Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 335 I recruit your elves on behalf of the alliance

"What?" Sasaki Taro couldn't believe his ears. He touched his ears and looked at Taiyi, as if he didn't believe Taiyi gave in so easily.

Taiyi smiled and said: "We have no objection, then please go pick it!"

With that said, Taiyi also signaled Tutaigui and other elves to come back.

Because of his signal, Taiyi's elves all came back and gave up their place.

Taro Sasaki was very strange. He thought that Taichi would not give in, and then he could take the opportunity to smear Taichi. He might even report it to the alliance in the future and slander Taichi.

It would be great if the alliance triggered Taiyi.

Who allowed Taiyi to rob him of one of Lazy Otter's elf eggs?

Although Taro Sasaki doesn't like Lazy Otter, because the Leave King is difficult to control, and may even not listen to the trainer's instructions at all!

But so what?

This does not negate the preciousness of the Lazy Otter Elf Egg. After all, it is an elf with six-dimensional attributes that can be compared with a quasi-god elf!

There are no high-quality individual elf eggs of this kind on the market, and even less-high-quality individuals rarely appear.

Since Taiyi robbed him of his opportunity, don't blame him for targeting Taiyi.

Taichi didn't know about this at this time. He put away all his elves. He understood that Taro Sasaki was targeting him.

If that's the case, don't blame him.

Taiyi even put away Dr. Ohmu's dragons, and suddenly there were so many elves missing from the scene. Taiyi left the Big Needle Bee and Bad Butterfly on guard outside, with Casey lying on his shoulders.

Apart from this, there are no other elves.

Taiyi's expression means that he has canceled the protection here!

Taiyi said: "Go!"

Taro Sasaki was about to go over immediately, but soon, all the elves native to the secret realm gathered around.

They were ready to make a move. These sand scale fruits originally belonged to them, but they couldn't defeat them before, so they were forced to give up.

Now that the most powerful trainer has given up, do they still have a chance?

With this thought in mind, these elves gathered.

Only then did Taro Sasaki understand Taichi's plan, which was to let the local elves in the secret realm stop them!

But how proud Sasaki Taro is, he feels that anything Taichi can do, he can too!

Taiyi turned around and said to the civilian trainers: "The Alliance Preparatory Investigator felt that these sand scale fruits belonged to him. So he decided to take the sand scale fruits into his arms. Now I have decided to give up here, and those sand scale fruits are mine." I won’t get involved, and I won’t make any moves!”

Akagi Yangping knew immediately that this was the opportunity Taichi gave them.

Now that Sasaki Taro is going to pick sand scale fruits, the previous agreement is invalid.

If they go over, as long as they snatch the Sand Scale Fruit, it is a harvest from the secret realm, and the Alliance cannot let them hand it over.

This is the rule of the secret realm.

Taro Sasaki led several of his men there, thinking that the secret realm elves would be defeated quickly by them, and then they would harvest the sand scale fruits. When the top leaders of the alliance arrived, he would make great achievements.

Not only can you end your reserve service early and officially join the search department, you can even become a cadre of the search department from the beginning!

This starting point cannot be too high.

But who knows, the ideal is very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

They were quickly repelled by those secret realm elves!

If it weren't for the secret realm elves themselves not reaching an agreement on who would eat the sand scale fruits, I'm afraid those sand scale fruits would have been picked.

Taiyi also noticed this, this was what he expected.

Joy Xin doesn't care about one or two sand scale fruits. This is the atmosphere of the Joy family.

It's not that the Joey family doesn't have high-end resources, so Joey Xin won't need to fight hard to snatch them here.

When she was willing to join before, it was to fight against Team Rocket.

Or snatching the Sand Scale Fruit by one's own ability, that's okay.

But now, Taro Sasaki's actions have changed this action.

Joy Xin was too lazy to join, and she didn't like Taro Sasaki either!

The civilian trainers are still gathering, but because the elves were injured, their combat effectiveness has been reduced.

For the time being, they have no way to pass.

Besides, after the past battle, there’s no telling who will get the things!

Taro Sasaki was beaten back. If he hadn't been close to Taiyi and those secret realm elves had retreated, they would have been even more embarrassed.

Looking back, I saw Taichi sitting under a tree, taking out things and actually starting to make elf food.

He wasn't worried at all, so he was sure that there was nothing I could do?

Taro Sasaki was so angry!

But what can be done?

But looking at Taichi's appearance, Sasaki Taro was really angry.

He rolled his eyes, ran over, and said to Taiyi: "Operation Alliance, recruit your elves for activities! Get up immediately and come with me!"

Tai didn't even raise his head and rolled his eyes: "I am not a cadre of the Alliance, and the cities of the Alliance have not been destroyed. I am just an ordinary citizen of the Alliance. No department has the right to recruit me."

Taro Sasaki was so angry that Taichi said something else: "Besides, you are not the official investigator of the alliance, so you are not qualified to be recruited!"

Listen, does this make you angry?

Not qualified?

Taro Sasaki has never been angry like this since he was a child.

The only two times, one was when the lazy otter elf was robbed, and he could console himself that he didn't like that elf anyway.

If it weren't for his uncle's men deliberately trying to please him, he could have won a little money in the past, and with the lazy otter elf eggs that his uncle had finally won over, he didn't bother to go there.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at Golden City, he was told that the elf egg had been taken away by others.

The uncle still refused to tell him who took it away.

Thanks to his uncle's men, otherwise, he would still be in the dark!

In fact, he didn't recognize it at first, mainly because when he came, Taiyi was still on the ice field of Ivory Pig.

When Taiyi came over and showed his face, he only found out after being reminded by his subordinates.

Well, strictly speaking, not a subordinate, just a follower.

Just because his Sasaki family was rich and powerful, he wanted to be a follower and get some benefits.

"You!" Taro Sasaki pointed at Taichi, speechless.

There was nothing his men could do. If he were an ordinary civilian, he might just intimidate him and he might obey their orders.

But this is an intermediate researcher from the alliance, a person from Zhenxin Town, and he has a king-level elf in his hands!

It's very difficult for people like this.

Even his men regretted that they should not have pointed out Taiyi.

In the future, this Taiyi will be a proper king-level trainer!

At this young age, there are already king-level elves!

Is it okay to wait for a while?

Yes, that subordinate's eyes lit up. Taiyi is also a researcher of the Alliance. This is a colleague of the Alliance!

These are no ordinary civilians!

Taro Sasaki was speechless, and the subordinate came out to smooth things over: "Mr. Taichi is also a researcher of the alliance, so we are all colleagues. Don't be so stiff! The actions of the search department are also to protect the interests of the alliance. As a researcher of the alliance, Why don't Mr. Taiyi come out and help? At that time, the Search Department will definitely inform the Research Department and give Mr. Taiyi a credit!"

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