother you, it’ll be fine if I lay down in seven minutes, right?

This was the first time Jiang Qing saw Rayquaza. He couldn't help but look him up and down. He looked really handsome. .

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