Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1284 Dragonite Is Dying

The eight-in-one Hyper Beam did not hit Jiang Qing, but the powerful aftermath still affected him. If Lucario hadn't blocked Jiang Qing in time, Jiang Qing would have been torn to pieces by the aftermath.

Lucario, who blocked the aftermath for Jiang Qing, felt the energy and blood in his body boiling, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

The aftermath of the eight pseudo-gods is not so easy to block. Even the entire Godless Barrier is constantly trembling under the aftermath, which shows how powerful the aftermath is.

Without this Godless Barrier, the aftermath alone could destroy the entire Nihe Country, and even the surrounding countries would be affected to varying degrees.

With a loud noise, Jiang Qing's Dragonite was stepped on the stomach by a Tyranitar. The powerful force made Dragonite's big belly flatten.

Previously, because Mega Aggron killed a Tyranitar "Zero One Zero", the black smoke poison produced after the death of the opponent was absorbed by the Tyranitar in front of him.

Its level is also immediately upgraded from late-champion level to pseudo-god level.

Dragonite itself had a very difficult time dealing with two champions in the late stage. Suddenly one of them became a pseudo-god and its strength skyrocketed. Dragonite was naturally not Rival.

In an instant, he was hit by Tyranitar's Rock Throw, causing him to fall to the ground, and then was stepped on his stomach by the opponent's Bulldoze.

Most of the bones and internal organs were broken under the Bulldoze. The blood in the mouth was constant, and the breath of life was also reduced to the lowest at this moment.


Tyranitar smiled ferociously, and bit the dragon's neck with his sharp teeth.

"Mega Metagross"

Jiang Qing shouted in her heart.

Because Tyranitar's back is facing him, the Poké Ball cannot take back Dragonite at this moment.


Mega Metagross used Teleport to come to Dragonite, and hit Tyranitar with Meteor Mash, but the opponent was already prepared, and a green protection appeared.

Although the power of Meteor Mash was very powerful, it was still blocked by the protection. Of course, the protection was also broken at this moment.

As Mega Metagross rescues Dragonite, Mega Aggron has been surrounded by six pseudo-gods, and they are constantly bombarding Mega Aggron with various moves.

Hyper Beam, Shoe Beam, Dragon Pulse and other moves will directly overwhelm Mega Aggron.

Violent explosions continued to sound, and the Ground where the Mega Aggron was located turned into magma in the high temperature generated by the explosion.

The remaining two pseudo-god-level Dragonites and Salamence headed towards Jiang Qing.


Lucario had already suffered a lot of injuries in the aftermath of the battle just now. Looking at the two pseudo-gods that came over, he immediately threw two Aura Sphere.

But the level gap was too big, and the two Aura Sphere hits couldn't hit them, so they still rushed towards Jiang Qing quickly.

Mega Metagross tried to rescue him, but was entangled by Tyranitar, and was unable to use Teleport for a while.

And once it leaves, the dragon will undoubtedly die.


The severely injured Dragonite didn't know where he got the strength to stand up from the pothole.


Under the operation of Outrage, the blood on his body continuously spurted out from the wound, and his yellow body instantly turned into blood.

Relying on the short-term power brought by Outrage, Dragonite struggled to hug Tyranitar in front of him.


He said to the Mega Metagross beside him: "Let's go"

The meaning is obvious, let it save Jiang Qing and leave it alone.

Mega Metagross left without any hesitation and used Teleport.

With its Mega computer, to a certain extent, it will always make the most correct judgment.

Compared with Trainer Jiang Qing, partner Dragonite is not so important.

And that's what Dragonite thinks too.

Tyranitar bit Dragonite's shoulder and instantly Crunched his shoulder. With a slight exertion, a large piece of flesh and blood disappeared from Dragonite's shoulder.

Dragonite stopped two Pokémon at the beginning, one was Tyranitar, which has now become a pseudo-god, and the other was Hydreigon.

Hydreigon's Tri Attack bombarded Dragonite's back, beating its flesh and blood, and its broken bones were clearly visible.

The blood continued to flow, and a blood pit had formed on the ground below Dragonite.

Feeling the power in his body draining away rapidly, Dragonite reluctantly looked in the direction of Jiang Qing.

It wants to Self-Destruct and kill these two guys, but it knows very well that once it Self-Destructs, the power it creates will affect its Trainer.

This is the main reason why Master doesn't let these Pokémon Self Destruct.

Under the pseudo-god-level Self Destruct, even the master himself cannot be spared...

"Mega Metagross Save Dragonite"

When Jiang Qing saw this scene, his eyes turned red instantly and he roared towards Metagross.

But Mega Metagross disobeyed Jiang Qing's order for the first time and came to the pseudo-god-level Dragonite and Salamence, and smashed the Meteor Mash down one after another.

Smash both Pokémon into the Ground.

Looking at the Hyper Beam condensed in Tyranitar's mouth, Dragonite's hands restraining it gradually relaxed, the Outrage effect was disappearing, and the vitality was rapidly passing away.

The roaring sound of his own Trainer could be vaguely heard in his ears, and in his blurred vision, he seemed to see the figure of Trainer running towards him.


Just when it lost consciousness, the pseudo-god-level Tyranitar Hyper Beam was about to smash its head, and a hand suddenly stretched out and pinched Tyranitar's neck.

The Hyper Beam that fatally struck it forcibly changed its direction and sprayed towards Hydreigon.

Hydreigon was instantly killed by the Hyper Beam from Rival.

It was only in the late stage of the championship, so of course it couldn't withstand a blow from the pseudo-god level.

Naturally, it was Mega Aggron who took action.

Beat Up by six Pokémon, it still relied on its abnormal defense power to break through the siege and rescue Dragonite at the critical moment.


Jiang Qing has already come to Dragonite's side with Lucario's help.

The other party's breath 5.8 has been extremely weak, and is still weakening.

Even more serious than the near-death Contest Condition.

In this case, no matter how good the medicine is, it cannot save Dragonite's zone.

Even the healing Arcana will not have much effect, because it takes time for the Arcana to heal, and now Dragonite's life is about to bottom out.

Simply put, the speed of healing cannot match the speed of passage.

Unless it's a world-treasure type of treatment drug, which Jiang Qing doesn't have at all and is sold in the system mall, the points returned to Jiang Shu are simply not enough.

But Jiang Qing took out something.

Ice Heart: After use, the life can be frozen. It is suitable for seriously injured Pokémon and humans. After the freezing is lifted, the life fluctuations will be restored.

Jiang Qing purchased this thing from the system mall a long time ago.

in case for need. .

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