Kyurem looked at Jiang Qing and really couldn't figure out where this human being could have the ability to be followed by a rival like Black and White Opelucid, as well as two first-level gods.

What's even more incredible is that reality and ideals can appear in a human being.

The key point is that Kyurem didn't see the so-called reality and ideals in Jiang Qing, but he seemed to be crooked and scumbag.

My mother already has four first-level gods, but she still has the nerve to say that she is attracted to her. What difference does it make if she molests other women in front of his wife and concubine?

The key is to look at their appearance. It doesn't seem strange at all. They seem to be used to this appearance.

After glaring at Jiang Qing, Kyurem said: "Humans, please stop having such wishful thinking. For their sake, I will spare you this time."

Jiang Qing looked at Kyurem funny, the guy was quite good at bragging.

He also spared himself for the sake of black and white Opelucid, so how could he have the nerve to say this.

After saying this, Kyurem looked at the black and white Opelucid29 with disdain, and then walked towards the location of the secret door.

It wants to leave this secret realm.

Jiang Qing did not stop him. After all, he had no intention of knocking Kyurem down in the secret realm, otherwise the aftermath of the battle would destroy most of the Ice Land.

In this case, it would be difficult for me to explain to the Xiang family.

Kyurem smashed the light screen installed by Deoxys at the gate of the secret realm, and flew out under the horrified eyes of the family members guarding the door.

The next second, Jiang Qing followed closely behind on Zekrom.

Kyurem flies in front, and Jiang Qing chases behind. It escapes and he chases, but it has no wings and cannot fly.

In less than a few minutes, Kyurem had flown out of the Xia Kingdom and arrived at Sky in the Eastern Ocean.

Satellites from various countries detected strong energy fluctuations, and there were two first-level god fluctuations, and they immediately sounded a piercing alarm.

On the Xia Kingdom side, the Xiang family immediately reported to the higher-ups that the unfamiliar first-level god flew away from the extreme ice land and Jiang Qing chased him out on Zekrom.

As Kyurem left, the decreasing temperature of the Extreme Ice Land stopped and was slowly rising.

The crisis in the extreme ice land seems to have been resolved.

This gave the Xiang family a sigh of relief.

"Human, don't go too far"

Kyurem looked at Jiang Qing, who was chasing after him, with a very unkind look on his face. The cold air on his body rushed towards Jiang Qing like waves, but was blocked by Zekrom.

Looking at the angry Kyurem, Jiang Qing was also a little puzzled. Couldn't his passive skill God's Protection improve the first-level god's favorability towards him?

Why is Kyurem’s favorability towards him negative?

God's protection: I am not omnipotent. Besides, if you force the other party to wake up, it is strange that the other party will look good on you.

Feeling a sense of surveillance, Jiang Qing knew that satellites from various countries must be watching here. He had long been used to this kind of thing.

“How about a bet?”

Jiang Qing said suddenly.

Kyurem didn't want to pay attention to Jiang Qing at all.

"The legendary God of Ice wouldn't even dare to hit a human like me, right?"

It's a very inferior method of provoking generals, but it's quite effective for a first-level god like Kyurem who always looks down on humans.

The voice was cold and stern: "What to bet on, how to bet?"

"Of course I bet on you. If you lose, you will be my Pokémon."

"As for what to bet on, let's bet on a battle."

Hearing this, Kyurem looked at Jiang Qing even more mockingly.

"Humans are still as cunning as ever. If I lose, I will be your Pokémon. You didn't tell me what I would do if I lose."

Jiang Qing: Originally I didn’t say it, mainly because I felt I wouldn’t lose.

"Then tell me, what will I have to pay if I lose?" Jiang Qing said.

Kyurem thought for a moment and then said: "If you lose, let Zekrom and Reshiram leave you. Although I don't know what method you used to get their approval, but it must be a mean method."

Jiang Qing looked at Zekrom, as if asking, aren't you sworn enemies? Why is it thinking about you now?

Zekrom shook his head and said that he didn't know clearly. Maybe he slept for too long and his brain went crazy.

"We follow Jiang Qing voluntarily," Zekrom said.

But the more it said this, the more Kyurem felt that Jiang Qing had used despicable methods, otherwise how could he have made the two of them so stupid.

"Don't say anything. How can I bet or not?"

Kyurem said he didn't want to talk to Zekrom.


Jiang Qing nodded, he must win, how could he not be blocked.

"But I have a condition," Kyurem said suddenly.


"I don't want to fight them"

What they in its mouth refer to is, of course, the black and white Opelucid.

Because it just discovered that the auras on both Zekrom and Reshiram were much stronger than the last time they met.

If a first-level god wants to improve his strength, it will basically take tens of millions of years.

If there is one level difference between the two, the strength gap will be huge.

Just look at the sea, land and air. Kyogre and Groudon are at the same level, but Rayquaza is three or four levels higher than them, but he can directly pin them both to the ground and hammer them.

So Rayquaza is the big brother.

After Kyurem finished speaking, he looked at Qing proudly.

"If you agree, then this bet will be established. If you don't agree, I will leave, and you can no longer follow me."

Jiang Qing thinks this guy is quite a thief.

He must have noticed that the 620 black and white Opelucid was stronger than it. He knew that if there was a fight, he would probably not be Rival, and the bet would be lost, so he just eliminated the black and white Opelucid.

"I can agree, but I'm afraid you won't admit it when the time comes." Jiang Qing nodded.

Kyurem heard this and said angrily: "I am not you as a human being. If I lose and regret it, I will be a dog."

Arcanine's Poké Ball is swinging around her waist.

Arcanine: You call a dog, I will bite you to death.

Jiang Qing patted Arcanine's Poké Ball to comfort him.

"Okay, this is what you said. Whoever loses and refuses to admit it will be a stranger."

Arcanine: Master, you also scold the dog.

Arcanine said that she felt aggrieved because everyone in this society likes to scold dogs.

Xia Guo's senior officials looked at the images broadcast by the satellite, coupled with the on-site lip reading expert translation, and the three people said with some confusion.

"Champion Jiang's strongest one is the black and white Opelucid. If he doesn't send the black and white Opelucid on the field, Jirachi and Deoxys probably won't be this guy's Rival."

According to the energy detection, this strange first-level god is in the late stage of the first-level god. It is much more powerful than Deoxys in the middle stage, not to mention Jirachi who is still in the early stage.

"Perhaps Champion Jiang is planning to find Kyogre," the fourth elder guessed. .

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