Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1028 Metagrossvs Splitting Ax Under The Mantis

"Dragonite" Yangqing said softly.

Dragonite turned to look at his Trainer, as if he was asking something.

"Why would you listen to me? With your strength, even a million of me will not be your Rival."

"Because you are my Trainer~"

Dragonite said almost without thinking, and looked at Jiang Qing with some worry, feeling that there was something wrong with his brain for suddenly asking such a question.

The biggest reason why Pokémon are willing to listen to humans is that humans take care of them and give them a stable environment, food, drink, and various treasures that increase their strength.

When it comes to relationships, Pokémon are much more serious than humans. Once they identify with a certain Trainer, they will definitely stick with them until death.

It is precisely because of this kind of emotion that humans can command Pokémon that far exceed themselves in power.

During the conversation, the aftermath of the mushroom cloud below had ended, but because of the smoke and dust, Jiang Qing was still unable to see the Metagross and Axe-Splitting Mantis below.

The smoke and dust covered a very wide area. It would take at least four or five days to wait for the smoke and dust to disappear on its own.

A collision sound came out from below again, and the air wave generated by the strong Tackle blew away the surrounding smoke and dust, revealing Metagross and Axe-Splitting Mantis below.

The moves between the two sides competed again.


Metagross looked at the axe-splitting mantis in front of him, and the power of Metal Claw was increasing.

Ax-Splitting Mantis uses Slash's arm to tremble slightly. He looks at Metagross in disbelief. The strength of this guy in front of him is still increasing.

Didn't it use all its strength before?

An idea that seemed absurd to him came to mind.

As soon as this thought came to mind, its Slash was defeated by Metal Claw. Metal Claw left three deep claw marks on its chest, and its body flew straight away.

While flying out, Metagross chased after him.

In front of the Axe-Splitting Mantis, Meteor Mash hit it hard on the face. With the huge force, its body slammed into the ground, and its body continued to go deep into the ground.

But it wasn't over yet. The silver-white Steel Beam was fired from the cross on Metagross's forehead towards the hole.


The ground swelled up like an Air Baloon, with a large amount of soil and gravel flying, and then deflated completely like a deflated Air Baloon.

"Metagross wins"

This was not said by Jiang Qing, but by Celebi who was lying on his head.

"not yet"

Jiang Qing shook his head.

If it were a normal level 99 Pokémon and was attacked by Metagross, even if it didn't fall down, it would definitely be seriously injured.

Don't forget that the Axe-Splitting Mantis is 50% immune to damage in its king form. This damage-free ratio is so large, so the damage dealt by Metagross seems to be very powerful, but even hitting it will be halved.

As if to verify Jiang Qing's guess, the ground below was suddenly cut in half, and an air blade more than ten meters long shot out from the ground.

The air blade hit Metagross, and the extremely sharp aura actually left a cut on Metagross's body, and the powerful explosive force made Metagross' body retreat uncontrollably.

The Ax-Splitting Mantis flew out of the crack. Although half of the damage had been reduced, the ten attacks of the Kujin monster just now still gave it a certain amount of damage.


Metagross grabbed the air blade tightly, and with a strong force, Crush Grip it.


At this time, the Ax-Splitting Mantis had arrived in front of it, and pieces of Rock the size of basketballs gathered around it.


Rock launches towards Metagross.

Metagross punched Rock, and with a bang, Rock exploded instantly.

This is a Rock crit.

The explosion caused by Rock's critical hit caused Metagross's body to retreat again, and the remaining Rock's critical hit followed closely to catch up with him.

Metagross's eyes glowed with blue light. Under the interference of Psychic, these Rocks were controlled by it and turned their heads to hit the axe-splitting mantis behind it.

“Bang bang bang”

Rock's critical attack is very close to the Ax Mantis itself. After being controlled by Metagross, the latter used Psychic to forcefully detonate it.

The violent explosion enveloped the Ax Mantis, and the flames rose in the smoke.


However, the next second the Ax Splitting Mantis rushed out of the explosion, making a harsh sound from its mouth.

It's Bug Buzz.

Sound attacks are difficult to defend against, after all, sounds come from all directions.

Metagross made a metallic friction sound from his mouth.

0…Please give me flowers…

Use Metal Sound to offset the sound of Bug Buzz.

Ax Splitting Mantis didn't seem to be surprised, and continued to move towards Metagross. He used Sword Dance in the middle, and his attack power was improved to a certain extent.


Metagross let out a soft drink, and his body turned into a stream of light. A powerful impact was formed, and the air in front was continuously oppressed by it.

It's Giga Impact.

Seeing this, the Ax-Splitting Mantis immediately stopped and it was too late to fight back. If he dodges, it would be fine if he succeeds. If he dodges and fails, he will know that the power of this move is not small. If he dodges and fails, he may become passive.

In a thousandth of a second, Ax Splitting Mantis made a decision.

An khaki luster flashed across its body, and it stopped [crossing its arms in front of it.

It seems that he wants to directly resist Metagross's final impact with his body.


Metagross was like a high-speed train that hit a pedestrian who suddenly broke into the railway track. The moment of contact, it knocked the axe-splitting mantis away.

With the powerful impact, the mantis kept retreating against the axe, and crashed into the ground below, causing the ground to roll.

Metagross took the Splitting Ax Mantis deep into the ground, going down, down.

"Bang bang bang bang"

Rocks in the underground are constantly being smashed by the Axe-Splitting Mantis.


Although there is 50% damage reduction, Axe-Splitting Mantis feels that his arms are about to become useless at this moment. Fortunately, the power of Giga Impact has been weakened a lot.

After a few seconds, Giga Impact's power finally ran out.


Metagross didn't expect that the axe-splitting mantis could still stand, and a bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

The next second, a strong shock wave erupted from the Ax Mantis, and with a bang, Metagross was directly knocked away.

This is the Counter used when it is preparing to resist Metagross' ultimate impact.

It can return twice the physical attack Rival gives it to the opponent, provided that you do not fall down when receiving the opponent's physical attack.

The ultimate impact is definitely one of the ceilings in Physical Move. Now you can double the power of this move back to yourself.

Even though Metagross is a different color and has twice the defense power, being hit by double the ultimate impact of Fenghuai is enough to drink a pot of six. .

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