Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 494 The superpower master arrives

"Dr. Hayakawa, look at those people."

Dr. Hayakawa turned around and saw a group of people.

He knew the two people standing nearby.

Before, the family had some cooperation with these two.

They are Cattleya's parents. These two people are not small in power, and their own trainer level is not low. Although they are not the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance, they are still king-level trainers.

Otherwise, how could the king-level symbolic bird on Cattleya's body have been following him since childhood and never been taken back?

This is because this symbolic bird was bred by Cattleya's father.

Speaking of which, Cattleya's family is also a family with super powers.

It's just that there hasn't been any strong person with very powerful superpowers before.

They are also famous as trainers.

Cattleya's birth once made his parents very happy.

Cattleya's superpower qualifications are really too powerful. This is a high-quality superpower that has never appeared in his family.

But this joy plunged the family into darkness soon after Cattleya was born.

Because Cattleya's superpowers are really violent, and they grow rapidly and are completely uncontrollable. Once they are out of control, this is a huge source of danger.

It is for this reason that the couple does not hold positions in the league.

And there was one, no, several superpower masters next to him.

Even as a researcher such as Dr. Hayakawa, I have heard about this.

Not only are these masters powerful in their own superpowers, they are comparable to king-level Pokémon.

The Pokémon they train are also very powerful.

"What are they doing here?"

Although he had some vague thoughts in his mind, Dr. Hayakawa felt that he might have thought too much.

There are so many superpower masters who cannot solve the problem of awakening. Can researcher Taiyi at his age be able to solve it?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but want to laugh: "How is such a thing possible?"

But then, Dr. Hayakawa thought that Researcher Taiyi had solved the problem of ugly fish evolution that the elf world had not been able to solve for many years.

This alone is already a miracle, so it is not impossible for a miracle to happen.

But Dr. Hayakawa thought again: "It's still possible for a miracle to happen once. Could it happen two or three times?"

"Welcome, welcome." Taiyi, Cattleya and Sirona came out to greet them.

Originally, Sirona was going to rush back yesterday, but for the sake of Cattleya's application, she decided to stay.

Regardless of whether she succeeds or not, she wants to do her part.

Cattleya stood up and introduced several masters to Taiyi, and Taiyi also sincerely said hello to the masters.

But several superpower masters just glanced at Taiyi and nodded, but did not speak.

In their opinion, Taiyi's superpower is not weak, but it must be said to be very strong.

That's not enough either!

There are many people of this type among the descendants of their family.

Future achievements will not be particularly great. Moreover, they were also dissatisfied with what Taiyi said could solve the hidden dangers of Cattleya's super powers.

Several masters also tried it back then, but in the end they all failed without exception.

It even almost caused Cattleya's superpower riot several times, causing Cattleya to almost disappear.

This matter is a bit embarrassing to say.

Taiyi didn't know what they were thinking, but he wasn't too embarrassed.

Compared to several superpower masters, Cattleya's parents are much more enthusiastic. No matter what, this is also a hope.

Taiyi was a little surprised. Cattleya's parents were obviously also superpowers.

Although their superpowers are quite different from Cattleya's.

However, the two trainers reported good levels.

Not to mention anything else, with the arrival of Cattleya's father, the symbolic bird on Cattleya's body showed an expression of admiration.

Obviously the real trainer of Cattleya's symbolic bird is Cattleya's father.

On the shoulders of Cattleya's mother, there was also a super-powered Pokémon, Natural Bird, whose level was as high as the King level.

Taiyi knew from the anime that Cattleya's family was very powerful.

But he didn't know the specific situation of the Cattleya family. After all, neither the anime nor the game touched on this.

Thinking about it, such a powerful family must also have powerful trainers.

Otherwise, how to ensure that the family's interests are not coveted by outsiders?

Moreover, in Cattleya's case, if it weren't for a trustworthy super-powered Pokémon, it would not have been able to accompany Cattleya for so many years.

Thinking about it now, only the Pokémon of Cattleya's parents could do this.

"Please come in." Taiyi had no intention of greeting here.

Although the townspeople of Zhenxin Zhenyi are simple people, they also like to eat melons.

What's more, there are many tourists as well as doctors and senior researchers who have not left before.

When they entered the door, they passed by Dr. Hayakawa and the others. Tai nodded without deliberately continuing to say anything.

Although it is a bit strange, I wonder what these PhDs and researchers are thinking about?

But the more important thing for him at this time is to receive Cadeliya's father.

Entering a conference room inside, Taiyi asked almost the doll to serve drinks and so on. At this time. It was already past meal time, so Taiyi asked the almost-baby to serve some more snacks instead of the main meal.

Obviously they should have eaten. Cattleya's parents invited these superpower masters to come over, so it was impossible for people to go hungry.

The masters did not speak. Cattleya's father said first: "We are all here, so let us take a look at the meditation method."

Taiyi felt a little strange and glanced at Cattleya.

Cattleya said: "I didn't pass it on to them in advance. Although you have agreed, I still want to show it to my parents and masters in front of you. Although you don't care, it is your own creation after all. Meditation method. I think it’s much better than our introductory meditation method.”

After hearing Cattleya's words, several masters frowned, wondering if Cattleya was praising Taiyi.

But it’s totally unnecessary. Who among these superpower families doesn’t have a meditation method?

There are meditation methods for beginners, entry-level, advanced, and advanced.

Cattleya's parents raised their eyebrows at that time. If not for this, they would not have placed their hope in such a meditation method to solve Cattleya's problems.

After taking over the meditation method, they looked at it carefully.

This expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action.

Although their family's meditation method is not as good as Taiyi's, they still know a lot about meditation methods.

Just by looking at it, they knew it was definitely a good meditation.

Cattleya's father raised his head and asked, "Is this one for ordinary people?"

Although it is a question, the tone should be affirmative.

Taiyi nodded: "It is true that this is the meditation method I prepared for my disciple, she is just an ordinary person.

What I mean is, let him use this meditation method to improve his mental power and speed up his thinking.

This will make her learning and training process more smooth.

But precisely because of this, this meditation method cannot increase the number of superpowers.

It will only increase the degree of control that superpowers have over their superpowers. "

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