Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1192 Four Golds And Eight Crowns

Back at home in the backyard, the excitement on Jiang Qing's face was still there.

The rewards of this temporary mission are comparable to those of the main mission.

And since the last main task was completed by itself, the system has not released a new main task. As a result, Jiang Qing has not received such a generous reward for a long time.

One million points is secondary.

The five Golden Legend Fragments and three Rare Candy are the highlights.

He originally had five golden legend fragments, and now he has been rewarded with five more, so he can completely synthesize a complete golden legend.

In other words, Jiang Qing can have another golden Pokémon.

Suitable Pokémon include Lucario, Gengar, and Moltres, the three championship-level Pokémon.

However, Gengar has many opportunities. Although it still has purple qualifications, about 95% of them are gold, which means that Gengar is only a little short of golden qualifications.

Using golden legend for it seems like a waste.

Even if Gengar does nothing now, his qualifications should be upgraded to gold within two or three years.

So that leaves Lucario and Moltres.


Jiang Qing made a choice quickly.

Jiang Qing admitted that he liked Lucario more than Moltres.

When you have more children, you will definitely have some special preferences, and some love will be relatively less.


The handsome dog appears, looking at his Trainer, waiting for his instructions.

A golden light point in Jiang Qing's hand flew towards Lucario. Lucario subconsciously caught it with his hand, but magically, the golden light point actually entered his body directly.


Then Lucario seemed to hear a broken sound.


This is the shackles within the body being broken.

Lucario looked at Jiang Qing in surprise. Although his level had not changed at all, he clearly felt that the shackles that bound him were broken, and an extremely powerful energy emerged from his body.

Pokémon: Lucario(Fighting/Steel)



Ability: mental power

Props: Muscle Band

Gender: male

Moves: Work Up, Quick Attack, Endure, Detect, Feint, Metal Claw, Aura Sphere, Rock Smash, Force Palm, Metal Sound, Bone Rush, Meteor Mash, Heal Pulse

Disc Skills: Low Sweep, Brick Break, Agility, Sword Dance,(cgeg) Dig, Bulk Up, Focus Blast[Dark Pulse

Genetic Skills: Mind's Eye, Close Combat, Force Palm, Thunder Punch

Note: Using the Fighting Arcana, the Fighting Soul, improves physical fitness by two to four times in all aspects.

Note: Using the Fighting series treasure Tears of the Heart, the chance of a knowing blow increases by 30%, and the chance of avoiding vital points increases by 30% [the hit rate of all moves increases by 100%

Note: Use the Explosive Seed to increase Fighting skills by 200%, deduct a large amount of physical strength, and obtain the Explosive Contest Condition. The duration is determined by your own physical strength until your physical strength is exhausted. If you forcefully activate it after exhaustion of physical strength, it will greatly consume your own strength. , the foundation is insufficient and the foundation is completely destroyed.

Note: Use the skill (Fighting) to have a deeper understanding of the Fighting skills you have mastered. You can learn all Fighting skills. The power of Fighting moves is increased by 50% and can be superimposed with the power of other moves. Use Fighting skills to increase understanding. A hit has a 20% chance, which can be stacked with other knowing hits.

Note: With golden qualification, the road to becoming a god is opened, and the overall strength is increased by 50%.

Note: Golden qualifications, with some divinity, within a radius of ten kilometers, if the qualifications are lower than gold, the strength of Pokémon will be suppressed by 10% (purple qualifications), 20% (blue)

30% (cyan), 50% (below cyan)

Looking at Lucario's luxurious Attribute, Jiang Qing felt extremely happy.

Breeder Pokémon and Trainer actually also experience a sense of accomplishment in developing.

Watching your Breeder Pokémon grow step by step and finally become a champion, this sense of accomplishment is simply stronger than if you conquered a hundred women.


Lucario clenched his fist slightly, and with a bang, the air in his palm was crushed.

It could be done in the past, but it would never be as easy and freehand as it is today.

Now it feels like it can beat ten of itself before.

This made Lucario extremely unbelievable. He couldn't help but look at Jiang Qing, as if to ask what the golden light spot just now was.

It knew very well that it was that light spot that broke its shackles.

"The good stuff, I only gave it to Metagross and you, don't tell the other partners," Jiang Qing whispered in Lucario's ear.

This look of deceiving a child made the Metagross around him extremely despised.


Of course Lucario believed his Trainer's words and immediately nodded seriously.

It means that it will take this secret into the coffin.


Jiang Qing patted it on the shoulder.

He had said the same thing to Aggron and Dragonite before.

I'm afraid that some Pokémon will know that they are partial and start to get jealous again, such as some kind of silly dog, silly bird, etc., which will cause peace in their "harem".

Counting Lucario, Jiang Qing now has four golden-qualified Pokémon.

Put Lucario back into the Poké Ball.

Jiang Qing sent out Kartana and Milotic again.


Jiang Qing took out a Rare Candy and handed it to Kartana.

The three Rare Candy rewards from temporary missions can only be used by quasi-champion level Pokémon.

Kartana's eyes suddenly lit up. This stuff is very good. After eating it, it can be directly upgraded to one level. It is also very suitable for the bottleneck period.

Last time Jiang Qing promised Kartana that if there was Rare Candy, she would consider it first.

Kartana is now at the pinnacle of quasi-championship, and a Rare Candy can elevate it to championship level.

Milotic's level is the same as Kartana's.

Also gave one to Milotic.

Accompanied by a wave of terrifying aura, it emanated from both of them.

Qing gave Metagross a look, and the latter immediately used Psychic to stop the wave.

Otherwise, the aura created by the two Pokémon breaking through together and becoming the champion would be enough to make most of the Pokémon in Lancang City tremble.

Although he could pretend to be cool, Jiang Qing felt that it was no longer interesting for him to pretend like this.

After all, Aggron had already pretended once when he broke through to the championship in Magic City last time, so there was no need to do it a second time.

"Damn, I just gave birth to a monster son."

Jiang Lan, who was in the house, rarely went out for fishing. He spent the past few days admiring the Relicanth he had caught at home.

Not only was I admiring it just now, but I suddenly felt a violent fluctuation in my breath. When I went out to take a look, I happened to see Kartana and Milotic breaking through to the championship together.

I just made him autistic. Why do I feel that my son's breakthrough to the championship is as easy as eating and drinking. .

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