Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 473 Mr. Qianli

As for preparing these foods, it remains to be seen whether we will receive the paper review team from this field.

Looking at the time, Taiyi realized that it was still early and immediately went into the laboratory.

He plans to continue research for a while. In addition to gene inhibitors, this energy cube is also very important.

In addition, he has also made more progress in the matter of elf incense.

Among them, this enhanced version of Elf Incense, which has an improving effect on the scales of ugly fish, has been researched.

At this moment, he is studying the energy cube. Speaking of this energy cube, he has been studying it for a long time.

I thought it would be successful soon, but I didn't expect that this research would last for so long, and only now do I have a little clue.

Taiyi thinks that he can succeed in just a few days.

The tree fruit synthesizer in front of us now has been revised several times.

Only now has it been basically finalized. The electric and magnetic energy used refers to the principle of electromagnetism.

Once again, he put in the energy material ratio that he had expected before, turned the switch, and turned the electromagnetic turntable.

After this series of research, Taiyi discovered that electromagnetic interference must be carried out simultaneously when the fruit mixer is working.

The energy in these fruits can be mixed together only by electromagnetic interference that interferes with the mixing of the fruits all the time.

In practical terms, the energy cube is actually a small energy cube formed by extracting the energy from the fruit and mixing it together.

Containing a large amount of energy in a small volume is the principle of the energy cube.

While turning the electromagnetic turntable, Taiyi was a little excited at the moment.

His movements became more and more in line with the preparation of the fruit mixer. At this moment, he seemed to be one with machine.

When he woke up and looked at the crystal clear fragrance of a few energy cubes spit out from the fruit mixer tray, Taiyi laughed: "It looks like I succeeded."

Many days of hard work finally bore fruit.

At this moment, Taiyi was in a very excited mood.

He held Casey and kept spinning, and Casey made a sound of pleasure, obviously very happy.

He was happy when Tai was happy, even though at this moment, Casey's nose was still moving.

Cathy was very interested in those crystal clear things that she didn't know what they were.

Casey still resisted the urge to move his mouth, and fell into the carnival with Taiyi.

"Brother Taiyi, brother Taiyi." The voice of the silly Xiaozhi sounded.

Soon there was a knock on the door of the tree fruit synthesis room. Taiyi quickly collected these energy cubes and put them into the world of the Book of Heaven. He had not planned to release this stuff yet, so it was better to keep it secret for now.

When he opened the door, it turned out to be the stupid boy Xiaozhi.

Taiyi asked: "How is it? Is there something going on?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said: "Dr. Oak asked me to call you over, saying that people from the alliance are here. You go and have a look."

Taiyi, a member of the alliance, raised his eyebrows.

No need to guess, these are the people on the paper review team.

I only mentioned this matter yesterday, and even now, the alliance's paper review department has not issued any notice, and these people can't wait to come over.

Taichi didn't know how to describe Dr. Sato. Did he have wisdom in his hands, or did he despise them in his heart?

Taiyi sneered: "This Dr. Sato's knowledge is pretty good, but his character is really worrying."

Taiyi tidied up a little and went out to Dr. Dawu's research institute.

Before he even got close, Taiyi had already noticed a lot of people gathering in front.

Dr. Oki's research institute is quite large, but none of these people went in.

Of course, there must be people inside the institute, but there are still a large number of people standing outside.

There was simply no room for anyone to stay in the research institute. Taiyi just made a little estimate and found that there were at least sixty or seventy people coming this time.

Among them, all the doctors have already entered. In terms of administrative status, the status of doctors is higher.

The fighting ability of the Four Heavenly Kings may be considerable, but in terms of research and cultivation, they are definitely not as good as these research doctors.

And who said that the doctors in the elf world are not good enough? Dr. Omu alone is very strong, let alone others.

Anyway, everyone here is probably no match for Dr. Oak.

In addition to the doctors, the people coming now also include many Four Heavenly Kings from the elven world.

None of the champions came, but many of the four reigning Four Kings came.

Opposite me, Zfuqi Daigo blinked at Taiyi, and the one next to him was King Sirona from the Sinnoh region, and he had some friendship with Taiyi before.

There are also some familiar ones, such as Mr. Mikri.

There was even Mr. Qianli from the Fangyuan area. Taiyi had wanted to communicate with Mr. Qianli before about the cultivation of lazy otters.

But Mr. Qianli is here today, which is a bit strange.

Taiyi approached and asked, "Mr. Mikri, why are you here again?"

Mikri left here not long ago. Came here again now.

Mr. Mikri smiled and said: "It's okay if you don't come. What the alliance is questioning is the paper about the ugly fish. I don't want to say whether this paper is a project I recommended to you, or whether this paper is really true." I care about the holiday very much, so I have to come."

The appearance of Menas is related to the popularity of the gorgeous contest.

This has a great impact on Mi Keli. It is impossible for Mi Keli not to come. How can he shrink back when interests are involved.

"Besides, my senior brother Mr. Daigo has also contacted me privately. Don't worry, most of the Four Heavenly Kings who come this time support you, so don't worry. Mr. Qianli next to me is very powerful and is also a gym leader. oh."

With that said, Mikri introduced Taiyi.

Taiyi smiled and said: "I already know without your introduction. I have admired Mr. Qianli for a long time. Hello Mr. Qianli, I also have a lazy otter, and I really want to communicate with you about some breeding matters. I didn’t expect to meet you under such circumstances, I wanted to have a pleasant visit with you.”

"Oh, really?" Qianli laughed, "No need for honorifics, we can just be friends of the same generation. I have to look up to your achievements at your time, but as for the cultivation of lazy otters, I don't care. There is indeed something I want to communicate with you, but time does not allow it right now. Let’s wait until after this review.”

Mikri leaned over and asked in a low voice: "By the way. Are you sure? Although Sato is a bit unruly, he still has some tricks. Don't let me let you down."

Taiyi blinked mysteriously and said to Mikri: "Don't worry, at least you are invincible."

Mi Keli had been with Taiyi for some time and knew Taiyi's temper.

If you are not sure, you will never boast easily.

Hearing Taiyi's accurate answer, he was relieved, nodded and said, "That's good. There are nearly a hundred powerful people here today. If we lose face, it will be really troublesome."

Nearly a hundred people, Taiyi was stunned, there are so many people here!

Even if the Four Heavenly Kings are in the minority, nearly a quarter of the people in the alliance are Heavenly Kings, right?

Dr. Sato has such a great reputation?

Mikri smiled and said: "Don't worry, they are not coming for you, they are just coming for Menas. As long as you don't have any problems, they will not have any problem with you. I will give you some advice afterwards." Please introduce me, these are all connections!"

"Taiyi, are you here? Come in quickly, there happens to be something here that needs you to explain."

Thanks to book friends 151224081531999, Pursuit of the Nine Realms, and Fish Gu Head for their rewards.

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