Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1174 Normal Series Secondary Treasure

"Coach, you can see this, it's really amazing."

Gu Xi looked at Jiang Qing with admiration. She saw that Jiang Qing simply checked his Steelix, but could accurately tell that his Steelix had eaten some kind of treasure.

This is too powerful, after all, even the Pokémon Hospital can hardly detect this.

"I don't know whether you are lucky or not."

Jiang Qing looked at Steelix. Under his gaze, Steelix's body tensed up and became extremely nervous.

Steelix: This man is so scary, so scary.

If it weren't for his Trainer by his side, Steelix would have been scared to tears by Jiang Qing.

This human being can immobilize himself with just one look.

"Coach, what do you mean? There's something wrong with that treasure, right?"

Gu Xi is not an idiot, she immediately understood the meaning of the beautiful words."


Jiang Qing nodded: "What it eats is a second-class treasure. I don't think there is any need to say more about the rarity of the second-class treasure. Most of the Elites have never seen it in their lives."

"Second-class treasure!!"

Gu Xi couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Although her family background is indeed quite good, things like inferior treasures are beyond her reach, at least she doesn't have the qualifications now.

Now her Trump Card Steelix accidentally ate the inferior treasure, how can she not be surprised?

"Then coach, what do you mean by bad luck?"

She already knew about good luck, but Jiang Qing also said bad luck.

"Because the Attribute of the secondary treasure this time does not match its Attribute, this secondary treasure should be of Normal type. It cannot absorb the energy inside."

"So the energy of the inferior treasure is constantly flowing around in its body. This is the main reason why your Steelix has been unable to break through to the quasi-Elite"

After hearing Mian Qing's explanation, Gu Xi's face suddenly became anxious. As a professional Trainer, she knew very well what serious consequences would happen if a Pokémon ate a treasure that did not match its Attribute.

The most serious is, of course, immediate death.

"I asked you to eat randomly, and now something is wrong with your eating."

Gu Xi kicked Steelix and then covered her feet, tears of pain were about to flow down her face.

Steelix looked at its Trainer with an innocent face.

Concern leads to chaos, and Jiang Qing doesn't think the other person is stupid.

"Maybe Steelix likes to eat more."

His Steelix is ​​a foodie, but the one in front of him will even eat treasures that don't match him, so he is probably a foodie, and a stupid one at that.

Pokémon is very sensitive to energy.

Treasures can be roughly divided into two types, one that emits energy and the other that conceals its own energy.

It is best to find treasures that emit their own energy. Pokémon can also judge whether the treasure is suitable for them based on the energy emitted from the treasure.

Most of the treasures will emit their own energy, but the extent of emitting it varies.

A very small number of treasures are energy concealed. Since they are energy concealed, you don't even know if they are treasures, let alone eat them.

East save my Steelix”

Gu Xi held Jiang Qing's hand, her face full of worry and eagerness.

"Don't worry, it's lucky that it ate a secondary treasure from the Normal system. Normal treasures have the mildest energy."

"It's been half a year since this happened. If something happened, it would have happened long ago."

"Now as long as the secondary treasure energy in its body is completely consumed, it will be fine."

"And because the energy of the inferior treasure is flowing freely in its body, it exercises its internal organs and makes them stronger."

“This is a blessing in disguise.”

When she heard that everything was okay, Gu Xi breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Jiang Qing's hand.

Jiang Qing: Hey, woman.

But the next second Jiang Qing's hand was held by the other party again.

"Then coach, how long will it take Steelix to use up that energy?"

"It will probably take about half a year," Jiang Qing said.

"Ah, before participating in the Silver Province Conference, wouldn't it be true that Steel Snake could not break through to Elite?"

Gu Xi looked disappointed. Although she was very happy that Steelix was fine, participating in the Conference and getting a place in it was also one of her current goals.

As a Trump Card, if Steelix does not break through to quasi-Elite, it will be difficult for her to get a good ranking unless she is lucky.

The Rival she encountered was either weak, or the main Pokémon was seriously injured in the previous battle, and she took advantage of her.

Otherwise, just wait for the Conference one- or two-day trip.

"Since I promised you, there must be a way."

As Jiang Qing opened the Poké Ball on her waist...


Handsome Lucario appears.


Gu Xi screamed when she saw Lucario, and immediately rushed towards him, but unfortunately Lucario dodged him.

Jiang Qing looked at Gu Xi, her expression was like that of a madwoman.

Didn't you see that it scared my Lucario?

"The coach didn't expect you to have Lucario. You are a Fighting Trainer."

Gu Xi was full of excitement and looked at Lucario eagerly, thinking that she wanted to pounce on him.

"I am a steel type," Jiang Qing said.

Lucario has already restrained his aura, so Gu Xi cannot judge Lucario's strength and level from his aura.

But inexplicably, he feels like he is even more powerful than his Elite dad.

"Coach, you are also a steel type." Gu Xi became even more happy.

Isn't this just fate?

"Coach, why did you ask Lucario to come out to fight against my Steelix?"

Steelix shook his head hastily.

This human is a monster, and his Pokémon must be a monster too.

You are my Trainer. You want to kill me and change to a Trump Card Pokémon.

Steelix looked at Gu Xi with resentment.

It's a pity that all Gu Xi's attention now is on Lucario.

"Absorb the fist and suck out all the Normal energy from its body," Jiang Qing said to Lucario.


Lucario nodded. 4.4

Then a punch hit Steelix's body, and there was almost no sound from the contact between the two sides.

The fist was pressed against Steelix's body for about three seconds before Lucario withdrew his fist.

When retracting it, Gu Xi clearly saw a gray energy being sucked out of Steelix's body by his fist.

This energy was compressed by Lucario and formed a crystal as large as half a hand.

Hand this crystal to Gu Xi.

"Give me?"

"This is the residual energy of the Normal series inferior treasure. After staying in Steelix's body for half a year, the energy is only about half."

"It's not a first-rate treasure, but it's pretty good among Normal treasures."

"The market price is estimated to be around 100 million."

In terms of its value, this treasure is already considered very good, enough to cause a small-scale competition. .

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