Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 497 Master Xinze’s shock, preliminary solution

However, for these masters, it is not impossible that their own combat effectiveness is not inferior to Pokémon, or may even be stronger than Pokémon.

Let others not tell you, if Cattleya can successfully master this superpower, she will be able to master it.

Its combat power is definitely no less than that of high-level King-level Pokémon. Her Pokémon are all below the quasi-King level, and may not be as good as Cattleya in actual combat.

Being reminded by Taiyi, Master Xinze's face turned slightly red.

He quickly calmed down and stared at Cattleya in front of him. He had entered the meditation process smoothly before, which made Master Xinze a little distracted.

Cattleya's previous movements were smooth and she entered the meditative state smoothly.

The collision of thinking sparks gave her a new understanding of the control of superpowers.

At this moment, she is trying to control the energy in her body, maybe she is a little too confident.

As soon as she came up, she was ready to control all the super powers in her body, which was obviously beyond her ability.

Taiyi shook his head slightly. He had reminded her before that she should control it slowly and bit by bit in order to eat away all the super powers in her body.

But obviously, Cattleya was arrogant and didn't listen.

She felt that she could suddenly get rid of the problem that had been bothering her for more than ten years.

Or maybe I have been troubled before, so I feel a little anxious.

Several masters stopped talking. They felt that the power in Cattleya began to riot, and they quickly revealed their superpowers.

Help Cattleya control those rioting super powers, and let her slowly eat away and control her own super powers.

What follows is a process of slowly nibbling away.

After a long while, everyone struggled a little, and some sweat appeared on their foreheads, before Cattleya's super power was suppressed.

Heaving a sigh of relief, everyone took back their superpowers, but they still couldn't relax and looked at Cattleya carefully.

It took a long time for Cattleya to regain her superpower. When she opened her eyes, she saw the worried looks on her parents' faces.

Cattleya stuck out her tongue and said sheepishly: "I was too anxious just now. I felt like I had been carrying a bomb on my body for many years. I finally had a chance to solve it and I planned to solve it all at once."

Cattleya's mother looked at her tenderly and said, "You kid, I know you are very stressed.

But this is related to your life. Whether it is Mr. Taiyi or we have warned you, you must be cautious and slow.

Why are you so anxious? You are so disobedient. "

Although her tone was gentle and not blaming, Cattleya was a little embarrassed and blamed herself for being too anxious.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about it later."

Cadeliya's father spoke up and expressed his gratitude to several masters.

Taiyi asked them to come out and returned to the conference room to summarize.

Cattleya's father said: "Don't be so hasty next time."

Obviously Cattleya's affairs are not finished.

You will need to continue meditating for an unknown amount of time before you can completely take over this violent super power.

Cadeliya's mother was a little worried: "It's better not to travel in the future. Just stay at home. Your dad and I will watch you and feel more at ease."

Cattleya's father shook his head and signaled her to stop talking, and then expressed his gratitude to several masters.

Some things are relatively private and not suitable to be discussed in front of outsiders. Cadeliya's mother nodded and did not continue.

Several masters did not leave immediately.

Master Xinze said: "Mr. Taiyi, don't you know we can use this meditation method?"

Taiyi was a little strange: "The meditation methods of all the masters are better than this one..."

Before he finished speaking, Taiyi understood.

This is not something that a few masters want to use for themselves, but they want to use it among the children of their families.

Although this meditation method has no follow-up, it will be of great help to them in mastering their own spirits, awakening and controlling super powers in the future.

From this point of view, the value of this meditation room needs to be re-evaluated, and it may even be many orders of magnitude higher.

Taiyi laughed when he thought of this: "Several masters should have seen this meditation method. If you want to use it, please feel free to use it."

This is what happened. People already know about it. If they want to use it, can they still stop it?

Master Xinze laughed: "This is your meditation method after all. Although we have witnessed this meditation method because of our help, we will not use it without your authorization. We can still guarantee this. ."

The pride in his tone of voice cannot be concealed. With their strength and status, this pride is justifiable.

Another master said: "If you are willing to authorize us to use it, we will not spread it anymore, and it will only be learned by a few young children in our family.

In addition, we can give you some high-quality Pokémon with super powers after our observations just now.

The Pokémon you have groups here are only Pidgeot, Tusk Pig, Turtle, Parasite, etc. There is no complete group of super-powered Pokémon.

There are quite a few sun rocks and moon rocks in our families.

If you wish, we can supply Sun Rocks and Moon Rocks in quantities of twenty each. "

Sun Rock and Moon Rock are both Psychic-type Pokémon.

Of course, it also contains rock attributes. Neither of these two Pokémon have evolved types, but their own abilities are also very good. Although the six-dimensional attributes are not particularly high initially, their potential is not low.

Since there is such a good thing, Taiyi will naturally not refuse it.

Although several people said they were proud, if he disagreed.

Several masters will still use what they should use when they return. Do they really avoid anything?

"In that case, let's reach cooperation."

Taiyi smiled and said that it is good to have unexpected gains.

At this moment, Master Xinze showed a strange look on his face.

Looking at Taiyi, he suddenly said: "Sure enough, heroes come from youth. I didn't expect that Mr. Taiyi had already trained three king-level Pokémon at the age of eleven. The future of the world belongs to you."

King-level Pokémon are not rare, but at Taiyi's age, it would be shocking to cultivate a King-level Pokémon.

Well, he already knew that.

I'm afraid that Master Xinze has already used his superpower to scan the area just after he came out.

Taiyi felt something vaguely, but it might be that Master Xinze avoided this place for the time being, so he didn't feel much.

Several other superpower masters also showed similar expressions.

They probably already know this. After all, their superpowers were restricted when they were in the meditation room. For their own safety, they will definitely explore the surrounding situation as soon as they come out.

It’s not surprising to know what happened in the ecological park behind.

Instead, Sirona and Cattleya's parents looked at Taiyi with surprise.

Sirona's superpower does not have a big advantage in detecting this, so she doesn't know these things.

Although Cattleya's parents are superpowers, all their thoughts are on Cattleya.

They didn't go to explore the situation outside, so they didn't know.

At this time, when they heard Master Xinze's words, they all looked over in surprise.

Taiyi smiled and said modestly: "It's their own efforts."

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