Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

110 Come again next time

"You sure want to learn Bajiquan with me"

Shen Yu decided not to talk about Pokémon with this guy. This was just to find a sense of inferiority for herself, but she still used Covet's eyes to look at Lucario, who was using Calm Mind to exercise the power of waveguide.

This dog's appearance and fighting ability really hit the heart of Shen Yu, a Fighting trainer.

"Naturally" Jiang Qing nodded.

He started learning Bajiquan after he got the Mega Pallet Town physique, and then he thought about learning martial arts, so that he could maximize his physique.

As for the reason to learn Bajiquan instead of other martial arts, of course, it is because the name is loud enough.

The text has Tai Chi to calm the world, and Wu has the eight extremes to fix the universe.

It can be said that it has been circulated for a long time, Taiji is Taijiquan, and Baji is naturally Bajiquan.

There are also many schools of Bajiquan in Xia State, and there are Bajiquan boxing manuals on the Internet. Of course, there are definitely differences in the boxing manuals between the two.

Like Shen Yu's family, although the family is not very large, in the field of Bajiquan, it can be regarded as the existence of Taishan Beidou in the Xia Kingdom.

Therefore, Jiang Qing naturally found Shen Yu. With this person, the teacher who went out to find her was probably not as good as her.

"You just need to teach me the moves that can be passed on," Jiang Qing said.

Wushu is basically based on the opinion of the sect and family.

Jiang Qing is a foreign family name, of course it is impossible to learn the core moves of the Shen family, which is the foundation of their family's roots.

Jiang Qing didn't care about this either, as long as ordinary moves were enough, with his super physique, the power of moves would be magnified countless times.

Jiang Qing was a little excited when he thought that he could fight against Machamp and fight against Lucario in the future.

"I haven't learned the core moves yet, so don't think about it," Shen Yu said to Jiang Qing.

Her family didn't pass down the family rules of men or women, but the core moves were only passed on to the direct line, and Shen Yu was the direct line, and she had awakened her mind, and her status in the family was even higher.

"Then you're stupid"

Shen Yu: (▼~ㄨ)

Why are you looking at me like this, I'm telling the truth, I'm almost eighteen, I haven't learned the core moves of the family, this is not stupid.

"Don't you want to learn boxing, first practice horse stance"

"Stand on for three years before getting started." Shen Yu's face turned pale.

Horse stance is the foundation of all martial arts, so you won't be easily knocked down, and you can counterattack faster.

When she thought of the hardships that she had been stalking for two years when she was a child, it was because she had better talent, otherwise she really had to do it for three years.

Now she looked at Jiang Qing with some schadenfreude, imagining the pained look of the other party's Zamabu.

"How Long"

"Till the sun goes down"

Jiang Qing frowned, it was just nine o'clock, which meant that he had been stabbed all day.

"I didn't make fun of you on purpose, horse stance is the foundation, if you don't stick, I'll leave." Seeing Jiang Qing looking at herself with a suspicious look, Shen Yu was a little anxious.

If he didn't take a step forward, how could he have any reason to toss him?

For learning Bajiquan, Jiang Qing has also done work. It is true that before all martial arts begin, horse steps must be drawn. Only when the horse steps are drawn and stabilized can they be qualified to learn martial arts.

Seven days later, Jiang Qing's backyard.

Shen Yu's face was stiff, her eyes no longer had the confident light of the past, and she regretted in her heart why she taught Jiang Qing Bajiquan.

Looking at Jiang Qing, who had already punched the eight-pole fist, with a broken sound with every punch and kick, Shen Yu really doubted whether it was a human or a monster in front of him.

Two days of squatting, and five days of learning Bajiquan, which she was able to spread, was not a beginner, at least it had reached the level of proficiency.

These seven days were the seven days when Shen Yu's self-confidence was gradually destroyed by Jiang Qing.

I thought that I was inferior to Jiang Qing on the trainer road, but in the end, I was not as good as the opponent in the martial arts talent I was proud of.

Have you ever seen a person who is in good spirits even after taking a stimulant, even if you take stimulants.

Just this body, it is really a human body, I am afraid that it has already detached from the human category.

The person in front of him is not Jiang Qing at all, but a Machamp in disguise.

"Teacher Shen, I'm done playing, how is it better than yesterday?" Jiang Qing said with a smile.

Not to mention that he learned Bajiquan from Shen Yu, and he really learned it right. He has a more perfect mastery of his own body and has a Mega Pallet Town physique. Jiang Qing doesn't know what it means to be tired at all.

"It's alright, don't be arrogant, I reached this level in three days at that time."

 …    …

Shen Yu: Don't I want to lose face?

"Teacher Shen is amazing"

Jiang Qing gave him a thumbs up, and he didn't doubt what Shen Yu said. After all, he felt that it took him seven days to learn, and it seemed normal for a martial arts family like Shen Yu to learn in three days.

Seeing Jiang Qing's sincere admiration, Shen Yu raised her head high, showing her slender and white neck, and said quite proudly: "Just know, Jiang Qing, you are still far, far away."

At this moment, Shen Yu felt that she could do it again.

Ah, so is Shen Yu, the successor of the Q spirit.

"From now on, you can just practice several times a day, and I have nothing to teach you."

She taught everything she could, but she couldn't teach the core moves.

Jiang Qing nodded.

"When are you going to go to Imperial University?" Shen Yu asked.

September 1st is the opening day of major colleges and universities. It is now mid-August. Jiang Qing and Shen Yu are both special recruits of Imperial College. At that time, they should still be in the special recruit class together.

"It looks like No. 25," Jiang Qing said.

"Then I'll go with you at the same time"

"Why do you have something to do"

"Well, go to the imperial capital to visit a friend of grandpa, he is the inheritor of Hongquan"

Jiang Qing nodded, he didn't know much about martial arts, most of which he learned about through Shen Yu.

"I'm going to find my sister"

Before Slowking was sent to my sister-in-law in the imperial capital, the other party said a few days ago that the research on Slowking had ended and he was going to write a thesis.

On the 25th, let Jiang Qing come over and ask him to sign the paper, and the two are tied for the first author together.

Although the paper was not written by Jiang Qing, but another evolutionary form of Slowpoke, Slowking, was discovered by Jiang Qing, so Jiang Qing is naturally qualified to be the co-first author.

And the other party is Jiang Qing's sister-in-law. If Jiang Qing didn't agree, the first author would be Jiang Qing, and the second author would be his sister-in-law.

When the paper is published, Slowking can be released to the public.

After making an appointment with Shen Yu to go to the imperial capital together on the 25th, Shen Yu said goodbye to Jiang Qing's parents and left.

"Come back tomorrow," Father Jiang Lan said with a smile.

Shen Yu: Come again, I'm afraid there is no serious illness.

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