Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 283 Battle against Tutai Turtle

Seeing that the cooperation was reached, Ochiai Kouki immediately smiled and said: "In that case, our cooperation starts from now and ends when we enter the secret realm. My elf is a Diga sea lion and is good at frontal combat, so I will take the lead. This Takeshita Takuya is just wandering around, taking the opportunity to make a sneak attack!"

Since it is the test of Tutai Turtle, it is for them to fight, and the opponent wants to break through the shackles of the Quasi-King under pressure.

Then, everyone is not allowed to send extra elves!

By default, everyone can send one elf!

Members of Team Ocean and Team Rocket were dispatched, and Kouki Ochiai's elves were very good.

Diga: Ice Breaker Pokémon

Level: 59

Properties: ice/water

Features: thick fat

Qualification: Qing

Gender: Male

Skills: Bluff, Crush, Frozen Fang, Roll, Circle, Water Gun, Fine Snow, Salt Water, Aurora Beam, One More Time, Tarzan, Surf, Blizzard, Hail, Absolute Zero, Destruction Beam, Ultimate Impact, Rockslide, Freeze wind, charming, diving, stomping, water cannon

The qualifications of this Diya sea lion are the same, they are all cyan qualifications.

This large force, the core of a large organization, and its initial elves will most likely have cyan qualifications.

This is the minimum, it may even be a blue qualification, Taiyi won’t find it strange!

Regardless of others, there is a high probability that Joy Xin’s initial elf is the Flower Healing Ring.

As for whether she had cultivated other elves before, there was a high probability that they were not under Joey Xin's name from the beginning.

The first elf under Joey Xin's name is most likely this flower healing ring. And its qualification is the terrifying blue color!

And the percentage of blue filling is very high, reaching an astonishing 90%!

Takeshita Takuya didn't object, what Okiai Kouki said made sense.

Although his Heiluga is not bad in a head-on confrontation, it is obviously more threatening when waiting for an opportunity to attack!

The Turtles do not allow them to have extra elves, but this combat strategy is possible.

Otherwise, we won't be able to put enough pressure on this turtle to force it to break through! The probability of cyan qualifications breaking through to the King level is relatively small.

Only elves with blue qualifications have a chance to break through!

As for the championship, that is something that only elves with purple qualifications will consider.

Joy Xin nodded: "Then, my flower therapy ring will treat everyone!"

Flower Healing Ring has a lot of healing moves, and its physical strength is pretty good.

Moreover, Flower Healing Ring can also take the opportunity to use parasitic seeds and other moves to weaken the enemy.

Joy Xin's use of this kind of elf is very good, and it was also considered in terms of team composition!

Tai nodded: "Then, my Casey is proficient in light walls, reflective walls and mysterious protection, so he can defend everyone!"

Kouki Ochiai was stunned, obviously not expecting Taichi's Casey to be proficient in this kind of defensive move.

He glanced at Taiyi, probably thinking that Taiyi might be taking a defensive counterattack route.

But in fact, Taiyi's Casey is also very good at attacking.

But there is no need to rush to the front, just show one side.

People still have to keep some cards in their sleeves!

Kouki Ochiai nodded and said to everyone: "Then, the four of us will be the main ones. The others are all around, use long-range attack moves, and be careful to weaken the opponent!"

"Can't we fight in close combat?"

This was a trainer with a fearless boy. Taichi glanced at him and saw that his fearless boy was not at a high level. It was level 41, which barely reached the elite level!

However, he didn't learn many moves, and his energy was obviously not pure enough.

"It seems that qualifications are holding us back! This is the reality!"

Brave Boy: Fighting Pokémon

Level: 41

Attribute: Fighting

Traits: Perseverance

Qualification: Huang

Gender: Male

Skills: Crash, Help, High Five, Charge, Megaton Punch, Rockfall, Thief

This fearless boy doesn't have high qualifications and doesn't know many moves.

Perhaps the only thing he can be proud of is that his character and characteristics are perseverance!

Taichi could tell that this fearless boy's fighting ability should be considered good among elite elves.

But this person obviously did not come from a big organization and had no background.

At level 41, it has not evolved yet!

I don’t know if the trainer deliberately suppressed it, or the fearless boy has not yet touched the threshold of evolution!

Generally speaking, as long as most elves are not wearing an aphrodisiac stone, they should not be unable to evolve once they have reached a level and exercised their energy.

Unless the elf himself doesn’t want to!

Taichi remembers that there is a Bulbasaur in the anime who is unwilling to evolve.

It was Ash's one. Even when it was captured by Bulbasaur in the Mysterious Garden and forced to evolve, that Bulbasaur even forcibly interrupted its evolution.

But Taiyi doesn’t think there will be many elves who are unwilling to evolve!

In fact, according to the research of elf scholars, the evolution of elves is actually a process of returning to their ancestors.

Evolution can make the elves become more complete and closer to their original selves!

This and subsequent super evolution are also based on this principle!

It’s just that no one has discovered it yet, or no one has published it.

Kouki Ochiai sneered: "If you are not afraid that your spirit will be affected, then come over! I won't force you!"

With that said, Koki Ochiai turned around and shouted to the Diga sea lion: "Diya sea lion, surf, when you get close to the turtle, use the water gun!"

The Diya Sea Lion immediately used its move. In this place close to the ocean, it was obviously not that difficult for the Diya Sea Lion to use this move.

It is said that Kona, the king of water, also has a Diya sea lion, and that Diya sea lion can even summon a large amount of water in the desert.

Taiyi guessed that it was because Diya Sea Lion's mastery of attributes had reached a certain level.

Heiluga started running, waiting for opportunities around Tutai Turtle.

Tutai Turtle used the wall of light to easily block the water gun of Diya Sea Lion.

And, he immediately launched the Flying Leaf Knife move!

Ordinary flying leaf blades only have a few leaves, but Tutaigui's flying leaf blade has at least twenty leaves!

And the edges of those leaves are very smooth, and it can be seen that they are very sharp!

A quasi-hegemon worthy of being a quasi-king!

The elves in this area should all obey the leadership of this turtle.

This is also the reason why everyone doesn’t use too many elves!

Taiyi just nodded, and Casey had already used the wall of light.

The wall of light accurately stood in front of the Diya sea lion, blocking the flying leaf blade.

The wall of light flickered for a moment and looked like it was about to go out.

The wind blew around the Diya sea lion.

That was the freezing wind, which was originally a move used to attack enemies.

But Okiai Kouki found another way, letting the freezing wind revolve around the Diga sea lion, using the power of the wind to form a wind barrier.

This is because they are worried that the light wall cannot protect Diya sea lions, so they choose to protect themselves!

Heiluga used his flame fangs and landed on Tutai Turtle.

Unfortunately, the damage is limited!

Fei Ye Kuai Dao finally broke through the barrier of the light wall, but it also consumed all its power.

Then, before it touched the freezing wind, it had already fallen.

Kouki Ochiai was a little surprised. This elite Casey's understanding of the light wall was indeed very impressive.

With an elite level, he blocked the attack of the quasi-king elf.

Although this is not the most powerful attack of the Quasi-King of Heaven, this wall of light is just a move that Casey uses casually!

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