Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 336 Then why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?

Taiyi looked at the preliminary investigator with a strange look, which made the preliminary investigator feel at a loss and thought there was something strange about him.

"Mr. Taiyi looks at me like this, is there anything wrong with me?"

Taiyi sneered: "You still know that you are wrong? I am a researcher. What is a researcher? I am a non-combatant, a support staff. You want me to go forward and fight?"

The reserve investigator was speechless, but his mouth was flat in his heart: "You, the researcher, you, the non-combatant, are the most powerful on the scene. Even Joey Xin, who has a divine beast, can't beat you!"

But he didn't know that Taiyi also had a divine beast in his hands, and it was even more powerful than Latias.

Moreover, Taiyi also has a mythical beast elf egg. I don’t know when in the future, I will have another mythical beast.

Taiyi continued: "Besides, the Search Department and the Research Department are not subordinate to each other. You are not an official official of the Search Department. Can you command the Research Department?"

The members of the alliance's research department all have very high status, even higher than the officials of the search department.

In this case, the Search Department said that they would send a message to the Research Department and give Taiyi credit.

Isn't this a joke? Who doesn’t know the temper of the boss of the research department?

Besides, this is not an official of the Search Department, not even a formal member. Just like this, he still dares to lick his face and come to recruit him?

But at this point, Taiyi remembered: "That's right. When you said that, I remembered it. The rules of the alliance are that the Search Department and the Operations Department collect resources and provide them to the Research Department for research. I now feel that those sand Scale fruits are of great research value, such as how to propagate sand scale fruit trees and the effect of sand scale fruits on elves. In the name of a researcher, I ask you to pick the sand scale fruits immediately and study them for me!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the preliminary investigator was dumbfounded, but also Joey Xin who was standing beside him was dumbfounded.

Then, Joy Xin burst out laughing.

That look is absolutely charming!

Taro Sasaki's face turned red, as if he was congested!

Taro Sasaki would never have imagined that he thought it was a good idea to recruit Taiyi's elves, but now, they were actually used by others, and he had to take risks himself, pick the sand scale fruit, and give it to others to study!

Taro Sasaki shouted angrily: "Stop joking, you are not a formal member of the Research Department and have no right to order us!"

Taichi looked at Taro Sasaki with a look that looked like a fool, which made Taro Sasaki almost couldn't hold it back and summoned a spirit to attack Taichi.

Taichi retorted: "Then why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? Are you an official of the Investigation Department? Are you an official investigator? Those who show off their power over there are even more arrogant than your guy named Shinichi Sasaki!"

Speaking of uncle, Sasaki Taro was stunned for a moment, and then he was even more convinced that Taichi was the one who robbed his lazy otter elf egg.

He pointed at Taiyi and drank: "So you are the one who stole my Lazy Otter Elf Egg. Damn it, you are so hateful. I will definitely report your behavior to the Alliance!"

He thought viciously in his heart that Taiyi must pay the price!

He didn't understand why his uncle didn't come back with revenge!

Are you just going to ignore the honor of the Sasaki family?

Taiyi also realized that this person’s malice came from this!

He didn't care too much, and Taiyi didn't care too much about the looks cast by Joey Xin and Akagi Yanghei!

He just said lightly: "Oh, are you the member of the Sasaki family who condoned the Rockets stationed at the Silver Company branch in Golden City and engaged in illegal activities? Yeah? Those members of the Rockets said that day, this lazy otter The elf eggs and the slot machine are all prepared for a certain member of Team Rocket. So, you are that member of Team Rocket? These are all prepared for you? That is really unfortunate. Junsha in Golden City before The lady also asked me to pass on the news if I have any, and I have to talk to Miss Junsha later. It seems that the Sasaki family has a very close connection with Team Rocket!"

Taro Sasaki's temper was rising and he couldn't hold back his anger. He summoned a wind speed dog and shouted: "Wind speed dog, use big characters to attack me!"

Wind Speed ​​Dog was still a little hesitant. These elves from the search department had been trained not to attack humans.

It was this hesitation that made Taro Sasaki very angry and wanted to say more.

A huge turtle came over over there, with such a king-level aura that Taro Sasaki's words were stuck in his throat.

At this time, no one else dared to say anything.

The civilian trainers have already assembled and are watching a show over there.

Akagi Yohei went back and said to the civilian trainer: "Although Mr. Taiyi is from Zhenxin Town, he also belongs to our civilian trainers. His parents are both civilians, and neither of them serves in the alliance. Even his parents have passed away. Mr. Taiyi got up completely on his own ability. Now he plans to create a platform where everyone is equal. Everyone can post tasks, and of course most of the tasks will come from Mr. Taiyi. . He is a researcher and a cultivator, and will need some resources and elves for research..."

Taking advantage of this time, Akagi Yohei advertised the platform he would establish later. Not to mention, there were quite a few civilian trainers who had not originally planned to join.

But this time, after hearing Akagi Yanghei's words, I felt a little moved again.

Most of what Akagi Hinata said is correct, but it's actually not true either.

Taiyi can be regarded as a civilian trainer, but his rise is not entirely due to his own talent, and Dr. Ohki also gave a push.

In addition, Taiyi's adventure and the Book of Heaven brought from his previous life are the most important reasons for Taiyi's rise in such a short period of time!

In this regard, Akagi Yohei avoided talking about Dr. Ohki's contribution, and he didn't know about the Heavenly Book, so he was evasive and underestimated.

Taro Sasaki froze in mid-air with this movement. He had suddenly lost his mind just now. He was so ridiculed that he almost forgot that this was a trainer with a king spirit!

He himself also has elves who protect him, but they are only the elves of the Quasi-Heavenly King!

The Sasaki family is powerful, but not so powerful that any descendant of the family can bring out the King Elf.

The king-level elves are the mainstay of any force and the best choice to protect the base camp.

As for the champion, that is only available to a very small number of forces.

The rarity of the Champion Elf is really rare.

Even among Dr. Omu's elves, only Kuailong has reached the threshold of championship.

The investigator of Taro Sasaki's basic preparation stretched out his hand and pulled Taro Sasaki, "Don't freeze, let's go!"

But Taro Sasaki was unwilling to give in. He was robbed of the elf egg and even threatened to become a member of Team Rocket.

How could he have any face if word spread about this?

At this moment, another change came from the periphery, and Takeshita Takuya returned with his people.

And without saying a word, he started attacking.

Taichi knew without thinking that Takeshita Takuya also felt that the secret realm was opened. Maybe Takeshita Takuya's realm didn't know that it was not Team Rocket that opened the secret realm, but Frozen Bird, right?

Taiyi could imagine what would happen to the Rockets who were stuck outside and encountered the Freezing Birds.

"Wait a minute, Team Rocket doesn't have a machine that limits the power of the mythical beast, right? If it does, wouldn't the Freeze Bird be in danger?"

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