Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1155 Entering The Technological Ruins Again

"Then three days later, you can still call me at this time. Then I will show my sincerity, and I hope to see your sincerity."

"Okay, as long as you don't lie to me"

"It's not easy to lie to you. Besides, I can't let Ditto or Zoroark become like Xerneas."

"You can definitely tell the difference with your eyes."

"As long as you know"

As he said this, the other party had already hung up the phone.

Early the next morning, Jiang Qing had breakfast and asked Metagross to continue to protect his mother Tian Rou, although he was currently cooperating with the masters of the Y God Organization.

But the cooperation has not been completed yet. Even if it is certain that the other party will most likely not take action against his family, he still needs to take precautions.

After watching Metagross and her mother go out, Jiang Qing said to Aiguanshi: "Aiguanshi, I might not be back tonight, so there's no need to prepare dinner for me."


The stewardess nodded and told Jiang Qing to pay attention to safety.


Jiang Qing glanced at Deoxys, who understood.

In the next second, the two disappeared from the same spot.

When Jiang Qing reappeared, he had already arrived at the door of a ruins gate.

"Ginger Champion"

When the guards saw that the person who suddenly appeared was Jiang Qing, they immediately lowered their guard and one of them hurried over.

"I'll go in and take a look, you guys are busy with your business."

Saying that, Jiang Qing walked into the ruins.

This relic is the technological relic that Jiang Qing explored a few years ago. From here Jiang Qing found space backpack technology, tenth-generation solar technology, and other advanced technologies.

These people relied on the research and development of these technologies to make Xia Guo make great progress in science and technology.

It was in this ruins that Jiang Qing conquered the aluminum steel dragon and met Mew in the ancient giant tree.

Jiang Qing came back here again just for Mew.

"I hope this guy Mew is still here"

After entering the ruins, looking at the giant ancient tree that reached the sky in the distance, Jiang Qing mounted Moltres and quickly flew in that direction.

There were three three-god pillars guarding the ancient giant tree. At that time, Jiang Qing did not dare to approach the ancient giant tree because of his lack of strength.

It was because of Celebi that I met Mew.

Now Jiang Qing is the champion.

As he approached the ancient giant tree, stimulated by Moltres' aura, the three divine pillars appeared in front of him.

"it's me"

Jiang Qing said to the three divine pillars.

Three Divine Pillars: "Who are you?"

Jiang Qing: So forgetful.

"Yeah, we met a few years ago, and Mew and I are still friends."

Pointing to his nose, he looked at the Three Divine Pillars with some disbelief. He was a quasi-champion after all. His memory was not too bad.

The Three Divine Pillars looked at Jiang Qing and Moltres warily, clearly saying that they didn't know you and that you should leave quickly.

"It's good. I really couldn't beat you before. Now that I have a chance, I can't get back the place I bought at that time." Jiang Qing had a bad smile on his face.

If they recognized him and let him go, it would be hard for Jiang Qing to continue to find trouble with them, but now they don't recognize him and are blocking his way.

"Moltres is in your hands"

Jiang Qing jumped off Moltres' back and used Psychic to slowly fall from the air.


Moltres gave a loud cry.

A Flamethrower sprayed directly towards the three divine pillars below.

Pokémon: Moltres(Fire Flying)


Qualification: purple

Ability:sense of oppression

Props: Hard Charcoal

Gender: None

Moves: Gust, Leer, Ember, Safeguard, Wing Attack, Agility, Ancient Power, Burn Up, Air Slash, Roost, Heat Wave, Sunny Day, Hurricane, Endure, Overheat, Sky Attack

Skill Disc: Protection, Take Down, Flame Charge, Flame Vortex, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Endure, Fly, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast, Hurricane, Flare Blitz, Solar Beam

Genetic Skills: None

Note: Using the Lightstone, the Flamethrower's power is doubled.

Note: When using fire in twos and threes, when using fire-based moves, there is a 50% chance that the move's power will be doubled, and a 30% chance that the move's power will be tripled.

The strength of the three divine pillars are all in the late stage of quasi-championship. Even if three of them are used together, they will definitely not be Moltres's Rival, but the main divine pillar is not a normal Pokémon after all.

And because of their own abilities, 1+1+1 is far greater than 3.

Facing the level 93 Moltres, for a while they actually used the power of combined attacks to fight Moltres back and forth.

Jiang Qing was not surprised either.

After all, in the outside world, the strength of the three divine pillars has long been spread.

However, as time goes by, the decadent form of the Three God Pillars has been revealed.

Jiang Qing's Moltres are the most elite in all aspects, and it is only a matter of time before they win the Three Divine Pillars.


Moltres was a little angry. He was the champion, but he couldn't win against three quasi-champions. If that dog knew about this, he would definitely laugh at him.

Jiang Qing: Arcanine already knows.

Arcanine's Poké Ball was swinging around his waist. If Jiang Qing hadn't let it come out, Arcanine would have come out and taunted Moltres.

With Rage's blessing, Moltres' strength has undoubtedly improved a lot. The flames were raging below, but they were well controlled and did not affect the ancient giant tree.

The indicator lights on the heads of the three gods flashed crazily, seeming to be communicating something. 110

The next second, Jiang Qing discovered that the aura on the Three Divine Pillars had changed.

You can see them standing on the Ground in a triangle, and Moltres in Soaring in the sky is right in the middle of this triangle.

Jiang Qing did not remind Moltres because the other party already knew.

A burst of white light flashed past the three divine pillars, and a translucent energy wall appeared between the three. The energy wall instantly extended upward.

Before Moltres could react, the energy wall enveloped him.

Immediately afterwards, the energy wall began to shrink up, down, left, and right, and the Moltres activity space within it naturally continued to decrease.

That's it!

Moltres's eyes flashed with luster like flames, and the flames on his body suddenly surged.

The intense Flamethrower headed towards the corner of the energy wall.

With the blessing of the lamplight stone, the power of the Flamethrower was doubled. At the same time, with good luck, he inspired two or three fires, which tripled the power of the Flamethrower again.

As for the Flamethrower, which had increased its power by five times, the color of the flame changed from deep red to purple and black, and the surrounding space seemed to be burning.

Without any surprise, a corner of the energy wall was directly shattered by five times the Flamethrower, and the entire energy wall was also shattered.

"Bang bang bang"

The next second, the three three divine pillars also flew out directly, their aura quickly decreased, and they fell to the ground unable to move. .

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