Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1324 Extreme Ice Land

The Land of Extreme Ice, a high-level special secret realm with the attribute of ice, is one of the eighteen high-level special secret realms of Xia Kingdom, located in the northeast of Xia Kingdom.

At the same time, the Ice Gym, one of the eighteen national gyms in the Xia Kingdom, is located near the Land of Extreme Ice.

The owner is Xiang Fei, a seventy-year-old Ice Elite, ranked tenth in the Elite rankings, and the current head of the Xiang family.

The Xiang family is one of Xia Guo's ice family, and is currently the leader in Xia Guo's ice family.

At the very center of the extreme ice land is an iceberg 10,000 meters high, and it is not known how deep the entire iceberg is until now.

With the iceberg as the center, the area is covered with pure white frozen soil, and endless chill envelopes this extremely icy land.

The temperature is centered on the iceberg. The farther away from the iceberg, the higher the temperature. Of course, even at the outermost periphery, the temperature is around subzero. "One Six Seven"

On the other side of the iceberg, the temperature can reach minus 50 or 60 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, many ice-type Pokémon cannot withstand it.

Therefore, the distribution of Pokémon's strength is also that the closer the Pokémon is to the iceberg, the stronger it is.

But in the past six months, the temperature in the extremely icy land has continued to drop. The outermost temperature was originally about minus ten degrees, but now it has reached more than twenty degrees below zero.

Not to mention the iceberg temperature at the center.

Because the temperature continues to drop, most Pokémon begin to migrate outside.

Even the ice-type Pokémon that used to live on the other side of the iceberg have begun to migrate to the outside world due to the ever-lowering temperatures.

This pattern of outward migration has resulted in a significant increase in the number of Pokémon in the outermost areas, but food and resources are limited.

This makes it even more difficult for the ice Pokémon that originally lived in the periphery to survive.

In order to survive, some ice Pokémon have no choice but to leave here and choose to go to the outside world through the gate of the secret realm.

Most of the Pokémon living in the secret realm will never choose to go out, because the energy in the secret realm is more suitable for their survival.

Once they choose to leave the secret realm, it is basically because there is a problem with the secret realm itself, or they cannot survive in the secret realm, so they choose to leave the secret realm as a last resort.

At this moment, tens of thousands of Swinub have gathered at the gate of the secret realm, and the territory where they originally lived has been occupied by a group of more powerful Vanillish.

Even if you want to move to other places, it is useless, because all places with food are already occupied by stronger Pokémon.

If they want to survive, they can only leave the secret realm.

But now, the gate to the secret realm is blocked by a quasi-champion-level Glaceon. The strong Hideki aura emanating from its body prevents them from moving forward at all.

I don't even have the guts to break in.

For Pokémon in the wild, most will choose to retreat when facing stronger Pokémon. This is their way of survival.

"Pass the food out first"

Looking at the poor Contest Condition Swinub in front of him, Xiang Fei, who was wearing a thick cotton coat, said to his men.


The men immediately began distributing food.

The Swinubs have not had a full meal for a while, and now that they are eating food, their uneasiness has finally been reduced by half.

Filling your stomach is the first factor for survival, and this is the same for humans and Pokémon.

The people who rebelled in the past dynasties had to rebel because they didn't have enough to eat and were about to starve to death. As long as you feed them, let alone eat them full, as long as they don't starve to death, they won't rebel.

The reason for rebellion is because there is no way to survive.

This is the same for Swinubs. Without their territory, they have no stable source of food. In this case, they have to choose to leave the secret realm.

Even though the gate to the secret realm is now blocked by the quasi-champion Glaceon, as time goes by, the Swinubs will become increasingly hungry, and may even starve to death. "Then they don't care whether you are stronger than them or not." .

Even if you risk your life, you will want to get out.

Several batches of weak ice-type Pokémon had gone out before. Because they were very weak, under the suppression of powerful Pokémon, Xiang Fei quickly arranged them to other secret realms.

But the number of Swinubs is too huge, a total of forty or fifty thousand. With this number, it would be inappropriate to arrange it in a certain secret realm or several secret realms. It would seriously disrupt the ecology of the original secret realm.

So we can only continue to let them stay here, but this is not a long-term solution.

After all, the temperature in the extreme ice land is still decreasing. Now Swinub has lost its territory and wants to seek survival in the outside world. Later, Vanillish may take away their territory.

They were driven out of their territory by stronger ice-type Pokémon, thus embarking on the path of Swinub.

This kind of thing is absolutely unavoidable as the temperature continues to drop, and it will become more and more obvious. In the end, if high-level Pokémon also figure it out, even if Xiang Fei is a quasi-champion, he will not be able to stop it.

Therefore, solving the cause of the temperature drop is the fundamental solution to this disaster.

Seeing that the Swinubs finally calmed down after eating their food, Xiang Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but with the words of the worker next to him, his expression became serious again.

"Master, the temperature has dropped by three degrees now."

It was minus 21 degrees the day before yesterday, but now it has become minus 24 degrees.

Almost every few days, the temperature in the polar regions drops.

The outermost area will be lowered by three or four degrees, while the center will be lowered by more than ten degrees.

If the reason for the continuous drop in temperature cannot be found, according to this trend, the temperature in this extremely cold land will drop to a temperature where even ice-type Pokémon cannot survive.

What to do with the hundreds of millions of ice-type Pokémon in this secret realm? If you don't let them out, they will all freeze to death here. And if you let them out, you don't know how to keep so many ice-type Pokémon in sight.

So as I said in chapter 0.5, we have to find the reason for the temperature drop and solve the problem. This disaster will naturally be solved.

"The owner of the museum has another group of Spheal coming towards here."

The bad news came one after another. Just as Swinub's matter was settled, another group of bad news came.

"What about the quantity?" Xiang Fei asked.

"About a thousand or so"

Xiangfei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the quantity was not very large. If the quantity reached Swinub's level, the daily consumption of food alone would be a huge amount.

"Xiangwen, please go and make arrangements."

Xiang Fei said to a middle-aged man next to him, this is his eldest son.

He has a son named Xiang Wutong, who is one of the few close friends of Quanqing.

"Well, I'll go right away"

Xiangwen nodded. .

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