Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 428 Xiaoxia’s fatal weakness

Use super powers to pick up Xiaoxia and take her to the guest room.

This is a pink room, not decorated by Taiyi.

Xiaoxia brought it herself, and the three Sakura sisters did some shopping in Zhenxin Town and decorated it like this.

Zhenxin Town used to have only one canteen selling common daily necessities.

Now with the establishment of the Elf Center and the increase in tourists, a small store has also been opened in Zhenxin Town.

There are many things for sale, even outdoor camping equipment.

Visitors who come to Zhen New Town can stay in the townspeople's homes.

Well, it costs a trivial amount of Alliance Coins.

It's about thirty alliance coins a day.

It’s not too expensive, tourists who can travel can afford it, and it’s easy.

After tucking her in, Taiyi turned off the light and left.

I went back and had a good sleep. When I woke up the next morning, Xiaoxia was already up.

Happy Egg has already prepared breakfast, a very rich breakfast.

Bread, moo milk, milk slices, egg pancakes and fried dough sticks.

Shu Lao: "You have taken the happy eggs astray. It turns out that there are no egg pancakes and fried dough sticks in the elf world."

Taiyi: "As long as it tastes good, it doesn't matter which world it is from. Since you're here, let's spread the delicacies of the big flower growers. The whole universe is eating the delicacies of flower growers."

After breakfast, a baby came to clear the table.

Taiyi took Xiaoxia to the cultivation house: "We are cultivating and attending classes at the same time. Release your starfish."

Xiaoxia nodded and released the starfish.

Taichi also summoned the jewel starfish, and Taichi started making food.

This is one of the favorite foods of water elves. Taiyi said to Xiaoxia: "Each attribute of elves has their own favorite taste. And specifically for each one, there are also some subtle tastes. Differences. As a trainer, you have to carefully observe your elf, communicate with your elf, and know what his favorite taste is. You also need to know the slightest deviation and record it. In this way, you will be prepared in the future. When it comes to food, you can make it according to this record."

Taiyi Zunzun said instructively, holding up a notebook: "Look, I have many notebooks like this. In addition to experimental records of research, the process and techniques of cultivating elves, as well as what happened during the period, can be recorded. Like this There are quite a few notebooks in the cabinet over there. You can go and get the basic ones. You should also maintain the habit of taking good notes in the future. This will be good for you."

Xiaoxia blinked and said, "Is it about the last paper?"

What a big kid!

You're only six years old, are you already paying attention to this?

As expected, he is not the stupid Xiaozhi guy, he is a normal person.

Silly thing, that kid has nothing but passion.

Oh no, he also has incredible luck, which others cannot envy.

If there was no luck, the stupid Xiaozhi might not be able to rise at all.

Comparing it to Xiao Chi, there is simply a world of difference.

They come from the same family, so why are there such big differences?

There are people like Xiaoxia, who are not as incredible as Xiaochi, but they can still be considered geniuses.

During the teaching process of Taiyi, I discovered that Xiaoxia still has a lot of knowledge about elves.

Maybe it’s a family inheritance, or maybe it’s something that’s been developed naturally through exposure to it?

Regarding the knowledge of cultivation, Xiaoxia also learned very quickly.

However, Taiyi also discovered that Xiaoxia is more interested in water elves and can learn the knowledge of water elves very quickly.

I am very afraid of insects and will be very slow to learn.

There are many unicorn worms in the breeding house, which are hatched from the eggs of the giant needle wasps.

The qualifications are generally pretty good, with red or above and quite a few green ones.

At least, in terms of insect type alone, Taiyi can also add a type of elf larvae for sale.

Taiyi thought about it for a moment and realized what was going on.

"Probably because of interest. If you are interested in something, you will naturally be more motivated to learn."

Mr. Shu: "Sure enough, interest is the best teacher for children to learn."

Taiyi: "Stop stealing famous quotes from past lives."

Regarding Xiaoxia's weakness, if she wants to fight in the future, if her opponent uses insect elves, Xiaoxia is afraid that she will be useless at all.

If we take over the gym in the future, we can't stipulate that challengers are not allowed to use insect elves, right?

If the challenger uses an insect type elf, the gym leader will be of no use at all and can only rely on the elf's own reaction, not to mention that the difficulty of the gym challenge will be greatly reduced.

Challengers will also have opinions, and this will also be a points deduction item when the alliance verifies in the future.

Taiyi said to Xiaoxia: "I know you are very sensible, and in the future, you will probably be the one to inherit your family's gym. You have to be very clear about all kinds of elves."

After a pause, seeing Xiaoxia's aggrieved and resistant expression, Taiyi asked, "What is your dream?"

Xiaoxia said directly without thinking: "I want to be a water Pokémon master."

Taiyi arrived: "If you want to be a Pokémon master, you can't do it just by understanding water-type Pokémon. During the cultivation process, you also have to come into contact with many Pokémon of other attributes. In addition, you are just cultivating, not fighting. It’s also difficult to improve the strength of elves. Aren’t your elves going to fight against insect elves in the future?”

Xiaoxia thought for a while and said: "Actually, I am afraid of green caterpillars and unicorn beetles, giant needle wasps and bad butterflies, and I am not afraid of hunting swallowtail butterflies."

She is really a girl, maybe not even afraid of elves with ghost attributes.

Just afraid of that little bug.

Taiyi said: "That's it for today's lesson. Think about it for yourself, whether it's taking over your family's gym or your dream of becoming a Pokémon Master. Both of these require you to face various challenges. Elves. Among them, you can't avoid insect elves. It's impossible for your gym to prohibit people from using unicorn bugs in challenges, right?"

Xiaoxia muttered: "Insect elves evolve very quickly."

Taiyi held up his forehead: "But, can you keep this fact that you are afraid of insect elves forever? Once the challenger knows about this hotspot, he will directly take back the one-horned worm to challenge. What will you do? Elves can suppress evolution, don't forget Understand the existence of the Immutable Stone. Your opponent will never follow the rules and use other elves to challenge. Think about it yourself."

With that said, Taichi walked out of the breeding room, with the gem starfish still inside.

Taiyi communicates with Gem Starfish through superpower: "Teach Starfish meditation."

It would be funny if the original elf who became his great disciple didn't know how to meditate.

Gem Starfish readily agreed, as he still liked his own kind.

Except when we grab food together.

This is a forbidden area for foodies. No one can violate it, regardless of whether they are of the same race or not.

Taiyi asked the old man: "How's it going? A simple version of the meditation method?"

Taiyi plans to launch a simple version of the meditation method later, which may not be able to cultivate powerful superpowers.

But it is still helpful for super-powered elves, provided that it is easy to get started.

Taiyi is prepared for users of the Rising Sun app, and there are also some of our own people who want to be trained into apps.

In the future, as the number of users on the app increases, manpower will be needed for maintenance, distribution and redemption of rewards.

Finding people from elsewhere is the same as finding people from app users.

By doing this, you can also cultivate your own people, so why not?

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