Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1193 Scumbag Tyranitar

Pokémon: Menes (Water)


Qualification: purple

Ability: Attract body

Props: Prism Scale


Moves: Flail, Splash, Tackle, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Disarming Voice, Twister, Aqua Ring, Attract, Life Dew, Dragon Tail, Recover, Aqua Tail


Skill CD:

Genetic Skills: None

Note: If you use fragrant mud, your body will emit a strange fragrance. After the Pokémon of the opposite sex smells it, it is easy to enter the "Captivate" Contest Condition.

Pokémon: Kartana (Grass/Steel)


Qualification: purple

Ability: Beast Boost

Props: Life Orb

Gender: None

Moves: Fury Cutter, Vacuum Wave, Razor Leaf, False Swipe, Cut, Air Cutter, Aerial Ace, Detect, Night Slash, Synthesis, Laser Focus, Leaf Blade, Sacred Sword, Sword Dance, Guillotine

Skill Disc: Ultimate Impact, Protection, Solar Blade, Brick Break, Psycho Cut, Smart Strike, Sword Dance, Iron Defense, X-Scissor, Calm Mind, Sleep Talk, Iron Defense

Genetic Skills: None

Note: Use the grass-type treasure Little Nature to improve your qualifications and foundation and increase the power of grass-type moves by 30%.

Note: Using steel crystal, the power of steel-type moves increases by 30%

Counting Milotic and Kartana, Jiang Qing already has eight championship-level Pokémon, and also has four gold-qualified Pokémon.

His strength skyrocketed in just ten minutes.

Three Rare Candy, two have been used, and there is one Ginger Green left that I don’t plan to use.

There is no Quasi-Champion Peak among his main Pokémon. When the time comes, whichever Pokémon becomes the Quasi-Champion Peak, this Rare Candy will be given to that Pokémon.

This thing is simply more useful than the Supreme Treasure for breaking through bottlenecks.

"You two go to the battlefield to have a battle, and by the way, you can master the energy in your body."

Jiang Qing said to Kartana and Milotic.

Having just become a champion-level Pokémon, the energy in the body has skyrocketed. This cannot be controlled at once. This energy can be well controlled through battle.

The two Pokémon nodded in unison and walked towards the battle site.

"Metagross, please watch carefully," Jiang Qing said.

Xiao Jing was angry, but he was afraid that Kartana, a fighting maniac, would not stop and severely injured Milotic, so Jiang Qing had to let Metagross watch.

In terms of strength, although both are in the early stage of the championship, Kartana's strength is definitely better than Milotic.


Metagross nodded and followed the two Pokémon to the battle arena.

Kartana commented on Metagross.


Metagross: "Want to fight me?"

I really want to compete with Metagross, but I also know that I am definitely not its Rival. Don't just break through the championship and be beaten by Metagross before you are over.

Thinking of this, Kartana shook her head.

Although I like to challenge the strong, but if it's the kind of strong person who can't be defeated, forget it. I don't like being abused, so I'd better bully the weak.

Looking at Milotic, I'll reward it with three swords and six holes when the time comes.


Milotic: "Why are you looking down on me? I will beat you to death"

Although Milotic usually looks soft and weak, with an expression like "I am a weak woman," but since he became Jiang Qing's Pokémon in a serious way.

The anger slowly came up.

I have no choice but to call my Trainer too awesome. Improving my own strength is like eating and drinking. I am already a champion now.

You pretender always ignores my charm. This time I want to get the situation back.

Milotic's charm has reached the point where it can kill both males and females, but for genderless Pokémon, its charm is not so great.

After all, there is no male or female in the concept of genderless Pokémon, so naturally there is no desire to have babies, so the resistance to charming skills is very high.

The battle started quickly. With Metagross watching, Jiang Qing ignored it.

Instead, he was comforting the big dog.


Arcanine: "Master, you are partial"

When Jiang Qing gave Lucario the Golden Legend, it only broke the shackles of his qualifications, so it didn't cause much movement.

But just now Kartana and Milotic broke through the championship. Although the movement caused by Metagross was blocked, the movement in a small area was still very large.

Naturally, it was sensed by other Pokémon.

Two partners broke through to the championship. This must be because their Trainer gave them a treasure.

So Arcanine jumped out first.

…………Please give me flowers 00

Steelix and Meilu Meta also looked at Jiang Qing with resentful expressions.

This treasure should be given to no one but Kartana. I just had a fight with this pretender last time, and of course they won the verbal fight.

But now this pretender has become the champion, let alone two against one, Kartana gives them one hand, and neither of them can beat them.

Steelix and Melumeta felt uncomfortable thinking about how this pretender would be better at pretending in the future.

It would be nice to switch to another Pokémon, but Tian is the pretentious one.

"You haven't reached the peak of being a quasi-champion yet, haven't you?"

"You think if you are at the peak of a quasi-championship, how could I not give you a breakthrough treasure? If you and Kartana are both at the quasi-championship peak, then it will definitely be ranked behind you.

Jiang Qing comforted the dog. The dog was indeed sad and his tail was gone.

However, Jiang Qing had experience in comforting the dog. Within a few words, the dog's ears stood up high, and its tail behind him began to sway like a small electric fan.

Sure enough, the owner's heart hurts most for himself.

Gouzi was so happy. Lickitung kept licking Jiang Qing's face, making his face wet immediately. Jiang Qing had long been used to this.

I just wiped it on my face with my sleeve a few times, and my movements were very skillful.

Seeing other Pokémon looking at him eagerly, Jiang Qing immediately transformed into a pancake master and said: "As long as which of you reaches the peak of quasi-championship first, you will be the next ten champions."

Then secretly spread the word to Tyranitar.

"Fuck me, eat as hard as you can during this period. Don't forget that your wife is still waiting for you in the original secret realm."

Jiang Qing had actually decided who to give the third Rare Candy to, and naturally it was for Level 89 Tyranitar. This guy ate stone marrow, and his ability to consume and absorb treasures was several times greater than that of other Pokémon.

That’s why only those who come late can take advantage.

Moreover, this guy still has a love debt that he has not repaid. Jiang Qing remembers the female Tyranitar who gave all the treasures for her breakthrough in the secret realm to her.

Tyranitar: Yes, I still have a wife in the original secret realm.

Seeing Tyranitar's suddenly enlightened look, Jiang Qing's face darkened.

This stupid thing won't forget that he has a wife in the secret realm. I'm afraid he has a scumbag Pokémon, Zero. .

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