As expected, the space backpack is a big hit, and the Jiang Group's name is even more popular. Now almost the whole world is talking about the space backpack.

At the same time, except for Xia Kingdom, other countries have expressed their intention to purchase space backpacks from Xia Kingdom officials and the Jiang Group.

No one is stupid. The emergence of space backpacks allows Trainer to carry more medicine and food. This allows Trainer to stay longer in secret realms or in the wild, and safety is naturally improved.

With the blessing of these two kinds, if Trainer's strength cannot be improved, there will be trouble.

So from this point of view, the space backpack can completely enhance national power.

Because of Jiang Qing's rise, Xia State has become the world's largest country. As long as Jiang Qing does not fall, they have no hope of catching up.

But now your country, Xia, has released a "790" space backpack. Your country's top Trainer has already made other countries despair.

Now if the strength of mid- and low-level Trainers is also improved, then we will not be able to survive.

But in the face of requests from various countries, whether they have poor relations with Xia State or are allies of Xia State, the official reply is that production capacity is limited and cannot meet foreign requirements.

This is really no excuse. The materials used to make the space backpack can withstand the attacks of elite-level Pokémon, and they also have to meet a series of requirements such as fireproof, waterproof, and dirt-resistant.

Just making such materials requires a lot of manpower and material resources, so the production capacity really cannot keep up.

Otherwise, the first sale would not have sold only 10 million pieces.

The second release will not be until half a month later.

All this has nothing to do with Jiang Qing. He is now talking to his nominal apprentice Gu Xi.

"Coach, I didn't grab the space backpack, wuwuwu-"

This crying sound is so fake, Jiang's house is demolished.

"Send me the address and I'll have someone send it to you," Jiang Qing said.

"Thank you coach, I want the pink one"

Gu Xi's excited voice came from the phone.

There are only three colors of space backpack, black, blue, and pink. Once you grab it, the color will be randomly distributed.

So many male Trainers got two pink space backpacks.

This has led to many trainers exchanging their favorite colors online. How can I, a macho man, exchange my favorite colors for a pink bag?

“There’s nothing else to do”

Jiang Qing was about to hang up the phone, but then Gu Xi's voice came again.

"No, coach, I have other serious feelings."

"What happened again?"

As if she heard Jiang Qing's helpless voice, Gu Xi curled her lips and said, "Coach, why don't I treat you like this?"

"If you don't say anything, I'll die."

"My birthday is next Tuesday, and I want to invite you, coach, to come over."

Gu Xi quickly finished speaking because she knew Jiang Qing would really hang up the phone.


"Coach, are you busy that day?"

Gu Xi's tone was filled with disappointment.

"That's not true. Let's see what day it is today."

Jiang Qing has been squatting at home, and her days have long been boring. She doesn’t even know what day it is today or what day it is. She only knows that at twelve o’clock tonight, Metagross will release a new skin.

"It's Friday today. I really envy you, coach, for having nothing to do every day."

Gu Xiyou's resentful voice came. She had been with Jiang Qing for a while, and naturally she had seen what Meiqing was doing at home every day.

It’s hard to imagine that Jiang Qing, the world’s number one Trainer, is actually an otaku and addicted to the Internet. When he’s not doing anything, he’s holding his phone all day long, either doing TikTok or playing games, and he’s also being cared for by Daidai and Love. It's so good that it's almost as if you can put your hands out for clothes and open your mouth for food.

This seemingly boring and wasteful life is actually the life of a god, which makes Gu Xi extremely envious.

Unlike a student like her, in order to get points for graduation, she had to go to the Trainer Association almost every day to pick up tasks. She indulged for a while last time, resulting in not enough points, and she almost failed this semester.

"There is no way to survive"

Jiang Qing grinned.

Some people were born in Rome, and some people were born as cows and horses.

Jiang Qing couldn't be more satisfied with her birth.

"Coach, it's really annoying when you talk like this."

Gu Xi gritted her teeth and looked at Jiang Qing. Although she was separated by the phone, Meiqing's stinky face had already appeared in her mind.

"So what? You can't even beat my weakest Bisharp. By the way, Bisharp is already a quasi-Elite now."

Jiang Qing's words made Gu Xi angry.

When Bisharp becomes an Elite, Jiang Qing will have to make sure that he defeats the late-Elite Bisharp leader in the secret realm of Baga Kingdom, so that Bisharp can evolve...0

Previously, Jiang Qing thought of defeating three of them at once, but after discovering that the Bisharp from Baga Kingdom was a bit strong, Jiang Qing gave up.

"Coach doesn't want to talk to you anymore. I'm hanging up. By the way, remember to bring me a Present when you come."

Jiang Qing hung up the phone directly.

“How can anyone take the initiative to present?”

Jiang Qing murmured, and then the sound of Magearna eating his lunch sounded.

"I'm coming"

While eating lunch cooked by Dadai and Guanshi, Jiang Qing asked: "What should we eat in the evening?"

Now Jiang Qing's most common words every day are asking about what to eat tomorrow morning at night, asking about what to eat for lunch in the morning, and asking about what to eat at night at noon.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "I'm going to the coffee shop tonight"

So Jiang Qing looked at Ai Guandai.


Lovely: "I signed up for a flower arrangement class and have to go to class in the afternoon. I don't have time to make dinner."

Upon hearing that both housekeepers were busy, Jiang Qing not only did not feel disappointed, but instead said excitedly: "I can order takeout now."

As long as she was at home, the two housekeepers absolutely prohibited Jiang Qing from ordering takeout.

Although the takeout is really not as delicious as the food made by the two butlers, it is something that makes people think about it. If you don’t order it for a while, you will feel that something is missing in your life.

After saying this, Quanzhi naturally received the stern eyes of the two housekeepers.

This is to rebel against Tiangang on 3.8. You have to order takeout when we are not here, and you still act so excited.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "Magearna will cook it for you to eat"

Then it looked at its little apprentice: "If he dares to order takeout, throw his takeaway away to me."


The young apprentice Magearna clenched her fists and nodded seriously.

Then he looked at Jiang Qing with a serious face, as if he wanted to use his momentum to suppress his Trainer, just like Master Dudu.

"Then Magearna, I'll leave dinner to you, I won't order takeout."

Jiang Qing quickly showed her good-natured side. Just now she was so happy that she got a little carried away and didn't speak carefully.

At this moment, I thought: Haha, it’s just Magearna, you can suppress me. As long as you two big housekeepers leave, that’s like the monkey has left Wuzhishan. .

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