At home, Jiang Qing is playing games with her two little ones, and Metagross is lying quietly at her feet. Because her mother, Tian Rou, has already returned home from school, Metagross naturally came back with her.

"I'm back, how are things?"

Looking at Gengar who appeared, Jiang Zhi raised his head slightly and said.


Gengar explained the matter.

"Well, something really went wrong internally."

Jiang Qing muttered, but he was not surprised. After all, he asked the three leaders of the Oreburgh Guard to check themselves, so he thought there was an internal problem.

After saying that, he didn't say anything more. The Oreburgh guards would investigate further.

"Jiang Qing, save me, save me"

Beside him, Jirachi screamed for help.

At first glance, I found that this guy's hero was being chased by the enemy's Dragonite. He still had some health remaining, and he was about to catch up. If the Dragonite's skills weren't still cooling down, he would have killed it with a "150".

"Don't be afraid, dad is here"

Jiang Qing, a Dig, manipulated Steelix to appear from the ground and blocked Dragonite, allowing Jirachi to escape smoothly.

"Son, when will your father and grandfather come out?"

Mother Tian Rou sat next to Jiang Qing, holding the fruit cut by Magearna in her hand, and turned on the TV.


Jiang Qing thought about it.

It has been almost two months since Jiang Lan and Jiang Oreburgh entered the original secret realm. Before, Jiang Qing was in a coma and Jiang Gangjin had people go into the secret realm to look for them, but before they were found, Love woke up.

So the man was called back again.

Therefore, Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan still don't know about Jiang Qing's previous coma and the reappearance of the remnants of the Wen family.

After finishing the game and preparing to play again, the phone call came in.

Looking at the call with no number displayed on the phone, Jiang Qing hung up directly.

"Mom, I'm going to go back to my room first."

"Yeah." Mother nodded.


Love to control: "Go to bed early and don't stay up late playing games"


Faced with the instructions from the carefree waiter, Jiang Qing curled her lips and took the two little ones upstairs.

Just as I returned to my room, the phone rang again.

"Hey, how are you thinking?"

Jiang Qing pressed the answer button and asked directly.

"The Wen family can give it to you, but how can I be sure that the place where Xerneas sleeps that you gave me is true?"

The voice coming from the phone surprised Jiang Qing.


It was a woman's voice, and it didn't sound like it had been processed.

"It seems that Champion Jiang is very surprised."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the master of Y God Organization would be a woman," Jiang Qing said with a smile.

After saying this, there was silence on the phone.

It seemed that he didn't expect Jiang Qing to investigate his identity so quickly.

The Y God Organization is originally the largest terrorist organization in the world, and its leader Lyle summoned Yveltal in the Baga Kingdom a few years ago, which made it even more popular.

In the end, their plan failed because of Jiang Qing, and Yveltal turned into the Contest Condition of the Broken Cocoon again and disappeared.

But the Y God Organization has not perished, because the most mysterious master in their organization has still not surfaced. As long as this master is in the Y God Organization, he will always exist.

"Hahaha, Champion Jiang has to admire the intelligence capabilities of your Oreburgh guards."

About ten seconds later, the other party's voice came again on the phone.

"No matter how well the rats in the sewer hide, they can't escape from the cat's nose, right?" Jiang Qing smiled, gently stroking the little Nebula in her arms.

"Jiang Qing, you are too confident."

Maybe it was because Jiang Qing called her a mouse, so she was a little angry.

"Are you angry? It seems you are scared."

From calling himself Champion Jiang to Jiang Qing now, and his tone has also changed, the other party is obviously a little angry.

Or maybe Jiang Qing poked a sore spot.

"A mouse is a mouse, and he is really brave"

The Oreburgh Guards not only do some assassination and protection tasks, they are also extremely strong in intelligence detection. After all, strong intelligence capabilities are the basis for completing tasks.

As long as you live in this world, no matter how careful you are, you will still leave clues.

Under the dual investigation of the Oreburgh Guard and the Xia Kingdom Intelligence Department, some relevant information was found.

Jiang Qing did not expect the reappearance of Y God Organization.

And he is also the most mysterious master among them.

In the hundreds of years of history of the Y God Organization, the role played by this master is very mysterious. No one has seen this master for hundreds of years.

Even the top leaders of the Y God Organization have not met.

"How did you know that I am the master?"

"I think no one in this world will reject eternal life, so I think it's the master of your god organization who calls me again."

"After all, your new leader, Klein, is just your puppet."

Jiang Qing's tone was calm and confident.

The previous leader of the Y God Organization was Lyle, but he died in the Baga Kingdom. The current leader, Mobile Phone Klein, is only known by a very few countries with developed intelligence capabilities.

After all, this Claire has not yet appeared in public.

To put it bluntly, he has never done anything bad in public, so no one knows he exists.

"Jiang Qing, you said yourself that no one in the world can refuse eternal life, so why do you want to trade the location of Xerneas?"

"Or you don't know at all, or you want to give me a fake location."

Jiang Qing was not surprised that the other party could guess his thoughts. After all, the other party was not an idiot.

Jiang Qing even felt that the other party most likely knew that she was lying to her.

"If you think so, you won't call me again. As I said before, the eternal Captivate is very big."

"You still want to take a gamble, don't you?"

As Jiang Qing said, no one can refuse the eternal Captivate, even if she knows that 99% of the time she is lying to her, but what if, what if this is true.

After all, these words came from his own mouth, and he was related to many first-level gods, so the credibility of his words was still there.

Although gamblers are disgusting, in fact everyone is born a gambler.

Isn't life spent in a series of decisions?

"But you just said that and didn't even give me any information. How can you expect me to believe you?"

Jiang Qing obviously wanted to gain nothing. Even if the other party was eager for eternal life, she would never believe it if Jiang Qing didn't give her some specific information.

"Call back in three days and I'll show you Xerneas's photos and videos, too."

The phone went silent again.

Jiang Qing suddenly opened up, and the other party was obviously unable to catch it.

About two or three minutes later, the person on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "Okay."

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