Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1039 Second Batch Enters

The entire report meeting about the original secret realm lasted about three hours before Jiang Qingxu ended, and his mouth was dry.

"The information is all in this computer. You can copy it yourself while I'm leaving first."

After saying that, he left conference room No. 1 directly. Anyway, he said everything he could say.

Seven days later, Xia Guo organized the second group of people to enter the original secret realm, with a total of twenty people per day.

Among them, Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Lan, Gong Yangjun, Lu Wan, Li Yuan, Xiahou Shifang, and Bailang are all seven champions, and ten of the other thirteen are researchers in various fields.

The other three are dragon-type Elite Xia Shang, military leader Bai Dongfang, and fire-type Elite Zhong Po. These three are all at the pinnacle of quasi-championship.

Let the three of them go in. Xia Guo's intention is also very obvious. He wants to assist the original secret realm and let them break through. You don't need all "Zero Three Zero" to break through, as long as one breaks through.

Then Xia Guo will make a lot of money.

In other words, except Jiang Qing, all the champions of Xia Kingdom have entered the original secret realm this time.

If the strongest Jiang Qing is not left in Xia Kingdom, Xia Kingdom will not let all the champions enter the original secret realm at once.

"Grandpa, Dad, take this."

Jiang Qing stuffed something into their hands.

"What's this"

Jiang Lan looked at the soft thing in his hand. It felt like jelly when he held it.

"It's a life-saving thing. If you encounter a danger that cannot be solved, use Crush Grip. I will sense it," Jiang Qing said seriously.

"You kid underestimate me. This time we are exploring the Obsidian Wilderness. You have already given us a front-row seat. How could your life be in danger?"

After all, Jiang put the things in his pocket and took care of himself.

The entire original secret realm was too big, and because of the energy erosion of the secret realm, Jiang Qing had to leave the secret realm after exploring an area.

In fact, as long as he disagrees, even the Trainer of Xia Kingdom cannot enter this secret realm.

But now, on the premise that he has not fully explored the entire original secret realm, he has agreed to send people in from the Xia Kingdom.

The reasons are nothing more than the following points.

The first commonplace reason is that the original secret realm is very large, and an obsidian field alone is enough for the exploration team to explore.

The second is about the energy erosion of the secret realm. Even if Jiang Qing has a Mega True Rookie physique, he can only stay in this original secret realm for a year at most, while for others, this time will be shorter, estimated to be two months.

In two months, even the original hoof grassland could not be fully explored, let alone other areas.

Thirdly, their strength is not as good as theirs. The most precious thing among them is the World Treasure. There are estimated to be five of them, and they have to defeat five Pokémon in the form of kings. No one can defeat them except themselves.

Fourth - It seems there is no fourth, these three points are enough.

"Grandpa, Dad, remember to go to the place I gave you. There will definitely be good things," Jiang Qing instructed.

It can be said that the original secret realm is full of treasures, but Jiang Qing has a big appetite. Except for the most precious treasures, he basically didn't dig for other treasures.

However, he has asked Metagross to record relatively large red dots. Although these red dots are not treasures, they have also reached secondary treasures.

Jiang Qing has already asked Metagross to transmit the locations of these red dots to Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan's Metagross.

"You prodigal son, why didn't you dig it out at that time? Now that we have so many people, we can't act secretly," Jiang Lan said with some distress.

When I think about the treasures that originally belonged to me, they might have to be distributed to some people.

"Dad, you are really stupid, you can let Metagross dig alone," Jiang Qing said wittily.

Jiang Lan was stunned, as if this method was really possible.

But the next second, a scalp was slapped on Aiqing's forehead.

"Who are you calling stupid? It's outrageous."

The father's majesty had just begun, but it ended when Jiang Oreburgh kicked Jiang Lan on the butt and said angrily: "You've gone against the grain, you're beating your good grandson in front of me."

"Dad, I educate this brat, what are you doing?" Jiang Lan rubbed his butt and said with some dissatisfaction.

"My dear grandson has done something wrong and needs your education."

Jiang Oreburgh glared at Jiang Lan, as if he was going to kick him again, which frightened him and quickly hid a few steps back.

Looking at Jiang Qing who was snickering, Jiang Lan was secretly angry. Since giving birth to this brat, he has no status at all in the eyes of Jiang Oreburgh.

I knew he was his son, but if I didn’t know, I thought he was the child of Jiang Oreburgh’s second wife. Every day he was either his nose or his eyes 0

"If we are not here, Xia Kingdom will rely on you to protect it."

At the gate of the original secret realm, Gongyang Jun looked at Jiang Qing with a serious face.

This time, except for Jiang Qing, the champions of the Xia Kingdom will all enter the original secret realm, so it is absolutely correct for the Xia Kingdom to rely on Jiang Qing to protect it.

"Old Gongyang, please stop being so nagging. A hundred of you in Xia Kingdom will not be as intimidating as my dear grandson." Circle Oreburgh directly broke down.

Gong Yangjun's face darkened slightly. He was telling the truth, and he couldn't even refute it.

So the depressed Gongyang Army took the lead into the original secret realm.

In the original secret territory, twenty people were already in the Hoof Grassland. Looking at the endless grassland, Jiang Lan said: "This is the Hoof Grassland that the brat said."

The champions looked around vigilantly, and the main Pokémon were dispatched immediately.

And immediately Lock On the Thunder King Kong Ape.

Being locked on by eight championship-level Pokémon at once, Thunderbolt Ape was completely in bad condition.

"Shouldn't the Thunderbolt King Kong be in the west? Why is it here? Is Jiang Guanjun's information wrong?"

A certain researcher looked at the level of the Thunder King Kong Ape on the instrument and determined that this guy was the Totem from the Hoof Grassland that Jiang Qing said, but why was he here.

Thunder King Kong: Do you believe me when I say I passed by?

"Mr. Yang, how about the energy erosion in the secret realm?"

The Gongyang Army ignored the Thunderbolt King Kong Ape and said to the old man who was playing with the equipment at 5.3 beside him.

The old man did not answer. After continuing to swing the instrument for a while, he said solemnly: "The energy erosion of the original secret realm is far greater than that of the top secret realm."

"According to the values ​​displayed on the instrument, our human bodies can only stay in this secret realm for two months at most."

As he spoke, a look of curiosity and wonder appeared on his face: "Champion Jiang Qing was able to stay in there for more than half a year without being eroded by the energy of the secret realm. I don't know what method he used."

"My brat is so capable, Mr. Yang, you are also amazed," Jiang Lan said proudly.

They can only stay for two months, which is similar to Jiang Qing's estimate.

The energy of the secret realm erodes more as it goes to the back. For older and frail researchers like Mr. Yang, this time will be even shorter.

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