Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1027 Metagrossvs Axe-Splitting Mantis

Although Metagross was knocked away, Jiang Qing was not worried. An attack of this magnitude from the Ax-Splitting Mantis could not damage his Metagross.

At this time, a Saffron-colored Hyper Beam broke through the air from a distance, arrived in an instant, and arrived in front of the Ax Splitting Mantis in the blink of an eye.

The latter seemed to have noticed it in advance, with its double axe-like arms crossed in front of it, and the powerful impact of the Hyper Beam, causing its body to continuously retreat.

After hitting big trees, his feet left a long ravine on the ground. After retreating for about several hundred meters, the power of Hyper Beam still showed no signs of weakening.

Seeing this, Ax Splitting Mantis used his right ax to forcefully hold the Hyper Beam. He raised his left ax high and slashed forward. A white streak split the Hyper Beam in half.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Ax-Splitting Mantis immediately left its position. It knew that the Slash just now could not completely break through the Hyper Beam, but could only break through part of it. When the power of the Slash weakened, the Hyper Beam would still attack.


And just as it was moving, Metagross's voice suddenly came to his ears.

Without any hesitation, it instinctively struck an ax in the direction of the sound, which was on the left, but it missed and did not hit anything. At the same time, it did not see anything on the left.

The axe-splitting mantis's expression changed slightly, and the next second strong air pressure came from above his head.

The arm hammer moving from top to bottom, with great force, was like a mountain falling. The huge pressure caused the ground below the Ax Mantis to dent continuously.

Why is it up there?

The sound clearly came from the left.

There was no extra time for it to think carefully. Facing Metagross's arm hammer, which was like a devastating blow, the Ax Splitting Mantis swayed, and then six Ax Splitting Mantis appeared on the spot.

Double Team.

Metagross's arm hammer did not hit any of the shadow clones, but directly hit the Ground heavily.


Earthquake above level 10 is formed when the arm hammer falls.

The big Earthquake was shaking endlessly, cracks spread out in all directions as fast as Spider Web, a large number of trees were swallowed by the cracks, and the shattering and terrifying air waves swept everything around.

The six Double Teams naturally disappeared instantly, leaving behind the main body of the Ax-Splitting Mantis.

Under the strong vibration, the Ax Splitting Mantis' body was unable to stand firm on the ground. At the same time, the shaking continuously hit it, and its internal organs were damaged to varying degrees.

Because of Earthquake, a large amount of smoke and dust shrouded Axe-Splitting Mantis and Metagross, obstructing their sight, and neither side could see the other.

But for Pokémon of their level, eyes are often no longer necessary for catching enemies.

Even if there is no line of sight, both parties can still sense the other's location.

The Ax-Splitting Mantis took a deep breath and became more energetic.

Focus Energy.


He let out a light drink, kicked his feet, and broke through the smoke. The surrounding rubble moved quickly with it, and at that moment, the rags condensed into a cloth axe tens of meters long.

The stone ax struck down, and under the pressure of the air wave, the surrounding smoke and dust broke open, revealing the Metagross below.

Metagross thought, and a series of Light Screens and Reflects formed in mid-air, blocking the giant stone axe.

"Click, click, click, click."

A series of broken sounds sounded.

Under the giant stone axe, Light Screen and Reflect did not seem to have any effect, and it was broken by less than half in an instant.

But the stone ax fell more slowly as we got to the back. Less than ten meters away from Metagross's head, the giant stone ax was passed down.

The axe-splitting mantis showed unwillingness and kept exerting force, but the falling force had been exhausted. It was impossible to break through the remaining Light Screen and Reflect with the stone ax behind it.

Without any hesitation, the axe-splitting mantis released the giant stone ax from its palm, turned its body into an afterimage, and used Agility to quickly kill the Mejin monster.

His arms were crossed in front of him, forming a cross. A silvery white stream of light circulated on the cross (cjeh), and the air flow made a shrill scream.

Facing X-Scissor, Metagross raised his left arm, colorful light flowed, and the surging power made the surrounding space become extremely solemn.


The attacks from both sides clashed fiercely again.

With the blessing of the king form, all attack damage of the Ax Mantis is doubled.

The moment the two sides' attacks came into contact, a vacuum zone suddenly formed around them, like a sphere surrounding the two.

As a little light appeared in the sphere, like nuclear fission Normal, the light became bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye this light enveloped the two.

Jiang Qing and Dragonite were already hundreds of meters in the air. Looking at the white ball of light below, a huge sense of crisis surged up.


Before Jiang Qing could speak, Dragonite moved hundreds of meters higher toward the sky.


A huge mushroom cloud rose below, and the waves of fire, smoke, and air were like a world-destroying Normal, destroying everything around it, and kept extending.

Five kilometers, ten kilometers, twenty kilometers, fifty kilometers, one hundred kilometers.

Still extending.

Fortunately, there are no other Pokémon in the giant wood battlefield. If there were, this wave of damage would be enough to kill tens of thousands of Pokémon here.

Air waves were also raging high in the sky. Fortunately, Jiang Qing was at a high enough altitude, otherwise he would have been affected if he had been at the same height just now.

"It's really scary." Jiang Qing swallowed.

Such a battle, if placed in human society, could completely destroy cities one after another. It would be a natural disaster.

In fact, anthropologists have not figured out one thing until now.

That is, from a power point of view, Pokémon definitely has a huge advantage in this regard. With a human body, even a level 10 Pokémon can kill a human.

When Pokémon reaches the Elite level, it is difficult to destroy them even with human nuclear weapons. After all, they cannot stand still and use nuclear weapons to attack them.

And if they reach the championship level, humans have no way or weapon to kill them.

But such existences are willing to become partners of humans, be controlled by humans, are willing to fight for humans, and kill their tribesmen from the perspective of humans.

For Pokémon, humans are the alien race [other Pokémon are their race.

He obviously has power that humans cannot match, but he is willing to become a weapon in the hands of humans.

Some people may say it is because humans are intelligent.

But in terms of intelligence alone, the IQs of Pokémon such as Slowking, Alakazam, and Metagross can kill humans instantly.

Humans are far inferior to Pokémon in terms of strength, intelligence, and other aspects, but Pokémon has become a human companion and even a weapon. .

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