Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 427 Teach Xiaoxia to meditate

It took some time to assemble all eight generator sets.

One of them is placed outside, and the other seven are all in the world of the Book of Heaven.

Taiyi watched the elves having fun and told them that the electricity at home also depends on them.

The elves were highly motivated and all eight generator sets started running.

There are even elves starting to line up.

Except for those elves who went out to patrol the vegetable garden and tree orchard, the other elves temporarily turned their interest to the generator.

This is a very fun toy, and the elf's perspective is indeed very strange.

Taichi didn't stop him, which was a good thing.

In the evening, Taiyi called Shu Lao and looked at him expectantly.

Shu Lao held the discharge port of the battery with a look of enjoyment, and then he had a very enjoyable day.

Taiyi cursed in his heart: "It would be weird if people don't misunderstand this."

Mr. Shu, who was enjoying himself, said to his wife: "I always feel that you are thinking about something rude."

Taiyi's face straightened and he firmly denied it: "How is it possible? Look at the seriousness on my face. I am actually thinking about how much electricity is needed to breed lightning essence."

Shu Lao: "I believe you are a ghost."

Taiyi slandered: "Who looks more like a ghost?"

But on his face, Taiyi didn't show it at all: "Impossible. I am a good boy who respects the old and loves the young. Respecting the old and loving the young is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation."

Shu Lao sneered: "You still respect the old and love the young, how old are you? You are still pretending to be young. Besides, are you still a Chinese nation now?"

Taiyi had a look of reminiscence on his face, but he quickly recovered. He asked seriously: "How is it?"

In just a moment, Shu Lao had absorbed all the electricity generated by the elves after a hard day's work.

There is still a little bit left, which should be enough power for a family to use for a day.

Shu Lao pondered: "With this kind of power, another sixty servings should be enough for one serving of Lightning Essence."

Taiyi was stunned, this kind of power was too much.

You know, the amount of electricity Shulao absorbed in one moment was enough to power the whole town of Zhenxin Town for a week.

This also includes Dr. Ohki's Research Institute, a large power consumer.

In addition, there are more tourists in Zhenxin Town now, and several restaurants have opened in Zhenxin Town.

The power consumption of the Elf Center is no less than that of Dr. Ohmu's research institute. Together with Taiyi's cultivation house, these are the three largest power consumers in Zhenxin Town today.

Even with so much power, it still takes sixty servings to breed one Lightning Essence?

This consumes too much.

Shu Lao shook his head and said: "Don't look at the high consumption, this lightning essence is a good thing. Alliance coins with so much power cannot buy good things of this level."

This is true, after Taiyi calculated, there is such a good thing in the alliance.

However, the price is very high. In addition to millions of alliance coins, alliance points are also required to redeem it.

This virtually prevents many people from purchasing.

Taiyi calculated that he didn’t have enough points to buy it.

And also reluctant to part with it.

Lightning Essence is currently his best natural treasure, but it requires a long time to breed, which limits the birth of this kind of natural treasure.

Taiyi Dao: "It only took half a day to generate electricity today, and the elves are not familiar with it. In the future, when the elves become familiar with it and become stronger, they will be able to generate more electricity."

Shu Lao also nodded: "If you calculate it this way, about one month will be enough for me to breed a lightning essence. However, it will probably take more than five months."

Tai nodded, this is something that can't be helped, is it a good thing? Naturally, it takes time to brew.

He still understands this.

After all, Shu Lao is just a divine beast, and his strength has not grown to the highest level yet, and is far inferior to the divine beast.

Not to mention innate spiritual treasures like the Book of Heaven.

The more Taiyi comes into contact with this world, the more he realizes how precious the Book of Heaven is.

Such an innate spiritual treasure is simply a plug-in in the elf world.

While others worked hard to make money, he earned it while lying down.

After coming out of the Heavenly Book World, after washing up, I went through routine superpower training.

This time, I brought Xiaoxia with me.

How could you just leave it alone when you take on a disciple for the first time?

But seeing Xiaoxia yawning and looking like she wanted to sleep, Taiyi immediately felt a little apologetic: "Tomorrow we will do some super power training in advance, and then you can go to bed when the time comes. I didn't think about it for a while. I was so absorbed in studying your question that I lost track of time."

Shu Lao looked teasing: "Is that your research?"

Tai did not change his expression: "Studying the generator set and how long it takes to synthesize a lightning essence, doesn't it count?"

Shu Lao: "I lost to you."

Xiaoxia looked a little more excited and said apologetically: "It's all my fault..."

Taiyi stopped Xiaoxia: "It's okay. You are still a child. Xiaozhi is probably starting to drool now."

When Xiaozhi drooled, Xiaoxia burst out laughing, as if she had seen something funny.

Taiyi thought to himself: "You couldn't have fallen in love at such a young age, right? Come on, Xiaozhi is such a nymphomaniac. There will be many heroines in the future. If it were anyone else, Taiyi would just treat it as a mere spectator. Yes. But my disciple?"

Forget it, the children and grandchildren are not up to the father.

"Then let's get started. Just like you told me, don't think about anything and just fall into the emptiness."

Taiyi slowly taught Xiaoxia meditation, but maybe the child was too lively, and it was not easy to fall into meditation and emptiness.

Taiyi worked hard for a long time, and Xiaoxia couldn't enter the meditative state.

Xiaoxia was also very distressed: "Brother Taiyi, am I stupid?"

Taiyi shook his head: "Everyone has a hard time at the beginning. I also worked hard for a long time before I succeeded. You just have to work harder."

Shu Lao also analyzed: "If you try harder a few times, you may still not be able to understand what emptiness is."

The culture of the elf world is quite different from that of China. Moreover, Xiaoxia is still young and lacks the ability to understand words.

The meditation method is not just ordinary words, but also has a lot of Taoist thoughts in it.

Tai nodded and said to Xiaoxia: "Then you can feel the feeling of my meditation first. In addition, starting tomorrow, in addition to cultivating elves, you will also have to take classes to learn the knowledge of meditation."

Xiaoxia is very troubled, she likes training the elves very much.

But going to class is so annoying.

This may be a common worry for children.

Taiyi didn't care about this and started meditating.

Soon, he got into the mood.

There were many elves around, all joining in, like bright spots, rotating around Taiyi.

Xiaoxia looked at Taiyi, her eyes twinkling.

She seemed to feel it, but she seemed to feel nothing at all.

Gradually, she actually fell to the side and fell asleep.

When Taiyi finished his meditation, he stood up and saw Xiaoxia sleeping sideways next to him. He just shook his head and said, "It seems that I really need to meditate earlier tomorrow. It's better for children to go to bed early to feel better."

Shu Lao: →_→Your body is not a child?

Taiyi: "Now you think I'm a child, not an old man? That's not what you said just now."

Shu Lao: "Don't worry, that's all. Besides, have you slandered me less often?"

Taiyi: "Haha, the moon is so beautiful today."

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