Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 371: Repulse, Discovery

Inoue Hideaki was so proud that he dragged Paraster and was about to leave Zhenxin Town while taking advantage of the chaos.

Taichi didn't know it at this time, but Parasite had been caught.

In the past, every few days, there were always some wild elves coming in groups, trying to snatch the fruits.

The intensity this time is just a little stronger.

But Taiyi believes that this must be because Jin Qila's level has been raised by one level recently.

Taiyi named the two-star Jin Kela because there were a lot more of them. During this period of time, the trees all felt like they were about to rise to the stars.

Well, it means quality improvement.

Taiyi said to Tutaigui: "Go and help. This time, the situation seems to be more urgent."

Taiyi was not too nervous, but spoke directly to Dodaigui.

A king-level elf should be able to solve these problems easily.

As for the other elves in the ecological park, there is no need to leave them all.

But if they want to go out, Taiyi won't stop them.

Needless to say, everyone's attention is on the tree orchard, there are too many elves attacking.

Taking advantage of the chaos, they also took away some tree fruits.

Inoue Hideaki took advantage of this moment to transport Paraster out of Zhenxin Town.

Although some tourists may have seen it, because of Hideaki Inoue's strong psychological quality, he covered Paraster's body with some more canvas.

Therefore, the tourists did not see clearly what Hideaki Inoue was transporting, but they just thought that it was some supplies transported by Hideaki Inoue.

In the past, the Joey family would transport a lot of fruits and vegetables every day.

The Joey family will use space backpacks to transport tree fruits.

Compared with vegetables, tree fruits contain much more vitality.

As for the vegetables, because the quantity was so large, they had to be transported by fleet.

Others occasionally have stuff shipped back.

Therefore, this scene did not arouse the suspicion of others.

It was under such circumstances that Inoue Hideaki actually successfully transported Paraster.

Pichu was very angry. She followed Hideaki Inoue all the way. Pichu decided that she must punish Hideaki Inoue severely.

Suddenly remembering something, Pichu's eyes lit up.

She left immediately, then used her superpower to transport some things over and stood in front of Inoue Hideaki.

"What's this?"

Inoue Hideaki also didn't expect that he would step on something inadvertently.

When she raised her feet and took a look, she immediately saw that they were ugly.

"Who is so unethical that he poops here?"

He stepped on the feces of an unknown elf. Inoue Hideaki cursed, but unknown to him, a Pichu behind him showed a smile.

But this did not reduce Pichu's anger at all, so the trouble was still going on.

After a while, Inoue Hideaki encountered some rocks blocking the road. After he moved away, mud appeared on the road again.

It's the kind of small problem that can be solved, which is disgusting and troublesome.

There was no way for Rust to put it into the elf ball, and he didn't have a large air elf to fly over.

This made Inoue Hideaki very angry, and he always felt that his luck had become worse recently.

"It shouldn't be. Otherwise, how could I have captured Paraster so smoothly and transported it out?"

However, Inoue Hideaki knew that he could not stay for a long time. Every time he stayed, there would be more danger.

As soon as he reaches the distance, the Rockets will come to receive him.

Here, Zhenxin Town has discovered a problem.

Because Tutaigui came to help, a king-level elf scared away all the elves in the wild.

As for some of the tree fruits they captured, they were regarded as rewards for them.

This kind of invasion of wild elves can be regarded as providing the elves in Zhenxin Town with a captain's environment.

In such invasions of wild elves, the elves in Zhenxin Town have also made great progress.

There is definitely no experience value or anything like that.

But for the use of moves, the big guy's elves are definitely more skilled.

In this way, practice makes perfect, and the mastery of moves will naturally be strengthened time and time again.

In addition, the purity of energy has also been improved in such battles.

Coupled with their usual diet, these elves in Zhenxin Town have improved a lot.

Even those trainers who worked outside the country and sent their elves back did not expect their family members to help cultivate them.

It's just that they had already arranged the elves' training before they came back.

These elves were sent back to protect the orchard and then share the dividends.

In fact, these are the elves from their second team or even their third team.

Sending it back also reduces one's burden.

Unexpectedly, there was a considerable improvement.

The reason is that things at the elf center are not too busy, so Grandma Joy often holds training courses.

Taiyi often attends this kind of course, which is very rewarding.

Among the people in Zhenxin Town, most of them are old people and children, and there are not many young people.

They all went out to work.

When the old people have nothing to do, they come over to learn about cultivation and cultivate elves for their children.

In this regard, the old people of Zhenxin Town spare no effort.

Even the children who were playing recently were pulled over by the elderly to listen to Grandma Joy's lectures.

No matter what, traveling in the future will be very beneficial to your elf.

After repelling the invading wild elves, an old man realized something was wrong.

"Where's Parasite?"

Today, Rust should be sent here to release the moves on the green grass field on public land.

The reason why the fruits and vegetables in Zhenxin Town are so good and so popular is entirely because of Bulbasaur and Paraster.

This special grass field move is something that other elves have not been able to master yet.

Needless to say, when I first heard that it was a green grass field move, a trainer in Zhenxin Town was also very excited.

Because his elf also knows this move.

But after the experiment, it was of no use at all.

Later, everyone found out that among Taiyi's elves, two elves had mutated their grass field moves.

Although everyone is not very familiar with this variation.

But it was not completely absent. Someone soon remembered that the alliance news had once reported on the mutation of a certain elf's moves.

This kind of move mutation has no experience at all, that is to say, after the first move mutation.

It will be very difficult to copy it later.

Anyway, all the trainers in Zhenxin Town have tried, but to no avail.

Taiyi also laughed secretly in his heart: "Without the radiation from Shulao's land and clouds, how could you possibly learn it?"

The old man raised his doubts, and everyone came to look for Paraste.

At this time, the metal monster and the gem starfish also discovered the problem.

Metal Monster: "Where's Pichu? At this time, shouldn't she be able to hold herself back?"

Gem Starfish: "You won't be spoiled by us, right?"

They actually controlled the intensity of Pichu's bullying.

It's just a prank, but nothing too extreme.

As for food, there is a lot of it anyway, and they don’t actually have the idea of ​​eating alone.

Here in Taiyi, we don’t care enough about anything else, but we definitely won’t skimp on this food.

That is to say, they are rushing to eat, the food will be more delicious, otherwise, they will not fight for it.

Metal Monster: "Let's use our super powers to sense Pichu's super powers and see if anything happens."

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