Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

124 Dragonair Evolution → Fat Beast

Under Extreme Speed's Tackle, Salamence smashed directly to the ground, and a pit of about seven or eight meters appeared, but it did not make Salamence lose his fighting ability, but aroused his inner tyrannical emotions.


Salamence stared at Dragonair in midair with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Extrreme Speed, your Dragonair has inherited Extreme Speed," Xia Yu said incredulously.

The blessing of Extreme Speed ​​to Dragonair may not be great, but once Dragonair evolves into Dragonite, Dragonite with Extreme Speed ​​skill will make up for its lack of speed.

Although Dragonite has the speed of 16 hours to spare the earth for one week, this speed is more than the best.

But if you learn Extreme Speed, the short board of Dragonite speed will no longer exist.

As for the skill of Extreme Speed, Dragonite itself cannot be learned through upgrades or skill discs, it can only be learned through heredity.

If one parent has the skill of Extreme Speed, then the child born has this probability of inheriting Extreme Speed, but this probability is very low.

And there are only a few Pokémons that can know Extreme Speed. Excluding the beasts, only Arcanine643 and Lucario can learn Extreme Speed ​​among ordinary Pokémons with Extreme Speed ​​skills.

And these two Pokémon are as rare as quasi-gods.

That's why Dratini wants to inherit Extreme Speed, which is comparable to a lottery jackpot.

It is the Pokémon Genetics aspect that is currently being studied in Pokémon Genetics.

Xia Yu knew very well how powerful a Dragonite with an Extreme Speed ​​skill would be in the future, just because he knew it, he couldn't figure out how a person from a steel family could have an Extreme Speed ​​Dragonair that even a dragon family didn't have. Woolen cloth.

I'm afraid it's a fake dragon family son.

For a moment, he doubted whether he was a child of the Xia family.

"Dragonair Dragon Rush"

Jiang Qing was too lazy to answer the other party's question, and even lied to him when he answered.

"Salamence Protection"

The green protective cover shrouded Salamence, followed by Dragon Rush. The energy of the two sides collided violently, and the wanton energy continued to explode in the middle.

"click click"

There were several cracks in the protection, and it was obvious that it was about to hold up.

"Hyper Beam"

Just as the protection shattered, Salamence's long-prepared Hyper Beam biffs with Dragonair's Dragon Rush Tackle.

Crash protection has consumed half of Dragon Rush's energy, and now blocked by Hyper Beam, Dragon Rush's energy is finally exhausted.

But the Hyper Beam's energy has also disappeared.

"This Dragonair can't be measured by common sense"

Xia Yu saw that Dragonair had one move, and he actually needed Salamence to block it with two moves, one of which was a life-saving move.

Just how big is the energy of the opponent's Dragon Rush.

"Dragonair Ice Beam"

After the Hyper Beam is used, the Pokémon will fall into a short freeze time. The stronger the Pokémon, the shorter the time. The stronger Pokémon can even ignore the freeze time.

But this Salamence obviously can't do that right now.

A beam of cold aura shot out from the Dragonair's horn, and wherever it passed, the surrounding air was filled with icicles.

Ice is four times stronger than dragon, and ice-type moves against dragon-type are simply like a father beating his son, and once you hit it, it will cost you at least half your life.

"Salamence dodges"

Xia Yu roared.

Salamence: I can't move my body, you try to hide, you let me use Hyper Beam, idol.

Not all Trainers are Ash, roar and Pokémon will fight back.

A lifelike ice sculpture appeared on the field.

“Salamence loses combat ability, Dragonair wins”

Seeing that Xia Yu had lost, Tong Guan and Yang Feifan were happy and gave each other a high five. After reacting, they felt that it was wrong.

"Of course we have to lose. If he wins, doesn't it mean that we are incompetent?" Lin Xiu muttered.

The two nodded in agreement.


I don't know who shouted.

I saw the Dragonair in mid-air exuding a dazzling white light, and in the white light, Dragonair's slender body was developing in the direction of obesity.

When the white light disappeared, a Pokémon with a whole body orange, a cream-colored belly, two small wings that looked like Decorate stuck on the back, two tentacles on the top of the head, a pair of big eyes and a big belly appeared in front of everyone.

Gone is the good-looking Dragonair, now a middle-aged greasy Dragonite.

Looking at the Dragonite that flew in front of him and looked at his Dragonite with a simple and honest face, Jiang Qing couldn't help but pat the other party's bulging belly, and the belly swayed a few times in coordination.

"Eat less in the future, you will gain weight"


Pokémon: Dragonite (Dragon/Flying)

Level: 55

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Spiritual Power

Item: Dragon Fang

Gender: Male

Moves: Hurricane, Wing Attack, Roost, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Slam, Rain Dance

Skill Disc: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Substitute, Iron Tail, Breaking Swipe

Genetic Skills: Extreme Speed, Dragon Swarm, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Xia Yu took back Salamence, and his face turned very bad. Not only did he lose, but he lost without resistance, and Dragonair stepped on Salamence and evolved into Dragonite.

It was simply a slap in the face and another kick.

Does he have no face?

If Jiang Qing's Dragonite became famous in the future, some people might say that when it was still Dragonair, it defeated someone named Xia and then evolved into Dragonite.

"That Dragonite is very strong, and its strength should be no less than that of the Metagross. Maybe Dragonite is his real Trump Card," Xia Yu said with a serious face after the game.

His Salamence is one level higher than Dragonair, and his aptitude is cyan. He is still a child of a dragon family, but in this case, he was pressed and beaten by Dragonair, and finally Dragonair evolved into Dragonite.

The strength of the opponent's Dragonite is not too strong.

"Cut, Lucario is his Trump Card," Lin Xiu said with a do-you-know expression.

Anyway, losing to Trump Card is definitely different from losing to Jiang Qing and other Pokémon.

"Metagross is"

Tong Guan and Yang Feifan said strangely.

As the first and second players, they feel that they have no intentions, and the people who play behind them have more intentions than one.

But what if he has a lot of heart, he is not defeated by Jiang Qing like chopping melons and vegetables.

The five looked at the last person, Lin Xiu patted him on the shoulder, and said what the five of them were saying: "You can't win anyway, or you should just admit defeat."

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