Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1175 Guess Identity

After the absorption fist sucked out the energy of the inferior treasure remaining in Steelix's body, the effect appeared immediately.

As Steelix's aura rose and fell violently, for about a minute, its aura suddenly surged.


Jiang Qing said lightly.


After being promoted to quasi-Elite, Steelix let out a happy roar.

It was able to be promoted to quasi-Elite half a year ago, but it was just because it ate this inferior treasure that it delayed its promotion.

I must be very anxious, and my trainer has to participate in the Silver Conference. If I don't advance, I will definitely not get a good ranking.

Under this pressure, Steelix's temper became even worse.

“Great Steelix”

Gu Xi saved Steelix, tears of joy sliding down her cheeks.

Jiang Qing stood silent and looked at Gu Xi and Steelix quietly.

The relationship between Trainer and Pokémon may exceed family affection, love, and friendship.

Because these feelings may betray you and abandon you for certain interests, but your Pokémon will never do it. It is willing to use its own life in exchange for your chance to survive.

The temporary task was completed, and Jiang Qing naturally received the system reward.

Six hundred thousand points and five Mewtwo fragments.

"let's go"

She has nothing to do with herself anymore, Jiang Qing said to Lucario.

But not long after walking, there was a rush of footsteps behind him.

"Coach, wait"

Jiang Qing stopped and asked, "You won't blackmail me, will you?"

Look at the other person warily, he has fulfilled his promise to you, why do you still want to pester yourself.

Gu Xi's face turned red. She was indeed planning to blackmail rather than pester Jiang Qing.

Who is it that Jiang Qing is so powerful? In less than an hour, he promoted his Steelix to quasi-Elite. At the same time, he also found out the reason why Steelix could not be promoted to quasi-Elite.

To be honest, even her Elite dad doesn't have this ability.

Before, she thought Jiang Qing should be a quasi-Elite.

Now she suspected that the other party might be a young Elite.

There is no information about him on the official website of the Trainer Association, so there is a high probability that he has not updated it, and this temperament definitely comes from a big family.

It would make perfect sense if a child born in a big family did not go to the Trainer Association to update his information after becoming an Elite.

After all, people from big families do not lack the resources provided by the Trainer Association.

And he, the coach, is most likely the heir to a large family.

He didn't even tell himself his name. With such a mystery, and an extremely rare Lucario beside him, the power of this family is definitely not small.

Steel Trainer.

There are many Xia Guogang families, the most powerful is definitely the Jiang family, and the second most powerful is the Meng family located in Jiangnan Province.

"Coach, are you from the Meng family in Jiangnan Province?" Gu Xi asked.


Jiang Qing shook his head.

The Meng family is the second family of the steel system. It is said that the civil servants are not the best but the military is not the second. The Jiang family has always been firmly seated as the first family of the steel system in Xia State.

The Meng family is the second oldest in ten thousand years.

So the relationship between the two families is very normal, even a little festive.

When Jiang Qing was poisoned, Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan's first suspect was actually the Meng family, but the Meng family had no suspicion.

Finally, it was found out that the Wen family had done it.

Now the Meng family has long given up the idea of ​​competing with the Jiang family. After all, the gap is too big. If they continue to compete, they just have no brains.

Just three championships in one discipline of the Jiang family is enough to make them look up and break their necks.

"No? Coach, are you from the fourth steel family?"

Gu Xi continued to ask, she was really curious about Jiang Qing's family.

The fourth steel-type family? Which one it is? Jiang Qing really doesn’t know. Where is the third family? He doesn’t know where the third family is.

Gu Xi: The third steel family is their Gu family.

"Tell me, is there anything else?"

"Coach, you are a good person and will do your best. Can you train me before the conference starts?"

"Although Steelix's breakthrough to quasi-Elite gives me hope of achieving a certain ranking, to achieve a higher ranking or even a championship, Steelix alone is definitely not enough."

Gu Xi said expectantly.

Man is a creature that is never satisfied.

Gu Xi’s previous wish was just to make Steelix a quasi-Elite, but now he wants to become a Conference Champion.

The main thing was Jiang Qing's performance, which gave her a lot of confidence.

She feels that with Jiang Qing helping her, she will definitely be able to go further in the conference and win the championship.

"Oh, you want to eat shit"

Jiang Qing sneered.

I have time to teach you, so I might as well lie on the sofa and play games.

Today Pokémon Glory will be updated with a new season. I’m still thinking about going back to playing games, but I’m too lazy to care about you.


Waving his hand, Jiang Qing left directly.

Gu Xi wanted to chase, but found that her body did not move.


Looking at Jiang Qing's leaving figure, these three words suddenly came to mind.

Jiang Qing's body could not move until she could no longer see her back.

"Who is this person? If he didn't lie to me, he is really a steel type Trainer, then why don't I recognize him?"

Gu Xi was full of curiosity and doubts.

After all, she is from the Gu family, the third family of the steel family.

If Jiang Qing really comes from a steel family, with his talent, it is absolutely impossible for him to be an unknown person, but he has never heard of such a section in a steel family.

Psychic, Lucario, Café 157, and Poochyena, who is extremely affectionate with him. She is 189 tall, and by the way, she also has this outfit. I seem to have seen it on Celebi’s Douyin.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi quickly opened Douyin, clicked on Celebi's homepage, and watched the videos one by one.

Celebi treats vibrato as a post on Moments, which is rare.

I've updated two videos before the day is over.

No, no, no.

After scrolling through dozens of videos, Gu Xi finally stopped in one of them.

The content of the video is the scene of Jiang Qing seeking death, telling the steward that she wants to live out when she grows up, and then being taught by the steward with a rolling pin.

At that time, the whole Internet was saying that Jiang Qing's family status was so low.

Inside, Jiang Qing was wearing exactly the same clothes as his coach today. Although his pants had changed, his shoes had not changed.

"Holy shit, the coach is actually Champion Jiang!!"

Now Gu Xi finally confirmed that her coach was really Jiang Champion. Although his face was different, changing his face was simply too simple for a strong man like Jiang Qing.

"Idol, I am so close to my idol"

I'm so obsessed with Xi. There are few Steel Trainers who don't admire Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing pushed the steel system to a new and even unattainable level. .

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