Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1325 The First Level God Awakens?

Just as Xiangwen was going to deal with Vanillish, a bright cry came from the air.


When he looked up, he saw an Articuno circling Soaring in the sky. Swinub, who was originally quiet below, suddenly panicked.

But under the suppression of Articuno's breath, the panic immediately stopped.

As Articuno landed, Xiang Wutong jumped off his back. Even though he was well protected, his eyebrows and some exposed hair were covered in frost.

"How is it?" Xiang Fei asked hurriedly.

He asked Xiang Wutong to investigate the iceberg in the center of the extreme ice land. Now that Xiang Wutong is back, he probably brought some news with him.

"Grandpa, the temperature on the other side of the iceberg has dropped to more than 80 degrees below zero. Humans are no longer able to enter, and the Pokémon there have also begun to migrate outwards."

It's over 80 degrees below zero, so no matter how warm your clothes are, they're of little use in this temperature.

And at this low temperature, most ice-type Pokémon cannot withstand it, except for Pokémon that have reached the quasi-Elite level.

26Although there are many such Pokémon, they are definitely not too many.

"Where's that Cryogonal?" Xiang Fei said

In the entire land of extreme ice, the fishiest water-type Pokémon is a championship-level Cryogonal.

"Cryogonal is still there, and I asked Articuno to ask. It said that there is a Pokémon awakening in the deepest part of the iceberg, which is why the temperature of the entire extreme ice land continues to drop.

This Cryogonal is the Pokémon of an ancestor of the Xiang family, otherwise Xiang Wutong would not dare to let his Articuno go to Cryogonal's territory.

"Grandpa, we probably can't handle this matter anymore. We have to let the champion come."

Looking at his grandfather's frown, Xiang Wutong didn't want his grandfather to continue to hold on. He knew that a Pokémon that was about to wake up could cause the temperature of the entire extremely cold land to plummet.

That Pokémon's level is definitely not a champion, it's most likely a level one god.

Although the Xiang family has been in charge of the land of Jibing for more than two hundred years and is very familiar with the land of Jibing, they really don't know that there is a first-level god sleeping in the land of Jibing.

And it is still deep in the iceberg. In this case, it is indeed difficult to know.

"If he is really a first-level god, then it will be useless even if the champion comes." Xiang Fei shook his head.

He did not doubt Cryogonal's guess. After all, there must be some reason for the sudden change in the land of extreme ice.

In fact, he also had such speculation.

Changes like the Land of Extreme Ice have also occurred in other domestic secret realms or foreign secret realms, and there are several reasons for the changes in the secret realms.

The proportion of first-level gods accounts for one-third.

In other words, many of the causes of changes in the secret realm were caused by the awakening of the first-level gods.

Xiang Fei had thought of this possibility before, and now combined with the information Xiang Wutong brought, it was most likely caused by a first-level god.

Now Xiang Fei didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

If the first-level god caused changes in the secret realm, it stands to reason that as long as the first-level god wakes up completely, the secret realm will return to normal.

But there is also a possibility that with the awakening of the first-level god, this secret realm will also be destroyed.

Some secret realms exist relying on first-level gods.

Because of the sleep of the first-level god, a secret realm was born around it, and because of the awakening of the first-level god, this secret realm will be destroyed.

If the land of extreme ice is the latter, then if it is destroyed, it will definitely be a major blow to the Xiang family.

The Xiang family is the leader of Xia Guo's ice system, and to a large extent it relies on the land of extreme ice behind them.

If this extremely icy land disappears, the Xiang family will definitely suffer the greatest loss. Of course, from a national level, the Xia Kingdom will also suffer considerable losses.

After all, except for the special secret realm of the steel system, which is now completely controlled by the Jiang family, the family and the country each control half of the resources of the other seventeen special high-level secret realms.

The reason why the Jiang family is special is entirely because of the birth of Jiang Qing. In the past, the Jiang family's special high-level secret realm, the Great Wall of Oreburgh, also occupied half of the resources.

A first-level god awakens in a secret realm. There are only two outcomes in this secret realm, either nothing happens or destruction.

Based on the past experience of first-level gods awakening, there is a high possibility that the land of extreme ice will be destroyed with the awakening and departure of this first-level god.

Thinking of this, Xiang Fei's face looked somewhat ugly.

Xiang Wutong naturally thought of this. As the future heir of the Xiang family, he would most likely take over from his grandfather as the head of the Xiang family.

Don't talk about him, the entire Xiang family knows the importance of the extreme ice land to the family.

If there were no resources from the Extreme Ice Land, the resources of the Xiang family would be reduced by half. In order to ensure the development of the Xiang family, most of the resources would be given to the talented master brother and Qiang Tu of the Xiang family.

In this case, although it can prevent the family from declining in a short period of time, it can cause instability within the family.

"Let's go out first and talk later."

Xiang Fei sighed. If the first-level god really awakened, then he wouldn't have the ability to stop it.

Xiang Wutong nodded.

Then the group of people left the land of extreme ice.

"You should talk to Jiang Guanjun about Wutong. If possible, ask Jiang Guanjun to come over and take a look." Xiang Fei from the outside said after thinking for a moment.

Obviously this matter cannot be delayed any longer. The longer it is delayed, the lower the temperature of the extreme ice land will be. At that time, the Pokémon inside will continue to come towards the door of the secret realm, and their strength will continue to increase. .

If the Xiang family prevents them from leaving the secret realm, a huge conflict will inevitably occur.

"Well, I'll contact Suo right away." Xiang Wutong nodded.

Only Jiang Qing can handle this matter. After all, it is related to the awakening of the first-level god.

Jiang Qing, who is far away in Lancang City, is playing Pokémon Glory on the sofa with Celebi, Jirachi, and Zeraora.

"Zeraora, you stole my head again"

Jiang Qing looked at Steelix who was beaten to a low level by his own Aggron and killed by Alakazam controlled by Zeraora. He looked at each other angrily.

He now has three assists, and Zeraora has three kills.

Yes, these three heads were snatched from him.

"Your actions are too boring, I can't stand it."

Without raising his head, Zeraora controlled Alakazam towards the bottom lane to see if there was a chance to grab a head from Celebi.

"It's only after you do the work that you can eat."

When Jiang Qing saw Zeraora going to the bottom lane, he immediately went to its middle lane, eating up its wave of soldiers and getting some interest back first.

Zeraora came back from the bottom lane and found that her own line of soldiers was gone, and she didn't get any kills in the bottom lane. It was not clear that her own Trainer had eaten up her own line of soldiers.

I sneered in my heart, and saw my Trainer fighting on the road again, and immediately controlled Alakazam to go up.

Half a minute later.

Jiang Qing: "Zeraora, you try to steal my head again"

Zeraora: "Just be content with the assists."

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