Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 370 How dare you kidnap my gardener

Hideaki Inoue is not a member of Team Rocket. On the contrary, he is a civilian trainer.

Because there were no channels, Inoue Hideaki actually considered joining a gang.

Because of the arrogance of the Rockets, Hideaki Inoue did express his intention to join the Rockets.

But later, the reason why Inoue Hideaki did not join was because he happened to encounter Granny Kikuko who broke into a Rockets base.

At that time, those members of the Rockets were all arrested by the league.

After that, Hideaki Inoue did not dare to join the Rockets.

But not joining the Rockets doesn't mean you can't do business with the Rockets.

Hideaki Inoue found that there were many times in the Rockets when it was not convenient for him to do something, but he could help.

Because it was nothing too illegal, Inoue Hideaki gradually obtained a lot of resources and cultivated the elves.

Hideaki Inoue is now an elite trainer.

There is even an elf who has reached the level of gym leader.

With such strength, he is definitely the best among civilian trainers.

Except for trainers like Taichi who are gifted with different talents, few people can compare with Hideaki Inoue.

If others don't say it, Akagi Hinata alone is enough to express all this.

Akagi Youhei also got a chance, but unlike Inoue Hideaki, Akagi Youhei was much luckier than Inoue Hideaki.

Because what he met was not the real bird from Team Rocket, but Taiyi from Zhenxin Town.

This time, Shintori contacted Inoue Hideaki in the hope that Inoue Hideaki could capture the Paraster of Amuro Taichi from Shinshin Town.

The real bird has found out that the reason why the tree fruits here are so special is that apart from the Bulbasaur, it is this Paraster.

Hideaki Inoue didn't come over directly, he rushed over to grab it.

This is something only a reckless man would do. The reason why Inoue Hideaki has not been caught all these years is because he is cautious.

If there is any slight disturbance, he will not take action.

Because of his status as a civilian trainer, Inoue Hideaki has been active around Joban City.

This time, after accepting the mission, Inoue Hideaki came to Zhenxin Town to check out the location.

Hideaki Inoue knew that if he wanted to accomplish this, he must not be too anxious.

You can't eat hot tofu if you are anxious. Well, being anxious can easily lead to accidents and make it difficult to escape.

Although Inoue Hideaki doesn't know what is in Zhenxin Town that scares the Rockets, but Inoue Hideaki knows that even the Rockets are worried about something that won't be too enthusiastic about him.

Therefore, Inoue Hideaki has been observing for the past two days.

But Inoue Hideaki discovered that he had discovered nothing.

This is a bit strange, why is there nothing?

If there is nothing, the Rockets can just send someone over.

If others don't tell you, the four cadres are all king-level elves. Compared with this Bulbasaur, which is at most the gym leader level, isn't it much more powerful?

There is also a quasi-king in the middle who is the most difficult to surpass!

After a day of research and observation, Inoue Hideaki determined that Bulbasaur was at the gym leader level.

And it is relatively powerful at the gym leader level.

Just looking at that figure, you can tell that Hideaki Inoue's elf can't beat him.

Even the most powerful Abo monster that cooperates with him, the gym leader level Abo monster, is no match for him.

What's more, the opponent also has many other elves who are less powerful, but are more powerful than his other main forces.

Even without the guidance of a trainer, Inoue Hideaki was not sure he could beat the opponent.

There are a lot of opponents.

Bulbasaur: Seed Pokémon

Level: 55

Attribute: Grass/Poison

Features: Chlorophyll

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Female

Skills: Impact, Vine Whip, Grass Field, Flying Leaf Sharp Knife, Rooting, Aromatherapy, Sleeping Powder, Parasitic Seed, Sleep, Photosynthesis, Sunlight Flame, Sunny Day, Colorful Fallen Flowers, Petal Dance, Sound, Growth, Sweet Fragrance , seeds of trouble

Inoue Hideaki knew that his Abo monster, which had just stepped into the gym leader's domain, was definitely no match for this Bulbasaur.

Therefore, he needs a special time and an opportunity.

Inoue Hideaki has a lot of patience, although he is also worried that others will get there first, but this is also the opportunity Inoue Hideaki is waiting for.

After waiting for two days, Hideaki Inoue finally got the chance.

At this time, Parasite left Taiyi's tree orchard and went to the shared land in Zhenxin Town to fertilize.

There aren’t many opportunities, so this is a good opportunity.

But Inoue Hideaki did not act hastily. He felt that there would definitely be such an opportunity tomorrow.

Or, it will be the same when Parasite comes back.

He was not ready to take action now. He had collected a lot of Abo Monster's venom and was still recovering.

Many of the Arbo monster's attacks rely on venom, which are the most powerful attacks of the Arbo monster.

At this moment, a group of wild spearbirds flew over and tried to snatch the fruit from the tree.

The elves of Taiyi were all dispatched to defend against these Spearows.

Hideaki Inoue was very excited and wanted to start immediately.

But he still held back because he discovered that there were other people who were about to take action.

Inoue Hideaki also just discovered it: "Is this person supposed to have taken over the task? He looks a bit strange, he must have just entered the industry. Well, this person is really reckless, but it's good, it provides me with an opportunity."

Hideaki Inoue waited patiently, like a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity in the dark.

Bulbasaur also went out to fend off a new group of giant needle wasps.

I don’t know if all the elves in the wild have made an appointment, and they all came to invade at this time.

There are also many people in Zhenxin Town who command their own or family members' elves to come over to help resist.

Both sides are together. If one side is damaged, the other side will not be much better.

Even the nagging woman before knew this situation.

At this time, Taiyi's tree orchard was invaded, and they did not help. Later, when their tree orchard was invaded, Taiyi could also choose to watch.

What's more, Taiyi can also gather his Bulbasaur and Parasite to prevent these two elves from helping.

The tree orchard in Zhenxin Town relies entirely on these two elves to become unique.

Without these two elves, the fruit trees in Zhenxin Town are actually mediocre.

This gave the people invited by Team Rocket an opportunity. They took advantage of the situation and invaded, using elves and props, and soon captured Paraster.

Inoue Hideaki knew that he couldn't wait any longer. If he waited any longer, people would take away the elf.

There is no order at all on the Rockets side. As long as he can grab it, it's his.

No matter what the timing is.

However, there are many people on the other side, and if Hideaki Inoue tries to grab it, it will be a bit troublesome.

Therefore, Inoue Hideaki chose this time, before they could grab it, but when it attracted the attention of most of the elves.

Inoue Hideaki took action, and his Abo monster spit out a circle of poisonous mist. Although it was thin and not very lethal, it still had a deterrent effect.

The most important thing is that these poisonous fogs affect the sight of humans and elves.

He used a technological item to capture Paraster.

There was no way to load the elf ball, so he had no choice but to pull Paraster away with his own elf.

While everyone is still on guard against the poisonous fog, run away quickly.

But Inoue Hideaki didn't notice that there was an elf on the tree who was very angry at this time, and she decided to teach Inoue Hideaki a lesson.

"How dare you kidnap my gardener."

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