Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

123 The Battle of the Dragon Clan

"The sense of sight of adults hitting kindergarten children"

"This is Totem Pokémon, Marshtomp's moves just can't shake it"

"It's not just because of Totem Pokémon, but Aron's defense is terrible"

"Its armor shines like diamonds"

A certain girl was fascinated by Aron's armor that shimmered in the sunlight.

Aron is a student of Totem Pokémon's special recruiting class, and everyone knows that everyone is not an idiot. Although most people have never seen Totem Pokémon in real life, Aron is so big, he definitely didn't grow up with money.

The only possibility is that the other party is Totem Pokémon.

"This is the advantage of the only heir to the Jiang family."

Lin Xiu, who was also born in a big family, was so jealous that he was about to be separated.

He is indeed very talented in the family, and the family also has a certain resource preference for him, but it is impossible to be like Jiang Qing, giving him all good things, after all, there are more than ten members of the direct line in their family.

Most of them have the same idea, thinking that Jiang Qing has this Totem Pokémon, which the Jiang family found for him.

This is indeed the case, Aron was indeed found by his father Jiang Lan, but it was not a Totem Pokémon at the beginning, Jiang Qing turned it into a Totem Pokémon with the soul of Totem.

Later, after Jiang Lan found out that Aron was a Totem Pokémon, he called him a good guy. This kind of Pokémon, which is rarer than a quasi-god, was actually found by him.

In front of Jiang Qing, he has a very lucky father, otherwise this Totem Pokémon would never be in his hands.

Jiang Qing smiled and said nothing.

"You first or me first"

When Wang Yan came down, the last two challengers looked at each other.

"I'll go first"

One person walked up, and when he saw this person coming up, someone who knew him said subconsciously, "Jiang Qing is in danger."

"Why is he so strong?"

"Dragon Trainer, are you strong?"

Among the eighteen Attributes, the Dragon is a powerful synonym, and its super destructive power is difficult for many Pokémon to achieve.

Of course, its number is much smaller than other types of Pokémon, and Breeder requires more resources.

If Breeder is a dragon-type quasi-god cub, then if your family is not rich enough, it is better not to raise it.

Raising a dragon takes energy, time, and resources, and the dragon type is still a late bloomer. The family background is not good enough. If you raise a dragon type quasi-god, you may end up being dragged down by this Pokémon.

"He's very big 〃〃" Shen Yu asked subconsciously seeing that everyone around was discussing each other.

"Xia Yu, the heir of the Xia family in the imperial capital, the last generation of Dragon Elite is his grandfather." Kong Li did not disappoint Shen Yu, and immediately revealed Xia Yu's information.

"It turns out that he is from the Xia family," Shen Yu said suddenly.

Most ordinary people know very little about the top family in the Xia Kingdom, and the Xia family is an exception. Many ordinary people know that the Xia family is the top family in the Xia Kingdom.

The main reason is that the opponent is using the dragon type, and if an excellent direct member is a dragon type quasi-god.

Although quasi-god Pokémon is not necessarily a dragon type, dragon type quasi-gods are the most numerous of all quasi-gods.

"Let's have a battle of dragons," Xia Yu said.

Tong Guan, Yang Feifan: Shameless.

Lin Xiu, Wang Yan: plagiarism, shameless.

"it is good"

Jiang Qing nodded, looking at the Jiang family in the Xia Guogang trainer, and looking at the Xia family in the Long family trainer.

Take back Aron and send Dragonair.

Looking at the blue and white figure flying in the air, Xia Yu said sincerely: "This Dragonair Breeder is really good"

"Can I ask, where did your Dragonair come from?"

The Dragonair qualification in front of him is definitely above cyan or even cyan, whether it is eyes, temperament or skin color, it is an excellent existence.

Such a Pokémon could not be found in their Xia family, how could it appear in the Jiang family, which is famous for its steel system.


Jiang Qing said coldly.

Xia Yu was slightly furious, and without saying much, he released his Pokémon.


One has blood-colored wings and a dark blue background, standing on four legs, exuding a strong threat.

Salamence looked up at the Dragonair flying in the air, his wings fluttered slightly, it was level with the Dragonair, and his eyes were fierce and tyrannical.

Among the dragon quasi-gods, Salamence and Garchomp and Hydreigon are notoriously bad-tempered, especially Hydreigon.

In the Star-Spangled Kingdom, there was even a bad incident where Hydreigon killed his own Trainer, even swallowing his body.

Salamence: Level 55, cyan qualification.

Pokémon: Dragonair

Level: 54

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Molting

Item: Dragon Fang

Gender: Male

Moves: Wrap, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Slam, Rain Dance

Skill Discs: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Substitute, Iron Tail, Breaking Swipe–

Genetic Skills: Extreme Speed, Dragon Swarm, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Shelgon evolves into Salamence at level 50, while Dragonair evolves into Dragonite at level 55.

Jiang Qing can also be considered to have eaten the "." welfare of the late bloomer of the dragon-type quasi-god

Salamence's Intimidate Ability does not reduce Dragonair's attack power. Although Dragonair is one level lower than Salamence's level, the level does not represent strength.

Xia Yu obviously found this too, and his brows couldn't help but wrinkle. His Salamence is level 55, Dragonair has not evolved into Dragonite yet, so the level must be lower than 55. It is obviously lower than Salamence, but it is not affected by intimidation. The possibility is that Dragonair's strength is similar to Salamence, or even stronger.

While Salamence is his Earl Dervish Pokémon and the highest level of all his Pokémons, Dragonair is not Jiang Qing's Earl Dervish Pokémon.

He is also a member of the big family, Earl Dervish Pokémon is not as good as Jiang Qing in rank, and even Jiang Qing's other Pokémon are similar to his Earl Dervish Pokémon, which makes him very unconvinced.

"Salamence Dragon Breath"

(Wang is good) Xia Yu took the lead in launching the attack. The Xia family is a dragon family. He doesn't believe that in the use of dragon Pokémon, he will lose to his peers.

The green breath carries a strong dragon energy.

"Dragon Tail" Jiang Qing said.

It is also a dragon-type move, Dragonair's slender tail hits Dragon Breath from top to bottom with a snap, and the latter is instantly scattered.

"Salamence Dragon's Claw"

Salamence flapped his wings lightly, and the distance of more than 100 meters came in an instant. Dragon Claw ripped apart the air and made a piercing sound of breaking through the air.


Dragon Claw fell, but did not hit Dragonair, the opponent was no longer in place.

"Extrreme Speed ​​Account"

When the Dragon Claw failed, Salamence suddenly felt a huge force hit his back, causing his body to fall continuously.

Because its belly is covered with shells from the Shelgon period, otherwise the Extreme Speed ​​Tackle just now is not its back, but its belly, so the damage can be even greater.

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