Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1283 Carry It And Run

Pokémon: Mega Totem-level Aggron (Steel/Rock)




Props: Metal Coat

Gender: male

Moves: Roar, Tackle, Harden, Headbutt, Protect, Iron Head, Rock Block, Metal Claw, Take Down, Iron Defense, Autotomize

Skill Disc: Earthquake, Sandstorm, Dig, Shock Wave, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Water Pulse, Dragon Claw, Focus Punch, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Stone Edge-----

Genetic Skills: Land of the Earth, Heavy Slam, Savage, Dragon Rush

Note: Use Totem Soul to become a Totem Pokémon

Note: After using the Black Light Crystal, Pokémon will absorb sunlight all the time to restore its own physical strength (steel type only, - Rock)

Note: With the use of diamond cores, the power of Rock and Ground moves increases by 20%.

Note: Using golden armor, the defense will be increased by 50% and you will be immune to fatal attacks ten times.

Note: Using strange water reduces the damage of Water Type moves by 30% and increases the power of Steel type skills by 20% (common to all Attributes)

Note: When using earth armor, when receiving a melee attack, there is a 50% chance of reflecting 30% of the damage received.

Note: Use the Determination Star to increase negative resistance by 30%.

Note: With golden qualification, the road to becoming a god is opened, and the overall strength is increased by 50%.

Note: Golden qualifications, with some divinity, within a radius of ten kilometers, if the qualifications are lower than gold, the strength of Pokémon will be suppressed by 10% (purple qualifications), 20% (blue)

30% (cyan), 50% (below cyan)

Under Mega Evolution, the levels of both Pokémon were briefly raised by one level. Metagross even reached level 99, only one step away from the peak of championship.

Dragonite looked at Metagross and Dragonite with some envy. Why didn't he have Mega Evolution?

Hydreigon:Me neither

Goodra:Me neither

Dragonite: I am the quasi-god of the first generation, you can compare with me.

Pokémon with Mega Evolution form will indeed have more advantages in battle.

If during the battle, you and Rival's Pokémon are evenly matched, and no one can do anything to the other, your Rival will suddenly have a Mega Evolution.

The strength of Pokémon suddenly increased by several levels, and your Pokémon does not have a Mega Evolution form, so you can only lose unwillingly.

And Mega Evolution can briefly break through its own barriers.

Quasi-Elite peak Mega Evolution can become Elite, and even with green qualifications, under Mega Evolution, you can become Elite temporarily.

And the quasi-champion peak Mega Evolution briefly became the champion.

Mega Evolution can temporarily bridge the huge gap between quasi-Elite and Elite, quasi-champion and champion.

There are so many benefits of Mega Evolution, but the only disadvantage is that the number of Mega Evolution stones is too small and they are priceless. Even if you use a quasi-god cub, you may not be able to exchange for a Mega Evolution stone.

The number of Mega Evolutions is much less than that of Quasi-Gods.

Most Trainers will never get a Mega Evolution stone in their lifetime.

You can also slowly increase the number of quasi-gods through breeding, but the Mega Evolution stone is a natural product and currently cannot be manufactured by human technology.

At the same time, there are no effective instruments and equipment to find where the Mega Evolution Stone is. Basically, the Mega Evolution Stone is dug up by various coincidences.

Many small families accidentally obtained a Mega Evolution stone, which was leaked out, causing genocide.

And this thing is not like Pokémon. If you kill someone's Trainer and take away his Pokémon, there is a high probability that his Pokémon will not recognize you.

On the contrary, because you killed its Trainer, it has a grudge and will try to find ways to kill you.

The Mega Evolution stone is different. This thing is a dead object. Whoever holds it belongs to whoever holds it. As long as you have the strength to keep the Mega Evolution stone, then even if you snatched this thing

That's yours too.

"Mega Metagross, Mega Aggron, Part 1"

Jiang Qing gave a soft drink and took the lead in launching the attack.

No matter what your strength is, as long as you are not a first-level god, the victory in this battle is mine.


Mega Metagross used Teleport to disappear in place, and Aggron disappeared at the same time, because it took Aggron away with it.

The next second Mega Aggron appeared on top of a Tyranitar.

The huge body of the Totem class covered the sun above Tyranitar's head like a mountain, and it looked up in confusion.

He saw Mega Aggron's body smashing down towards it.

Body Slam!

Coupled with the weight of Mega Aggron, there was only a click, Tyranitar's spine was broken directly, and most of his body sank into the ground.

0......Please give me flowers......

Of course, this injury would definitely not lead to direct death, and it would not even be considered an injury.



Mega Aggron raised his foot and stepped heavily on Tyranitar's exposed head.

"Boom boom boom"

But in the next second, its back was hit by several Hyper Beams. The powerful impact made Mega Aggron's body somewhat unsteady.

But he still resisted forcefully.



Bulldoze fell and Tyranitar's head was crushed like a watermelon.

After taking care of one of them, Aggron turned to look at the ones that attacked him.

On Jiang Qing's side, two of them were already attacking him.


Lucario is about to activate the Explosion Contest Condition. At this moment, Jiang Qing cannot move easily because he has to maintain Mega Evolution.


Mega Metagross appears in front of Dragonite and Salamence, blocking them.

Mental strong thoughts are like ripples Normal, limiting their movements to the maximum extent.

"Don't worry about Aggron, just look at Mei Aotao"

The master said towards the remaining seven pseudo-gods.

The eight pseudo-gods turned around and used Hyper Beam at Jiang Qing's location.

Eight Hyper Beams merged into seven in mid-air, and their power suddenly increased to an extremely terrifying level, and because of the existence of the power of the devil,

The unified Hyper Beam turned out to be dark black, giving it a strong and ominous aura.

The ground below is constantly dented by the air waves formed by the Hyper Beam, forming a deep ravine.

"go to hell"

Watching the Hyper Beam continue to move towards Jiang Qing, the master's face showed the joy of victory.

Mega Metagross was entangled, and Mega Aggron was unable to rescue him due to his speed.


Lucario picked up Jiang Qing next to him, used Extrreme Speed, and disappeared with a swipe.

This Hyper Beam hit the place where Jiang Qing was before, and the shock wave formed was extremely terrifying, and a huge mushroom cloud also rose.

Under this impact, the Godless Barrier began to tremble continuously.

At this moment, the master's joyful expression suddenly froze on his face.

There is only one thought in my mind, it turns out that I can still carry a walking spoon?

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