Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1040 Reshiram Gatekeeper

"With two months, the scope of our exploration is extremely limited. Fortunately, Jiang Qing has given us a detailed map, otherwise it would have taken more than two months just to explore."

Gong Yangjun said with a sigh.

"Old man Gongyang, stop talking nonsense and release the Pokémon quickly. The energy here is very beneficial to our Pokémon. Absorb as much as you can."

Jiang Oreburgh said that he had released all his Pokémon, including three of his main Pokémon.

In fact, even in a Poké Ball, Pokémon can absorb the energy in the secret realm, but because of the barrier of the Poké Ball, the absorption efficiency is definitely not as high as that from outside.

Their physical fitness couldn't compare with Jiang Qing's and they couldn't stay for long, so they had no choice but to release all the Pokémon.

The seven champions released more than 200 Pokémon. The weakest were all at the Elite level, and the strongest was Alakazam from the Ram Army, whose strength was that of a mid-to-late level 96 champion.

06 Each champion basically carries about thirty Pokémon. Of course, this is not all of them, and more of them are placed behind the outside world.

Seeing the comfortable expressions on the Pokémon's faces proved that Jiang Qing was right. The energy here was indeed of great benefit to the Pokémon.

Especially for Xia Shang, Bai Dongfang, and Zhong Po, the three quasi-champions, perhaps this original secret realm is the most critical opportunity for them to break through.

"Alright, time is limited. Let's lead our own teams to explore, but we must not leave the Horseshoe Grassland. If an unexpected situation occurs, we will launch a signal flare immediately."

The person in charge this time is the Gongyang Army, who is currently assigning tasks with a serious face.

Because there is no signal at all in the secret realm, even a walkie-talkie cannot communicate over long distances due to the strong magnetic field in the secret realm, so if something goes wrong, Song can use the string bomb.

Several champions nodded. Before coming in, their tasks had already been arranged, so they each took their people and headed to other directions in the Hoof Grassland.

"Gone, gone"

Seeing that her grandfather and father had entered the secret realm, Jiang Qing didn't have much worry. With their strength, as long as they didn't recruit people to chop the axe, there would basically be no danger.

Moreover, due to the energy erosion of the secret realm, they could not go to the giant wood battlefield, after all, the distance was too far.

"Jiang Champion, are you leaving?"

An officer walked up to Jiang Qing and asked.

"Yeah, otherwise"

Jiang Qing said matter-of-factly.

He couldn't stand it if he was allowed to guard the door of the secret realm.

"Why don't you send a Pokémon to guard it? I'm afraid that champions from other countries won't be able to resist coming over." The officer noticed the problem in his words and hurriedly explained.

Around the gate of the original secret realm, there are not only a large number of military guards, but also ten quasi-champions and dozens of Elites.

Except for the champion, no one else has the ability to break in.

Although Jiang Qing didn't think any country's champion dared to come here because he thought he had a long life, but when he thought about his grandfather and father being here, if he left, it seemed that he would really have to leave some strength here.

Thinking of this, Jiang threw a Poké Ball.

The white dragon Reshiram appears.

"Guard this door. If anyone dares to enter, he will be killed," Jiang said calmly.

Reshiram nodded, and then lay down at the door of the secret realm to take a rest.

Zekrom was not sent because he had a bad temper. If he was asked to be the goalkeeper, he would probably not agree to it, but Reshiram was much more obedient.

"That's okay," Jiang Qing said with a smile.

The officer was looking at Reshiram in a trance, and when he heard Jiang Qing's words, he hurriedly said: "Absolutely no problem."

Are you kidding me? A level one god guards the door. With it, who dares to come? This will give you a sense of security.

"Then I'm leaving. If you have nothing to do, don't bother Reshiram," Jiang said.

He was afraid that these people were too curious, and some of them might want to touch Reshiram. After all, he was a first-level god.

"Don't worry Champion Jiang, no one will approach Reshiram," the officer said hurriedly.

In fact, even if they wanted to get close, they couldn't. The aura emitted by Reshiram was no longer something they could get close to.

If you approach forcefully, Reshiram will only regard you as a taunt, and will most likely kill you in one bite.

"Notify me if there is any emergency"

“Good ginger champion”

Thinking about it, there seemed to be nothing left to explain. Jiang Qing said to Metagross: "Let's go home."

The next second, his and Metagross' figures disappeared.

Reshiram opened his eyes slightly while taking a nap, then closed them again.


The officer couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Facing Jiang Qing, he felt tremendous pressure in his heart.

Jiang Qing himself didn't think there was any pressure on him.

But because of Jiang Qing's achievements, the other party felt very stressed when speaking.

It's like an ordinary person talking to a national leader. Even if the national leader is very kind, the huge difference brought about by the other person's identity and status makes this ordinary person very nervous.

After a few Teleports in Metagross, the circle has come home.

Aiguanshi is not at home, he is probably going to buy groceries at this point, and my mother must be taking classes at Lancang University.

"Yeah dong"

Daidai took the initiative to come out of the Poké Ball, took out his cell phone and contacted the caretaker, asking him to wait while he came over.

When Aiguanshi learned that Jiang Qing was back, he excitedly expressed that he was going to have a big meal tonight, and asked Daidai to come over and buy vegetables together. He also called his apprentices Magearna and Lucario, who were carrying the vegetable basket.

After talking to Jiang Qing, Dadai took Magearna and the tool man Lucario out.

After stretching, Jiang Qing sat down on the sofa. Celebi and Jirachi were already playing games. After staying in the secret realm for so long, the pain had already started.

"Jiang Qing, can Jirachi and I have enough pocket money to replenish our pocket money for the past six months?" Celebi said looking forward to it.

They are worth one hundred yuan per pet per day as pocket money.

But in the original secret realm, Jiang Qing didn't give it to them.

Looking at Celebi with surprise, this guy could even think of replenishing his pocket money. Could this original secret realm have the effect of increasing IQ?


Jiang Qing nodded, thinking about the playful nature of the two little ones and the fact that he had stayed in the original secret realm for more than half a year, it was indeed a bit difficult for them.


When Celebi saw that Jiang Qing agreed so readily, not only was it not happy, but it looked at Jiang Qing with some suspicion. It even suspected that Jiang Qing was deliberately cheating on itself to make itself happy in vain.

"Celebi, Jiang Qing said it, so he must have agreed."

Jirachi hurriedly stopped Celebi, the guy who wanted to die, and lost all the pocket money he had received because of his words. .

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