Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 495 Meditation room, strange feeling

Several masters were stunned.

Who created the meditation method, not because they wanted to make their superpowers bigger and increase the number of their superpowers?

And, creating a meditation method?

This is not something ordinary people can do.

The degree of control over superpowers is naturally something they value very much, but this is secondary.

The quantity and quality of superpowers are what they value more.

But now that I think about it, Taiyi's idea is indeed very clear.

One of the masters' eyes lit up, he took the meditation method and read it once before nodding.

“Indeed, this idea is indeed symptomatic in solving Cattleya’s problem.

We have not considered this aspect before. We only thought about meditation, but ignored that meditation can also remove the superpower training aspect.

This will only increase his control, and sooner or later he will be able to control Cattleya's superpowers. "

It's not because they are too stupid, but because they are limited by past experience.

Of course, they already have superpower meditation methods, so they have no intention of compiling another meditation method.

"Little friend Tai, is this a meditation method you created yourself? I saw some of the prototypes and traces of the meditation method announced by the alliance, but the proportion is not large.

Much of it seems to have never been seen, at least not by me.

Although it looks simple, it is very practical. "

Taiyi touched the back of his head and said with some embarrassment: "My superpower was just awakened last year. It was an accident.

That day, I was going to pick up the starter Pokémon, and it happened that my partner Casey teleported to me, which stimulated the awakening of my super power.

After that, I wanted to exercise my and Casey's superpowers, but I only saw some very simple meditation methods on the alliance's mall, and there was not even a specific meditation process.

In order to control the meditation method in my body, I thought hard about meditation, and finally racked my brains to come up with such a simple meditation method. I didn't even have the ability to practice meditation. "

Several other superpower masters were also a little moved.

From scratch, although there are some imitations of basic knowledge.

But this meditation method is obviously very good, at least for beginners with super powers, this is a meditation method of great value.

Opening their mouths, these superpower masters wanted to say something.

Maybe they want to ask for this meditation method. Even if they have seen it once, there is a high probability that they will not forget it.

Even if you forget, remember most of it, and then fill in some of it yourself, and it will be a complete meditation method.

However, it is impossible to do such a thing as long as the status is not low and the face is required.

So I still want to ask the owner of the meditation method what he means.

The old man among them said first: "Okay, today is to solve Cattleya's matter. Now that we have confirmed that this meditation method has a high probability of solving this problem, let's get started."

Facing the confused looks of several masters, Taiyi said again: "I have built a meditation room here. Although it is not too big, it is still okay for a few people to go in. It can enhance the effect of meditation and is also good for calming down the mind. , maybe it will be of some help.”

None of the superpower masters spoke, they just nodded, agreed, and followed Taiyi directly to the meditation room.

It seems that the development of superpowers in this world is not short-lived. Maybe they also have some arrangements that can improve the obvious effect, so the emergence of the meditation room is not very surprising.

He also quickly figured out that these superpower masters may have been seen before, or their families may have similar arrangements. Otherwise, even if this new thing is a master, he may not be able to remain calm.

Cattleya already knew this since he brought it up yesterday and Cattleya didn't express any surprise.

But when they came to the meditation room, several masters found that the layout here was very simple, and several masters were a little strange.

"Master Xinze, have you discovered anything?"

Master Xinze is that old man, and he is also the one with the most outstanding superpowers.

His Pokémon Taiyi didn't see it, but the faint sense of threat coming from his body still let Taiyi know that this was also a high-level trainer whose strength should not be underestimated.

Master Xinze felt it carefully, shook his head and nodded again.

"What happened to Master Xinze?" Cattleya's father asked.

Master Xinze said: "It's a little strange. This place gives me a very strange feeling. I can't see anything wrong, but this room gives me this feeling. It really helps calm and meditate. , but I can’t see anything wrong, it seems like it’s no different from an ordinary house.”

When Master Xinze spoke, he looked at Taiyi.

Maybe he was thinking of Taiyi having some explanation, but Taiyi just smiled and didn't answer.

He would never say anything about the runes. It was his secret and it was impossible to tell anyone else.

Once explained once, there will be a lot of things that need to be explained later, and these things must not be exposed to the light, once they are exposed to the light. I'm afraid it will cause a chain reaction.

"Let's start trying it quickly." When Cattleya's father saw this, he knew that there might be something in it that should not be known to others.

It's no wonder that his family also has many such secrets.

This is a family secret that cannot be known to anyone else.

Having been in business for many years, Cattleya's father is not the same as Cattleya. He has a very high emotional intelligence.

He knew immediately that Taiyi didn't want to discuss this aspect, and immediately changed the subject.

Although Master Xinze has some regrets, he also knows that many situations and things are not suitable for in-depth investigation. His own family also has many secrets that he does not want others to know.

Apart from anything else, Master Xinze’s meditation method has no intention of letting others know about it.

Cattleya was still tilting her head, wanting to hear what everyone was talking about, but she only reacted when she heard her father's words.

Taiyi said: "I didn't prepare anything else here, just a few futons. Sitting cross-legged like me with my five hearts facing the sky will greatly increase the effect of meditation."

Cattleya walked to the futon in the middle and sat down: "Then I will start meditating."

After speaking, Cattleya closed her eyes and began to meditate.

Several other masters, including Cattleya's parents, sat around Cattleya.

Watching Cattleya's situation carefully, he is always ready to use his superpowers for assistance or rescue.

Cattleya entered the meditative state for a short time, although because she was a little excited and hesitant, her superpowers kept fluctuating.

But that just goes to show how effective this meditation room is.

Sure enough, there are many decorations in this meditation room, and it seems that this young researcher is quite charming.

Master Xinze thought and took a deep look at Taiyi.

Tai turned back and smiled at him, but didn't say anything.

Exposing something was also to save Cattleya, but he had no intention of sharing his secret with others.

Fortunately, he is now considered a quasi-king-level trainer.

Although there is only one king-level one, wait, this momentum is.

Taiyi turned around, using his superpower, and immediately looked towards the ecological garden behind his breeding house.

He felt a strange feeling. Which Pokémon was about to be promoted?

Looking at this momentum, it is not a small promotion, but a breakthrough to a big realm.

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