Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 498 Leaving one after another

There was no way to hide the fact that Taiyi had harvested two more King-level Pokémon. There were many people who witnessed it at the time, so the news spread quickly.

Cattleya's eyes were wandering, she didn't expect it. The Taiyi researcher in front of me had cultivated three king-level Pokémon so quickly.

You must know that she is a new trainer that the alliance is very optimistic about, and the family she supports is very powerful.

She even has several Pokémon that have been promoted to Quasi-Kings, but even so.

The King level is still far away. It is not a level where Pokémon can be promoted immediately as long as the resources are available.

This completely depends on the dual efforts of the trainer and the Pokémon.

But she didn't expect that the Taiyi researcher in front of her was younger than her.

He has actually cultivated three King of Heaven Pokémon, so that is to say.

Wouldn't Taiyi be able to be promoted to a king-level trainer next year?


All things considered, Taiyi has only been exposed to Pokémon training for a little over a year.

Now that there are three king-level Pokémon, the next three main ones should not take such a long time.

Cattleya had seen a lot of quasi-king-level Pokémon in Taiyi in the ecological park.

But as shocking as it is, these things belong to Taiyi and have nothing to do with other people.

Although Taiyi's main identity is that of a researcher, his secondary identity is that of a cultivator.

But his strength as a trainer can easily gain the respect of others.

Apart from anything else, the attitudes of the superpower masters here are much better than before.

After the agreement is made, signing the contract is not that troublesome. There happens to be a professional team here. After printing the contract and signing it by both parties, the contract is considered an agreement.

Taiyi paid for the meditation method they already knew, and received the friendship of these superpower masters, as well as the number of twenty sun rocks and twenty moon rocks they provided.

Although the contract was signed, its performance was not immediate.

However, several superpower masters borrowed the video phone and explained the matter to the family, asking them to immediately select some high-quality qualifications, which must be Pokémon above green.

For several masters, Pokémon with green qualifications are not that rare, and even cyan qualifications may be just the most common.

These superpower families are quite good at cultivating superpower Pokémon.

These superpower masters stayed here for a day and also stayed in Zhenxin Town at night.

He once again assisted Cattleya in meditating. This time Cattleya was obviously more skilled than the last time, and there were no problems during the entire meditation.

After Cattleya finished her meditation, Master Xinze touched his beard and said: "Now, it seems that our previous thinking was a bit narrow, and it is actually easy to achieve it by using another method.

As long as Cattleya continues to meditate according to this method, sooner or later, this super power will be used by her. It seems that the next super power master is about to be born. "

Cadeliya shook her head and said in the doubtful eyes of others: "This is a very long time. I estimate that it may take three to five years. Before that, I think Mr. Taiyi will Enter the category of superpower master first before me."

The Alliance's evaluation of superpowers is that those who can defeat King-level Pokémon can be called superpower masters.

After all, this is the world of elves, and there is more preference for elves. There are not many people with superpowers in human beings, and it is not so easy to compete with king-level Pokémon.

Several masters originally thought that Cattleya's words had little credibility, but then they thought about it.

Taiyi's superpower only took a year to awaken.

Nowadays, it is comparable to elite-level Pokémon with super powers. Even just in the past day, the number of Taiyi's super powers has increased significantly.

If this situation continues, it is not impossible for Taiyi's own superpower to advance to the king level within three or four years.

This in itself is also the reason why they are optimistic about the deal with Taiyi.

No matter what, it's always good to make friends.

Thinking of Cattleya's words just now, they felt very happy for their decision to exchange two super-powered Pokémon for the meditation method.

Today's Taiyi is still a rising star in their eyes, but their family does not have this kind of potential.

Just as Taiyi had thought before, if they forced it to be used, Taiyi would have no way to stop it. ,

The superpower master's memory is not bad. After reading it once, he already knows these meditation methods well.

Even if there are any shortcomings, it can be easily made up for with the strength of the superpower master.

In fact, before Master Xinze proposed the transaction, some people did think that they could just use it themselves.

You already know the meditation method, why should you spend two or twenty high-quality Pokémon in exchange?

Everyone is in short supply of high-quality Pokémon, so it would be nice if you don’t have to sell them to make some money.

But at this time, they were extremely lucky that they did not take advantage of this.

Not to mention the third King-level Pokémon that Taiyi had just trained, and he will be a King-level trainer in the future.

By then Taiyi's status will no longer be as simple as a rising star.

In addition, Etai Yi's own strength is likely to be promoted to a king-level superpower, such a person.

If you are offended in advance, you may have to pay a greater price later.

Now that the situation on Cattleya's side has been resolved, several masters no longer want to stay.

After getting the meditation method, they also want to go back and test it. If there is someone like Taiyi among the family's descendants, they can wake up laughing even when they sleep.

In addition, they can easily figure out this meditation method, and there will be many advanced versions in the future.

Although Taiyi said that this was just his own speculation and there was no follow-up.

But everyone is very smart, and no one takes it to heart. Who would tell anyone about such a trump card?

After sending several masters away, Taiyi also understood that they would definitely try to figure out this meditation method after they returned.

You may even try to develop subsequent versions yourself.

But it doesn't matter. If they can really develop it without having access to the knowledge of the earth, they can be considered powerful.

However, the version developed like that is definitely not the same concept as the subsequent versions he developed.

After several masters left, Cattleya's parents were also preparing to leave.

There are so many things in the Fangyuan area that require them to go back and make decisions.

"Are you really not going to go back? It's still very dangerous to be alone outside. Although you were calmer and didn't make any mistakes this time. But who can guarantee that you will not make mistakes in the future. If something goes wrong outside, There's nothing we can do to help you."

Cattleya's mother was very worried and wanted to persuade Cattleya to go home.

Under their protection, Cattleya has less chance of problems, and even if problems occur, they can be controlled in time.

But Cattleya shook her head and said, "Mom and dad, don't worry, I will definitely be very careful.

In addition, because I have always been protected by you at home, my heart is not strong enough, which is why I failed the first time.

I decided that I must travel by myself, capture Pokémon, and train them. I was also training myself. "

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