Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 358 Mi Keli’s purpose

When Taiyi came out of the room, he felt that it was better to leave this time to Sirona and Roseredo.

When he came face to face, he saw a familiar person.

"Mr. Mikri, when did you come?"

A blue cotton bird was flying around Mikri. When he saw Taiyi coming out, he flew over and said hello to Taiyi.

Previously at the Elf Center in Jinhuang City, Qing Mianniao was treated to delicious food by Taiyi.

The two parties are no longer strangers and elves, so saying hello is a must.

Mikri smiled and said: "I've been here for a while. I saw Roseredo evolving, so I didn't go in to disturb you. But, is that Sirona's?"

Sirona has a good figure, a good temper, and is a king-level trainer. In the eyes of all trainers, she is a goddess.

Mikoli also seems to like Sirona, well, just admiring her.

Tai nodded and explained the matter a little bit. This matter was actually not a secret.

Mikri nodded: "I have heard of it before, but I didn't expect that it has evolved to its final form. This also strengthens the reason why I came to find you."

Taiyi raised his eyebrows, Mikri had said these misleading words before.

However, combined with what Mikri said about Rose Redo, Taiyi felt that Mikri was looking for him because of things related to elves.

He looked at Mi Keli and signaled Mi Keli to tell him his purpose.

Instead of saying it directly, Mikri started talking about the gorgeous contest: "Do you know about the gorgeous contest?"

Tai nodded: "I know, this is a very popular form of competition in the Fangyuan area."

Of course, in addition to the gorgeous contest, there is also an elf battle contest in the Fangyuan region, similar to the Kanto contest.

Mi Keli said: "The purpose of the Gorgeous Competition is to pursue the beauty of the elf itself, whether it is the elf's appearance, demeanor, the moves the elf masters, and the environment these moves may create. This requires the elf to master a very deep energy Control and move control. In addition, the gorgeous contest is divided into several stages. The first stage of review is to score the elf's condition and coat color, as well as the elf's beauty in the eyes of the audience."

"In the second stage, each of them uses their moves to score points between the five rounds."

"In the first round, the order of the Pokémon's performance is based on the points obtained in the first game from highest to highest. In the next four rounds, it is generally determined based on the number of hearts the Pokémon gained in the previous round. There are also some moves that will affect the ordering. The performance lasts for a total of 5 rounds. During these 5 rounds, there may be situations where the Pokémon is completely unable to use moves. It all depends on the moves used by the Pokémon on the field."

"Each move has its corresponding performance points (shown as red hearts) or obstruction points (shown as black hearts), which are judged and scored by the judges. In addition, some moves have special effects. Use the same move repeatedly It would be boring and result in a lower score. Using chain moves will get extra points, but there are also moves that can interrupt the chain moves of other Pokémon. Using the same moves as those in the group you participate in will make the venue excited and you can add extra points. Get red hearts. If the venue is full of excitement, that is, if the audience is very involved, you can get five extra hearts."

Mikri not only explained the selection rules of the gorgeous contest, but also mentioned a lot of knowledge about cultivating elves.

These things are also of great help to Taiyi.

Tai nodded and listened attentively all the time. Regarding the gorgeous contest, it was indeed not very good in the game.

But in reality, the gorgeous contest is still very interesting.

After talking about it, Mikri looked at Taiyi, and Taiyi asked: "So, how can I help?"

Mikri said with some embarrassment: "If we talk about the best contestants in the gorgeous contest, they are naturally cute elves such as Pikachu and Togepi, and beautiful elves such as Qixi Blue Bird and Rose Redo, but all of them Elves, I don’t think they can compare to one kind of elf.”

Saying that, Mikoli looked at Taiyi with an expectant look.

Taiyi's heart moved: "Meinas?"

In terms of gorgeousness and beauty, elves like Menas can definitely be ranked in the top five.

From a very ugly little fish to an elf with both beauty and strength, this elf's counterattack is a legend in terms of appearance, strength, and experience.

Mi Keli clapped his hands and said with a smile: "You really understand."

Tai nodded and added: "It's just that there are too few Menas. There are only a handful of Menas found in the wild. And, so far, no one knows the evolutionary conditions of Menas."

Some researchers have discovered that the Ugly Fish evolved into Menas, which has formed an evolutionary chain.

However, no researcher has yet figured out how the Ugly Fish evolved into Menas.

None of the ugly fish in the trainer's hands evolved into Menas.

It is really difficult, this process is extremely difficult.

Mikri also nodded: "Yes. Except for the wild-evolved Menas in my hand, I don't know of any trainer who can successfully cultivate Menas. It's really difficult."

This is one of the reasons why Mikoli has become synonymous with the gorgeous competition. The existence of Namenas is already much ahead of other players in terms of appearance.

This is also the reason why Mi Keli does not participate in the competition now, but only does the evaluation.

As soon as Menas came out, the possibility of winning was basically established.

None of the other players have the confidence to compare with Menas.

What's more, in addition to the gorgeous competition, Mikri is also a king-level player.

Such a Menas, a king-level elf, came to participate in the gorgeous competition, and others had no confidence at all.

Taiyi: "So?"

Mikri said: "So, I'm coming to you right now. It is said that you are very knowledgeable in the evolution of elves. I'm coming to you to see if I can figure out how to make the ugly fish evolve into Menas."

Although Taiyi had his own thoughts in this regard, he still smiled bitterly and said: "You think too highly of me. I actually have some ideas about elf food. As for elf evolution, I have no clue."

It cannot be said that there is no clue, at least there is a guessing direction.

Mi Keli praised: "However, you have solved the evolutionary problem of Sirona's Rose Redo. This is very famous in the circle of kings. To be honest, I also heard about this, so I specially learned from Fang Yuan came here to find you."

Taiyi smiled bitterly: "The problem with Sirona's Rose Redo is actually not big. Long-term persistence has made Rose Redo's state on the verge of evolution. My role is actually very small."

This is considered modesty, but it doesn’t count.

Roseredo is indeed about to evolve, but Roseredo's current achievements are still inseparable from Taiyi.

Mi Keli solemnly asked: "Please, the rise of the gorgeous competition depends entirely on you."

Taiyi waved his hand and said: "I can only say, join this topic and give it a try. But I don't dare to draw such a conclusion. Let's see."

In fact, Mikri didn't have high hopes. He just asked all the researchers he knew and wanted them to carry out this project.

As for who succeeds, Mi Keli doesn't ask for it.

In other words, as long as someone can succeed, Mi Keli will feel that God is favoring him.

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