Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1253 Space Backpack For Sale

Because it had been preheated on the Internet before, even though many people did not believe that the Jiang Group had developed a space backpack, the popularity not only did not cool down in the past three days, but continued to rise.

Then on the third day, major TV stations in Xia Kingdom broadcast an advertisement about a space backpack filmed by Jiang Qing, Celebi, and Jirachi during prime time in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

The ad also has a headline called "Unemployed Gengar"

The content is roughly that after Jiang Qing has the Kong family backpack, he no longer has to put things in Gengar’s stomach. With the space backpack, whether it is daily shopping, traveling, or exploring secret places, it is reflected Great effect.

On Douyin, Jiang Qing himself also posted a video about space backpacks.

In the video, Jiang Qing was seen putting about a thousand kilograms of fried chicken, French fries, and burgers into the space backpack, and said that this was the amount that Celebi and Jirachi would eat in a year.

Then I put the full space backpack on the scale, and it showed one kilogram.

The advertising effect coupled with Jiang Qing's vibrato effect was like a fuse detonating a bomb, completely blowing up the people of the country and even the world.

Everyone has only one idea, and that is that the space backpack has really been researched~.

There are advertisements that Jiang Qing personally participated in and Douyin that he released, and given Jiang Qing's status in the Xia Kingdom, it is impossible to deceive people.

In other words, the Jiang Group's previous statement that it had developed a space backpack was true - it was not a gimmick.

【Who can believe that when you wake up, you will find that the world has changed】

[Space backpacks have appeared. I’m afraid I haven’t traveled through time.

[With this thing, doesn’t it mean that I can change clothes every day in the secret realm]

[This is good news for our Trainers]

[The transportation industry is miserable]

[But this thing is so expensive. A space backpack costs 10 million. I can’t afford it.]

[The main audience of the space backpack is Trainers. The space backpack is not very useful for ordinary people]

[Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, the space backpack will be sold online, but the first batch is only 10 million. Fortunately, the price is expensive, otherwise I feel that I will not be able to get a job.

At the moment, the Internet is full of discussions about space backpacks.

And later, Celebrity or Celebrity Trainer from the entertainment industry such as Han Bingqing and Hua Xiangxiang also released videos about space backpacks.

There was no Han Bingqing originally, but when we met last time, Jiang Qing naturally gave her one and asked her to post a video of using it in three days.

So many celebrities in the entertainment industry have distributed space backpacks, and the effect is not very good.

Domestic and foreign companies have even expressed their desire to cooperate with the Jiang Group.

All fools know what the space backpack technology means to the world. To put it bluntly, a single space backpack can make a company world-class.

But this is not just a space backpack, the most important thing is the space technology inside.

Now that the Jiang Group can develop a space backpack, will it be possible to develop a space house later so that a toilet can have hundreds of square meters?

Of course, the Jiang Group rejected these cooperations.

The space backpack is not unique to the Jiang Group. It was developed together with Xia Guo. Xia Guo accounts for 30% of the entire industry and the Jiang Group accounts for 70%.

The emergence of a new technology will allow certain industries to develop better, and at the same time, it will also cause certain industries to disappear completely.

The selling price of 10 million is very expensive, and it is definitely a prohibitive price for ordinary people. With this figure of 10,000 square meters, you can buy a very good Earl Dervish Pokémon and some treasures.

But now this is only the price of a backpack, so the space backpack is destined to become something that only a small number of people can own.

The pre-sale started the next day, and all 10 million space backpacks were sold out instantly, with each account limited to two.

[Damn, what’s your hand speed? It’s gone so quickly.

[Hahaha, I grabbed it, thanks to the fascia gun]

[Sell it upstairs, I’ll pay 15 million]

【If you don’t want to sell it, I’ll send you this little money.

[I’m a dance student. If any of my brothers have grabbed a space backpack, we can chat offline.]

[It doesn’t matter if you can’t grab it. If you are an Elite Trainer, you can buy it directly at half price]

Of course, Jiang Shao Group will not let them snatch Elite Trainers.

As long as it is an Elite Trainer registered on Xia Guo Trainer's official website, it can be purchased directly at half the price. There is no difference between 5 million and 10 million for Elite Trainers.

0Please ask for flowers......

However, Jiang Group's approach makes many Elite Trainers feel very comfortable.

You can purchase three Elite Trainers, and five for Quasi-Champions. As for the Champions, I will give you as many as you want.

On the third day after the pre-sale ended, most of them had received the space backpacks, and videos taken by some people after using them appeared on Douyin.

Without exception, they are all backpacking in space.

Because each person who grabbed it could buy two, so although 10 million were sold, only five or six million people actually bought it.

Most of the ones I grabbed bought two.

At present, the outside world has sold space backpacks to more than 20 million each, which is really a big deal.

There are also some geniuses who are thinking about putting another space backpack inside the space backpack. If I can put it in unlimitedly, wouldn’t the things I can put in it also be unlimited?

Of course, the experimental results are definitely not valid.

A space backpack can hold a space backpack, but once it is put in, the space backpack will be full and can no longer hold anything.

There is no such thing as card BUFF, and it is such an obvious loophole.

There are also some technical bloggers who have conducted destructive experiments on space backpacks. After all, the main audience for this thing is Trainer. Everyone knows how bad the environment in which Trainer lives is.

Burning, flooding, cutting with knives, stepping on feet, tearing apart with hands, even Pokémon came into play, but the space backpack was still not destroyed.

Of course, if the level of Pokémon reaches quasi-Elite, the space backpack will still be destroyed, which means that the space backpack can withstand elite-level Pokémon attacks.

This is completely enough. This thing can be used as a body armor at critical moments.

After reading the tests of these bloggers, for those who have not bought a space backpack, the level of itch has increased by several levels.

And the space backpack has become a symbol of the rich.

If you have a luxury car or a mansion, you may not necessarily be rich, but if you have space for a backpack, you must be a rich person.

Nowadays, most rich people cannot buy it even if they want to.

The second round of space backpack sales will take place in half a month. .

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