Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 474 Dr. Ivy backstabs, come back

Taiyi turned around and showed an apologetic look to Mr. Qianli, and then said to Mikri: "Then I'll go in first, there should be some trouble."

"Go, we have nothing to do here anyway, let's talk for a while, and we will probably go to your cultivation facility soon. I'm still very excited now thinking about seeing Menas."

Outside, Mr. Qianli was still talking with Mr. Mikri, and he was also very curious about Taiyi's lazy otter.

But when Mr. Mikri came here before, he only paid attention to Menas and Ugly Fish. How could he care about the lazy otter?

Taiyi walked into the doctor's research institute, where many doctors were already sitting.

Researcher Shuichuan and the others could only wait on the side, pouring juice drinks and the like from time to time.

In front of these doctors, they really had no place to sit.

Dr. Oki's research institute did not recruit servants who were specially used to do chores, so it could only be done part-time by Researcher Mizukawa and the others.

As soon as he came in, Researcher Shuichuan frowned at him.

He glanced at Dr. Sato, as if to remind him what to pay attention to.

Taiyi nodded slightly, and he was very grateful for Researcher Shuichuan's reminder.

But Taichi didn't pay too much attention to it. Those were the tricks that Dr. Sato could use.

It is nothing more than saying that the argument of his paper is not detailed enough, or is untenable, etc.

What Taichi really didn't expect was that Dr. Sato's insertion point would be so novel.

Seeing Taichi come in, Dr. Sato nodded and said, "Since researcher Taichi is here, let me explain before reviewing the paper why the argument of this paper is so similar to my research."

Taiyi was speechless, with a look of surprise and shock on his face. He looked at Dr. Sato, his thoughts changing rapidly.

Taiyi already knows the origin of Dr. Sato. His insertion point must be to say that he is also studying the evolution of ugly fish, and the arguments he came up with are similar to Taiyi's arguments. Only in this way can there be contradictions and can restrain Taiyi. .

Taiyi was dumbfounded, and Dr. Sato's lips were slightly raised, and he was already smiling.

How can a little brat fight with him?

Taichi asked in surprise: "Did Dr. Sato's research institute also be stolen? Could it be that, like Dr. Murayama, your research institute was also patronized by your former researcher because he plagiarized the researcher's research results? "

Dr. Sato was still a little proud, but when he heard Taichi's words, his face immediately turned gloomy.

This is the follow-up to the incident where he instigated Dr. Murayama to slander Taichi.

The result this time was that Dr. Murayama had stolen the research results of his researcher, so the researcher was a little angry and finally went back to steal his research materials.

The researcher wanted to conduct follow-up research on his own. This was grasped by Yulongdu, the newly promoted Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto region, and its authenticity cannot be doubted.

Dr. Sato does not want to cause misunderstandings with Yulongdu, and the power of the Yulong family is not something that the Sato family can provoke.

At this time, Taiyi brought this matter up again and ridiculed him.

Dr. Sato was naturally unhappy. Hearing this, his face darkened and he said, "Don't compare me with Murayama."

Taichi turned around and said to Dr. Murayama: "Hey, Dr. Murayama, where are you? Do you have anything to say about Dr. Sato?"

These two are not good people!

Taichi originally brought this matter up first, which was like tearing his wound open again and adding some salt to it, causing Dr. Murayama a lot of pain.

In his heart, he wanted to drag Taichi out and beat him up, but when Taichi asked, Dr. Murayama had no choice but to smile and said: "It's pure slander."

Taichi turned back to Dr. Sato and said, "Did you hear that? Dr. Murayama said that you slandered him, which means that you and him are actually the same."

Dr. Sato's expression was ugly. Taichi simply distorted Murayama's words, but there was nothing worthy of belief in Murayama's words.

Dr. Sato said sullenly: "You should explain why your paper is so similar to my argument, right?"

Taiyi shrugged and stopped playing.

He said to Dr. Zuo Teng: "Since Dr. Sato's research institute was not stolen, how did I know that you were researching this topic? Could it be that you told me about Hiroshi Sato yourself? This is really a big joke. , I’m afraid you won’t even believe it if you tell me, right?”

Dr. Sato did not expect Taichi to be so sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued. Looking back now, Taichi had already shown extraordinary eloquence in the previous questioning meeting. Now that he met him again, he still felt very unhappy.

"I have been working on this project for a long time, and Dr. Chunteng and I have mentioned it before, right, Dr. Chunteng?"

Before Dr. Ivy could say anything, Taichi laughed: "Oh, you mean it was Dr. Ivy who revealed it to me."

Dr. Sato was really angry. Taiyi was so good at taking advantage of every opportunity.

He just wanted to say that there was a possibility of leakage as he had mentioned it to Dr. Ivy before.

Suddenly Dr. Sato's face turned pale. He just said this sentence subconsciously. If you think about this sentence carefully, it is very misleading.

Since he said he had told Dr. Ivy and others, once this matter is leaked, Dr. Ivy will be suspected.

It would be fine if Taiyi didn't mention this sentence, but if Taiyi mentioned this sentence, it would be shit or shit.

Dr. Sato turned around and saw Dr. Ivy's ugly face.

Apparently Dr. Ivy was already dissatisfied with him. However, because the two of them were originally from the same camp, even though they were dissatisfied, Dr. Ivy still helped him out.

"Researcher Taiyi, don't get hung up on this. Let's explain why you and Dr. Sato came to the same conclusion. And you have to know that Dr. Sato has been working on this subject for more than ten years."

Taichi burst out laughing, and everyone present didn't know what was going on. Dr. Ivy's expression turned ugly: "Why are you laughing?"

Taichi stopped smiling, looked at them with a cold face and said, "It's ridiculous to laugh at you. Since you didn't reveal it, how did I know about Dr. Sato's project?"

"Even if I know, so what, I don't know his argument. Besides, there is nothing to question if everyone is doing the same project. Could it be that the project you, Dr. Sato, did can never be done by others? , your face is really big."

Dr. Ivy's face turned ugly when he heard what he said, but Taiyi didn't care about their looks or thoughts at all, and continued to speak.

"Dr. Zuo Teng, why didn't you write a paper since you came to the conclusion? Since you didn't write a paper, and I published a paper, could it be that Dr. Ivy actually called me secretly to tell me your argument?"

"Or..." Taiyi covered his mouth and looked at Dr. Tai Ivy with a horrified expression.

"Dr. Ivy, I won't expose you, right? I'm sorry, otherwise you will reveal your identity. You are actually the one we sent to backstab him. Now that the incident has happened, why don't you stop hiding your identity?"

"Anyway, we already have our own journal. There is no need to look at the color of old thief Sato. You can just quit and join us and return to our camp."

"Don't worry, your paper will be published somewhere in the future, so you don't have to worry about them."

"Taiyi!" Dr. Oak shouted.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Sato, I just said what I was thinking in a hurry. I'm so sorry!" Taichi apologized quickly.

Dr. Ohmu suppressed his laughter, but he didn't expect that Taiyi's comments made the doctor look very bad yesterday.

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