Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1227 Two Dogs And One Bird

Jiang Qing didn't expect that Moltres actually wanted to take it all for himself after he said that both of them had a share. This bird's ambition didn't seem to be as big as Normal's.

Nima, Arcanine's Poké Ball can hardly be held down.

Jiang Qing pressed Arcanine's Poké Ball hard on her waist. The dog obviously heard what Moltres just said, and it was so angry that it almost didn't come out of the Poké Ball.

Now in the air, if Arcanine comes out, he must not fall directly.

"Okay, stop talking. The treasure is the magma below. Just soak it in the magma." Jiang Qing patted Moltres' neck, and then pointed to the magma below.

At this time, a series of bubbles suddenly appeared in the red-purple magma below. Jiang Qing didn't take it seriously. It was normal for the magma to bubble.

But then, he saw a Saffron-colored dog head suddenly emerge from the lava.


Immediately, an Arcanine with a full-body Saffron body was seen swimming in the magma, and it was still using a doggy style, with its limbs constantly kicking in the magma.

And the dog's face showed a relaxed and happy expression.


"I'll go, golden silly dog"

Moltres naturally also saw the golden Arcanine in the magma below, and couldn't help but let out a surprised 093 sound.

Its voice obviously alerted Arcanine, who was swimming in the magma. The dog stopped moving and looked up into the air curiously.

His eyes locked on Moltres directly.

"Woof woof"

Arcanine: "That silly bird, you are the silly dog, and your whole family is a silly dog."

Call Moltres right back.

Jiang Qing had a strange expression after hearing this.

If he hadn't been sure that this dog was not his Arcanine, his words just now would have been exactly the same as his Arcanine.

Jiang Qing signaled Moltres to lower.

Metagross on the side immediately put a protective cover on Jiang Qing. Otherwise, with the temperature of the magma ground below, Jiang Qing would be cooked directly, and it would be fully cooked.

Moltres stopped on the shore of a pool of reddish-purple magma.

The golden Arcanine here has also come up from the magma pool.

But this Arcanine is a Regional Variant Arcanine, with dual attributes of fire and rock.

After Arcanine came up, she looked at Moltres with an unkind look, and didn't even look at Jiang Qing and Metagross.

"You stupid bird has the ability to say what you just said again."

Arcanine looked at Moltres with bared teeth. Maybe the other person said that he was a stupid dog, or for some other reason. Anyway, he was very unhappy when he saw this Moltres at first sight.

"Silly dog, silly dog, silly dog, I said it three times, do you hear it clearly now?"

Moltres is not afraid of the opponent. It is not that he has absolute confidence in his own strength, but that he has absolute confidence in his Trainer.

If you can't beat the opponent, Trainer will stand up for you.

"I'll bite you to death"

Arcanine was completely angered by Moltres. After all these years, someone dared to scold him like this.

But just as this Arcanine was about to charge over, Jiang Qing's Poké Ball opened.

Then another Arcanine appeared in front of it.

Jiang Qing's Arcanine is developing very well, and is almost one-third larger than the Normal Arcanine. Most of the Arcanines in front of it are Arnold-sized.

The Arcanine in front of him was actually about the same size as him.

At this moment, the two dogs were staring at each other.

Arcanine in king form: Why does this dog look different from me? It looks silly. It can’t be a silly dog.

Ginger Green Arcanine: This golden color is really boring. How could the Arcanine family produce a dog with such no sense of fashion?

Dog eyes are filled with dislike for each other.

The atmosphere was a little subtle at this time. Jiang Qing looked at the two big dogs and thought they wouldn't fight.

Arcanine can live in groups or alone, but no matter which way it is, as long as a strange Arcanine enters the territory of another Arcanine, it represents Taunt.

In terms of territorial awareness, afbc dogs are relatively strong.

"Two silly dogs"

The originally delicate atmosphere was suddenly broken by Moltres' mocking words.

In an instant, the two Arcanines who were confronting each other looked at Moltres.


Jiang Qing's palm helplessly slapped her forehead.

Jiang Qing didn't know whether Arcanine was stupid or not, but Moltres was indeed a bit stupid now.

"Silly bird, who are you talking about?"

Jiang Qing's Arcanine said with an angry look.

"It's just that you are an idiot. Just by looking at you, I can tell that there is something wrong with your IQ."

Arcanine in king form looked at Moltres with contempt.

"You two silly dogs, is there any point in asking?"

"—Wan is either Tail Whip or showing his teeth. He has no technical content at all."

"What are you looking at? Do you think your color is beautiful? Now I see you like a golden lump of cake."

"You are worse than this stupid dog"

"It's a stupid dog. I think you are a big stupid dog."

Moltres didn't know if it was because he saw the two Arcanines that he awakened some talent. The bird's beak was like a machine gun, shooting out a series of greetings.

This time, the two Arcanines became more angry, but they didn't move, choosing to use their mouths instead.

"Woof woof woof"

"Woof woof woof"

Jiang Qing's Arcanine: "Silly bird, you don't even have teeth. You overeat and feel full, and you secretly eat some rocks to digest. It just makes me laugh to death."

Arcanine in king form: "Hahaha, it turns out that if you eat stones to digest such a thing, this stupid bird must have a brain problem."

"That's right, who made it have such a long neck? The blood supply to the brain in the neck is insufficient. If the brain is a little stupid, it is normal to eat some stones to replenish the brain."

Arcanine's words stung Moltres, and he retorted with a red face: "Silly dog, you fart, that's a flame stone, it's one of my daily foods."

"Woof woof woof"

Arcanine: "You can't even lie. The flame stone is obviously the food of my brother Tyranitar. You don't eat stones at all [you just ate some stones to digest when you were full that time."

"I didn't expect that the dignified Moltres would actually eat stones. It was so funny."

"Woof woof woof"

King form Arcanine: "Yeah, yeah, it's really embarrassing. If I were this bird, I would just bury my head in the ground and be Dodrio."

The two dogs and the bird were very noisy.

Jiang Qing's ears are either "woof" or "beep" now.

The saliva from both sides is about to hit each other's face, but Arcanine has the advantage in this regard. After all, Arcanine has a sharper mouth than Moltres.

Naturally, more spit came out, and the two dogs spit at the same time.

Moltres suffers a bit in this aspect, but in terms of being sharp-tongued, Moltres is better than Arcanine.

Even though Arcanine had just pinched him, Moltres quickly launched a counterattack and gained a slight upper hand. .

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