Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 359 51 ugly fish, Akagi Yangping arrives

After taking on this topic, Taiyi was not stingy and shared his guess with Mikri.

Mi Keli concentrated: "If you say so, it is not impossible. As long as the Ugly Fish can be made beautiful, it may really be possible for the Ugly Fish to evolve into Menas. The word beauty may be really possible."

But this is just Taiyi's guess, and things about beauty are just Taiyi's description.

Mi Keli said: "This is research. Is it possible? You need to study it. Well, I can also participate."

Then, Taiyi spread his hands and said: "But at present, I don't have many high-quality ugly fish."

Mi Keli laughed: "Before I came here, I had asked my senior brother Dawu to collect a group of excellent ugly fish. Among them, 35 were green qualified, 15 were cyan qualified. Well, there was also one blue qualified. Yes. These are what I sent to you for research. After that, regardless of evolution or not, these ugly fish will belong to you."

Taiyi was stunned for a moment, but quickly nodded in agreement.

This is a research topic that Mikri asked for, a kind of research sponsorship.

If Taiyi can be researched, the paper will naturally belong to Taiyi, and Mikri will even have to pay a certain amount of compensation for it.

But for the gorgeous competition, Mi Keli felt that these expenses were bearable.

Besides, as long as the evolutionary conditions of Menas are studied, it is conceivable that the gorgeous competition will definitely be promoted.

Regarding that guess, Taiyi did not say anything about the guess that Chouchouyu thought it was beautiful, and whether it was true or not was not important.

Because it is impossible for others to have a salty fish like the King of Goldfish. Without the pursuit of the King of Goldfish, I am afraid that no ugly fish would have the wrong feeling that they are beautiful.

And Taiyi is not sure whether this conjecture is correct. All this depends on subsequent research.

Roseredo came out and asked Taiyi to come in: "Silona has something to tell you."

Tai nodded, guessing that Sirona hoped that she could teleport Roseredo there.

Anyway, he has the Poke Ball in his hand. As long as the other party is in a place with a Poke Ball receiving device, he can receive the Poke Ball.

But when Taiyi walked in, Sirona said: "For the time being, I still need you to help me train Roseredo. I have already given Roseredo the training plan. You just need to help me provide enough elf food." .I will transfer the alliance coins to your account later."

Taiyi was stunned, did he intend to take it over?

Perhaps seeing Taiyi's expression, Sirona said: "We are still in danger recently. There was a big operation recently, and I need more combat power."

I understand, the King of Heaven also carries a quantity.

Although Rose Redo has evolved, she has also reached the level of a gym leader. There is also the determination to protect Sirona at all costs.

But facing the strength of the King of Heaven, Rose Leiduo's little strength may not be enough.

The other party didn't make it clear, but Taichi guessed that they had found another Team Rocket base.

Team Rocket's ability to build bases is quite impressive. The Kanto and Johto regions are so large. Nowadays, there are quite a few bases that have been destroyed, right?

There are still many that have not been discovered.

These bases alone are worth a lot.

Thinking of this, Taiyi had the idea of ​​​​catastrophizing Team Rocket.

But then, he stopped thinking about it.

Shu Lao laughed and said, "You are just afraid of death."

Taiyi waved his hand and said: "I am a gentleman who does not stand in danger. Besides, I have enough alliance coins now, so I don't need that."

In fact, who would think that they have more money?

Dewen Company wants to penetrate into the Kanto and Johto regions so much, isn’t it because it wants to make more money?

Silver Company is also thinking about entering the Fangyuan area, and this is also the reason.

Mikri temporarily stayed in Zhenxin Town, because Dawu wanted someone to send the Chou Chou Fish's Poké Ball over.

Naturally, teleportation can be done directly, but these ugly fish need to be collected, and it will take a while, right?

However, Dewen Company was very fast. The next day, when Akagi Yangping arrived at Zhenxin Town, fifty-one elf balls were transported.

"Come in first!" Taiyi said to Akagi Hinata outside. This civilian trainer was a little embarrassed.

But seeing the fifty-one Poké Balls Taiyi received, his eyes lit up.

Is this the elf that Taiyi is preparing to give to the platform?

But soon, Taiyi took the elf ball and came to the small lake in the ecological park behind.

Taichi released all the ugly fish, and Akagi Yangping was a little disappointed.

Chou Chou Fish, like Da Cruel, fights against the five scum.

Although the number of ugly fish is not as large as that of the ferocious King Magikarp, it is not uncommon either.

Because no one wants this kind of elves, the elves who hunt in the wild are also a little disgusted.

Therefore, the survival rate of Chou Chou fish is no problem, and the production of fish is large every time.

Therefore, there are a lot of ugly fish.

But just like Da Zuo, his qualifications are too far behind.

There are very few people with good qualifications.

However, relying on quantity, it is not a big problem to find a sufficient number of high-quality ugly fish.

Taiyi raised his head and saw Akagi Hinata's disappointment, and immediately smiled and said: "You think Ugly Fish is bad?"

Akagi Yangping didn't think there was anything wrong: "Elves like Ugly Fish are too weak."

Taiyi smiled and said: "As long as you can evolve, your strength will be greatly increased in an instant."

Ibaraki spread out his hands tightly: "Then it must be able to evolve. But Mr. Taichi, why do you collect so many ugly fish?"

Taiyi didn't hide anything: "Mr. Mikri's request, he wanted me to study the conditions for the evolution of the ugly fish. If Menas can be artificially cultivated, it will definitely promote the gorgeous competition. By the way, you are in various If there is not so much strength in the major league competition, you may want to consider the gorgeous competition. This kind of competition is only popular in the Fangyuan area now, and it is not very popular. But the prizes are not bad, and Dewen Company sponsors it every year. You can Try it, the top prize is the one with high-quality elf larvae."

Akagi Yangping's eyes lit up, and he asked some more judges of the gorgeous competition, and Taichi told him everything.

Akagi Yangping was a little discouraged: "It's too difficult. It requires too many elves to master, and it's also difficult to take care of."

Taiyi smiled and said: "The gorgeous competition and the regional competition can actually complement each other."

He released the goldfish king, and in the small lake, the goldfish king began to chase the ugly fish.

This goldfish king, who only wants to reproduce, does not dislike the ugly fish at all now.

As long as they can reproduce, it doesn't matter what they look like.

Taiyi retracted his gaze and said to Akagi Yanghei: "Actually, the appearance of the elf and the quality of its fur also show whether you have trained the elf properly. If the elf is cultivated well, the elf's fur cannot be bad."

Akagi Yangping looked at the elves around him. They all had bright fur. He could tell by looking at them that they were all well-bred.

Akagi Yangping said: "But we don't know much about this either."

Taiyi smiled and said: "Actually, what you have to do is just what you usually need to do. For example, massaging the elves every day is a good way to promote the growth and development of the elves. In addition, a reasonable diet is also very important... "

After speaking out a series of knowledge, Akagi Yangping was also a little confused: "Mr. Taiyi, I can't remember."

Taiyi smiled and said: "After a while, Casey and I are studying mobile phones. After a while, we can upgrade them. At that time, I will build another server. You can be anywhere in the city where you can receive signals. Log in to my server, and I will put a lot of knowledge on elf cultivation in it. Don’t worry, it’s all easy to understand.”

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