Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

111 Pokémon Restaurant

Yunlai Restaurant is one of the most famous restaurants in Lancang City. It is mainly famous for making Pokémon food, which naturally does not refer to energy cubes.

Instead, Pokémon food is made using only various fruits, meats, vegetables, and cooking methods.

It is well known that if Pokémon eats human food for a long time, it may cause various problems in the body, just like humans often eat high-fat and high-sugar foods.

Basically, professional Trainers rarely give Pokémon human food.

But human food is tastier than what Pokémon eats or energy cubes, so some restaurants specializing in Pokémon food were born.

Today Jiang Qing brought Metagross and the others to this restaurant. If it wasn't for the Jiang family's name, it would take half a year to make an appointment.

"Young Master Jiang"

When the waiter at the door of the restaurant saw Jiang Qing coming, he immediately opened the door. Obviously, the person in charge of the restaurant had already told him that the big man of the Jiang family was coming today.

"Young Master Jiang's VIP room has been prepared for you," the waiter said.


Jiang Qing nodded and looked at the hall. The hall was already full of guests, and the Trainer was tasting the food with his Pokémon.

Since it is a hall, the distance between the seats is limited, so if the Pokémon is too large, it is obviously not suitable.

It can be seen that the Pokémon eaten in the hall are not very large in size.

However, the VIP room was different. There was only one table in this VIP room, and the size of the entire room was similar to that of the outside hall, so it was no problem to put ten Steelixes.

Of course, there is no need to say much about the decoration. It does not mean how luxurious it is, but a touch of elegance.

The waiter handed over the menu. The menu is very thin. After opening it, there are only twenty dishes on it. As for the price of the dishes, the normal people can't even eat one dish because of their monthly salary.

"One first"

Jiang Qing quickly handed over the menu again.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know what Jiang Qing meant by a book, and then he realized that he meant everything.

"Okay, Young Master Jiang, wait a moment"

After speaking, the waiter gently closed the door and left.

Jiang Qing released all the Pokémon, Metagross, Lucario, Meltan, Dragonair, Aron, Steelix.

Counting Slowking who is still in the capital, Jiang Qing now has seven Pokémon.

Fortunately, Slowking is with my sister-in-law, otherwise according to the regulations of the Xia Country Trainer Association, Trainers below the quasi-Elite can only hold six, and the quasi-Elite is eight, and there are no rules for Elite and above.

However, Jiang Qing seems to be a quasi-Elite now, with a Steelix level of 66, isn't he a quasi-Elite.

Although 400 Meltan candies have been collected, Jiang Qing hasn't let Meltan evolve yet. He didn't collect all of them before and always wanted to evolve them. Now that he has collected them, he is not in a hurry.

Aron was already used to seeing Meltan lying on Aron's back as soon as he came out, licking its back armor from time to time.

Anyway, if you can't get rid of it, and the opponent's level is higher than your own, then you simply don't resist.

"You have to hide when someone comes in from Melutan," Jiang Qing instructed.

Meltan nodded, its body is very small, and it can flow in a liquid state, so it directly covers Aron's back, and Normal people can't see it without looking closely.

It didn't take long for a knock on the door, and Meltan immediately hid behind Steelix.

Then I saw the waiter came in with a drink.

"This is a fruit drink, you can take it according to the Attribute logo on the cup"

There are certain differences in the taste of Pokémon with different attributes, just like the people of Xia Kingdom like to eat cooked ones, while the people of Xiaobaga Kingdom like to eat raw ones.

These cups are printed with Steel type, Dragon Type, Fighting Type, which correspond to Jiang Qing's six Pokémon attributes.

The waiter was a little strange, there were only five Pokémon, why did they order six drinks and dishes.

Look at Steelix's massive body.

Well it takes two servings.

This solves the case.

Among the tree fruits that have been discovered so far, most of the tree fruits are only suitable for Pokémon consumption, and human consumption will cause various side effects, such as direct burping.

The waiter prepared Jiang Qing with apple wild fruit and Oran Berry. The former is sour and the latter is sweet. The ratio between the two is very clever. With a mint leaf, it gives people a refreshing feeling. , and then the mouth began to secrete a lot of body fluid, and slowly there was a sense of hunger.

Seeing a few of my Pokémon drinking happily, it seems that the taste is really good.

Steelix expressed sadness that all cups are the same size, and for his size, this cup does not hold as much saliva as it does.

The taste is normal, but the key is that the taste is so good that it is not enough to drink at all.

He looked enviously at Meltan who put his body in the glass.

Thinking back when I was an Onix - it doesn't seem like this can be done.

"Fried platter"

"Waterside Herbs"

"Moo Moo Cheese"

"Baja Toast"

"Onion Stick Thin Bone"

"Mushroom Sausage"

Almost every ten minutes, there will be six dishes, the same as the previous drinks, even the same dishes, because of the different Pokémon Attributes, some adjustments have been made accordingly.

The same dish is delicious on its own, but when I eat my partner's dish, I spit it out in one bite.

That's what Aron is currently, a waterside herb, it's finished eating its own, and then sets his sights on the waterside herb that Dragonair hasn't finished eating yet.

Dragonair was so Hideki that he ate what he didn't finish, and Aron vomited after just one bite.

Aron: what the fuck

After saying this, it was slapped against the wall by Dragonair.

Looking at the broken wall, it was 5.5. Today, not only the food but also the decoration fee, Jiang Qing couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the dying Aron.

Why do you say you eat Dragonair? Others Dragonair is a dragon type, and it has nothing to do with your steel type, so can the taste of this food be the same? It's a different taste.

You are the only one who eats hot pot with clear soup, and suddenly you go to eat Mega Spicy Hot Pot, and you can eat it.

If you want to eat it, go to eat Lucario's. After all, the second attribute of Lucario is steel, and the taste of it is just a little worse than the one just now.

Aron said that he couldn't eat Lucario's share, the other party ate it faster than it, and he had no intention of taking care of his brother at all.

It would be nice if Big Brother Dragonair and Big Brother Lucario Attribute changed.

Aron's energy surged again as the waiter came in with new dishes.

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