Pokémon: Arcanine (Fire/Rock)


Qualification: purple

Ability: Flash Fire

Props: gold flint

Gender: male

Moves: Leer, Ember, Howl, Bite, Flame Wheel, Help, Agility, Extrreme Speed, Burn Up, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Fire Fang, Roar, Retaliate

Skill CD: None

Genetic skills: Morning Sun, Big Rage, Double Kick, Double Edge.

Note: Blessed by Arceus, he has the form of Ren.

Note: The king's form cannot be conquered in this form. The power of fire and rock moves is increased by 100%, the damage taken is reduced by 50%, and it is immune to all negative Contest Conditions.

Note: When carrying the prop Gold Flint and using fire or rock skills, there is a 1% chance of triggering 10 times the damage (used once every 24 hours)

Note: Soaking in the ground ooze purifies the origin of the fire system. The physical strength is increased by 2 to 5 times. The power of fire system moves is increased by 50%. The burn rate is 100%. Water damage is reduced by 40%.

Note: In the lava battlefield, Arcanine recovers 10% of its physical strength every minute. Except for fire-type, first-level god, and gold-qualified Pokémon, the strength of other Pokémon in this field is weakened (champion strength is reduced by 20%, quasi-champion 50%, Elite 90%)

Looking at the information fed back from the Probing Eye, Jiang Qing's eyes changed when she looked at the foul-mouthed Arcanine.

This luxurious Attribute is simply incompetent.

Even the props are treasure-level and can trigger 10 times damage. What the hell is the concept of 10 times damage?

If this is really triggered, a Flamethrower attack may injure Metagross, and the injury will be serious.

Although the chance of this is only 1%, the possibility of triggering is very low, but it also depends on Rival, if Rival is himself.

Thinking about his own Attribute, Jiang Qing felt that this 1% was no different from 100%, and the chance of triggering it was too high.

Jiang Qing was aroused by the sight of treasure props like gold, flint and stone.

Ten times the damage directly, this power is not as simple as X10. A Flamethrower with ten times the power can completely produce qualitative changes.

If this Arcanine is the peak champion, it is very likely to assist the power of Golden Firestone and harm the Pokémon in the early stage of the first level god.

The key point is that the golden flint and the Attribute of Arcanine are surprisingly consistent. This damn dog is not the same as Gengar.

Moreover, this guy was soaked in the ooze, which Jiang Qing was not surprised about. After all, the ooze was in the lava battlefield, and it was exposed to Contest Condition.

As the owner of this place, Arcanine would be really blind if he didn't notice this.

I won’t talk about the king form, it’s too abnormal.

Unlike the Ax-Splitting Mantis and Lilligant that Jiang Qing met before, the Arcanine in front of her was actually enhanced by the Attribute of the Lava Battlefield.

You must know that the two previous ones did not receive the battlefield Attribute bonus.

From this point of view, this Arcanine should be quite special.

With the blessing of the lava battlefield, Arcanine can recover 10% of its physical strength every minute, which means it has super endurance.

If it cannot be severely damaged at once, it will definitely have a great advantage for Arcanine once the battle time is extended.

And in the lava battlefield, except for fire-type, first-level god, and golden-qualified Pokémon, the strength of other Pokémon will be reduced to varying degrees.

At the same time, Arcanine's strength is not weak, level 97, which is the existence of the late champion.

Coupled with the blessing of treasure props, king form and lava battlefield, this combat power can definitely reach the peak of a championship, but it is not the championship peak of Normal.

"Believe it or not, I will bite your neck off in one bite."

In his king form, Arcanine showed his sharp teeth at Moltres. This bird scolded the dog so much that he couldn't even scold him.

I don’t know where this bird got the experience of scolding a dog.

Moltres: "Bite my neck, do you have this ability? I can't even see your teeth chewing the bones."

Jiang Qing: It is really capable of biting your neck off.

Although Moltres is not weak, but against Arcanine, whose strength level and treasure quality are superior to it, it will definitely be the one to be beaten.

The king-form Arcanine was completely irritated by Moltres and rushed towards it, but the next second it was knocked away by Jiang Qing's Arcanine.

"What are you doing, silly dog?"

The king-form Arcanine looked at Jiang Qing's Arcanine with a puzzled expression.

"You are the stupid dog"

Jiang Qing's Arcanine retorted first, and then said: "If this stupid bird wants to bite its neck, I will bite it [it's your turn]"

0......Please give me flowers......

"Silly dog, you are not even a champion, what are you talking about?"

The king-like Arcanine was so angry that he looked at the loving Arcanine with a look of disdain on his face.

"When I finish soaking this, I'm done"

Arcanine pointed at the Ooze with his paw. He knew that as long as he soaked in the Ooze, he could break the bottleneck and successfully become a champion Pokémon.

Then let's see how this stupid bird still behaves in front of him.

"This is my thing silly dog, I don't agree with it"

Arcanine in the king form saw that Jiang Qing's Arcanine was so shameless, so he naturally regarded his own things as his.

"Who said it was your silly dog? This is my master's"

Arcanine walked up to Jiang Qing with a proud look on her face and said that this thing will belong to my master from now on, and you stupid dog does not deserve such a thing.

"Silly dog, I'll bite you and that stupid bird as well."

Arcanine in his king form was furious. For the first time, he felt that dogs were so annoying. Of course, the bird was even more annoying.

Jiang Qing pinched Moltres who was about to open his mouth, indicating that he wanted to say a few words.

"You dog"


"Master, you can't call it a dog."

Arcanine said that dog is a pet name for me.


King form Arcanine: "Who are you calling a dog? I'm familiar with you. Call me king."

Damn it.

Jiang Qing took a deep breath. Arcanine across from him was not worried, and neither was his own dog.

Calling the other party a dog is just something Jiang Qing is used to.

As for calling it a big king, it has a really big face and is not afraid of getting stuck on its tongue.

"Arcanine, fight with me. If I win, the right to use this land will be mine."

"If I lose, how about this for you?"

As he spoke, Jiang Qing took out a dog bite stick more than one meter long from the system space.


When Jiang Qing's Arcanine saw this, she immediately became anxious: "Master, this is my toy, this is mine, you can't give it to that silly dog."

Many dog ​​Pokémon like to bite something in their mouths, otherwise they feel like they are missing something. Then some dogs start chewing sofas and tables.

Arcanine, who is in his king form, has been in the secret realm and has never seen a dog bite stick. However, out of instinct, when he saw this dog bite stick, his first thought was that the bite of this stick must be very good. .

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